Weekly Agenda: April 1-5, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-4.1
Homeroom Perseverance and Grit 


Mindfulness Minute To Win It Assembly – Reading Kickoff No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Google Doc Links:

Hybrid Cars Report

Hybrid Cars Bibliography

Reminder to bring iPads to class every day charged – off when entering room & in baskets until instructed to use them.

Assign Computers

Refresh Google login. Launch Google Doc Formatting Assignment links, rename with initials at en of title: (1) Research Paper, (2) Bibliography.

Intro Assignment #1 – Report Formatting

Google Docs – Links on left margin! Format heading, title, paragraphs 2X line spacing, tab/indent – order paragraphs in correct sequence. Hanging indent for bibliography.

Research Paper & Bibliography Formatting Assignment continued.

Target due 4.3

How to use Schiff’s Blog/Agenda

Schiff Intro to Technology Literature/Explore Computers

Begin Files 1 set-up

Demo ePortfolio Set-up and front load of term assignments

Continue Files 1 set-up

Set-up ePortfolio and front load of term assignments when finished with Files1

Weekly Update #1
Finish ePortfolio and Files1 Set-up.
P. 2 – Design Technology

Assignments Link

Video for this Week:

Video 1: How to Get Empowered, not Overpowered, by AI

Video 2: This Week Best New Inventions & Gadgets

Design Tech Video #1 – *All Students including TAs

How to Get Empowered, not Overpowered, by AI

Assignment#1: Summary and Review of Video in Google Docs –

Ask?! What was the reason Schiff showed this video?!

Take notes, paragraph summary, include minimum 5 take away points, final personal statement of value of video content. Due 4.3


Design Tech Video #2 – *All Students including TAs

This Week Best New Inventions & Gadgets

Assignment#1: Summary and Review of Video in Google Docs –

Ask?! What was the reason Schiff showed this video?!

Take notes, paragraph summary, include minimum 5 take away points, final personal statement of value of video content. Due 4.3


Intro to Design Technology Course: 1st Round Student Assignments Review
2nd Round Students (1) Assignments Mandatory, (2) Student Designed and ApprovedePortfolio Updated – add new Tri 3 Class, and front-load all assignments.
Intro to Branding and Logo Design

2nd Round students 3D Laser Printing Advanced Design #1: Sketches Due 4.9

Weekly Update #1
  Branding and Logo Design continued
2nd Round students 3D Laser Printing Advanced Design #1: Sketches Due 4.9
P. 3 –  Adv. Design Technology/Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

Video for this Week:

Video 1: How to Get Empowered, not Overpowered, by AI

Video 2: This Week Best New Inventions & Gadgets

Design Tech Video #1 – *All Students including TAs

How to Get Empowered, not Overpowered, by AI

Assignment#1: Summary and Review of Video in Google Docs – Take notes, paragraph summary, include minimum 5 take away points, final personal statement of value. Due 4.3


Design Tech Video #2 – *All Students including TAs

Assignment#2: Summary and Review of Video in Google Docs – Due 4.3

Intro to Design Advanced Technology Course: (1) Course Assignments Mandatory (2) Course Assignments Student designed and Approved

ePortfolio Updated – add new Tri 3 Class, and front-load all assignments.

Intro Tello/Playgrounds Drone Assignments

Drone Teams Set, Space Travel App/module added to Playgrounds App on iPads.

Drone work expectations. Test Drone connectivity

Weekly Update #1

Teams complete Space Travel Lessons 1-3, screen shot and upload to ePortfolios Drone Assignments page. Minimum 3-5 sentence reflection paragraph.

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Goal Setting #1 for QCEs – meet in assigned groups: Echo, Media Pros, Yearbook Core, 6th grade video
No Students in Shop – Yearbook Core Students continue work on tranfering images from the Photo Library Albums to Computer folders on desktop and upload to Webease – Killian, Maddie S., Mia S. HOF – Brooke and Maddie S. arrange and take pics. All others work independently and/or help (new) Spring tem students with Assignment #1 – Shots and Angles. Nyla, Alexa, (Shiloh & Avery can also help with both this and image uploading)1st Rounders – Shots and Angles Assignment #1  – iMovie story/creative show of camera work.
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Friday, April 5th
Continue from Monday – all work.

New Spring Term Students update ePortfolios – get help on that and Shots and Angles from Monday

Shots and Angles iMovie  with shots and angles labeled, title and sound track Due 4.5

Schiff meets with all groups and New Spring Term  Students. Continue group and individual work. Weekly Goals Update and
Goal Reflections #1
 *Anna comes Friday, April 5th

Weekly Agenda: March 18-22, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-3.18


Goal Setting #12

Electives Forecasting


School Climate Survey


School Climate Survey No School
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link


Choice Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack. 
Choice Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack. 
Assignment/Project Cutoff

Choice Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack. 

Weekly Update #12

Make-up work.


No School
P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

PSA#2 Rough Cuts Past Due – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.

PSA#2 Final Due 3.20

PSA#2 Rough Cuts Past Due – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.

PSA#2 Final Due 3.20

Assignment/Project Cutoff

PSA#2 Rough Cuts Past Due – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.

PSA#2 Final Due 3.20

Weekly Update #12

Make-up work.

No School
P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

Claymation Videos on Assignment Page

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Assignment/Project Cutoff
Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts
Weekly Update #11

Work Make up.

No School
P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Goal Setting #12

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18

Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.

*Anna comes Wednesday

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Begin HOF Picture taking.

Echo Final copy approval 3.18 – To printers Wednesday/Thursaday

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams: Talent Show PSA Final Cuts PAST Due

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Wednesday

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Begin HOF Picture taking.

Echo Final copy approval 3.18 – To printers Wednesday/Thursaday

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams: Talent Show PSA Final Cuts PAST Due


1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Wednesday

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Begin HOF Picture taking.

Echo Final copy approval 3.18 – To printers Wednesday/Thursaday

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams: Talent Show PSA Final Cuts PAST Due

Weekly Goals Update and
Goal Setting #121st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.

*Anna comes Wednesday

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Begin HOF Picture taking.

Echo Final copy approval 3.18 – To printers Wednesday/Thursaday

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams: Talent Show PSA Final Cuts PAST Due


No School

Weekly Agenda: March 11-15, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-3.11


Goal Setting #11

Mindfulness Practice

Cell Phone Discussion Mindfulness Practice No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link


iBooks Past Due
Choice Projects Selection Due 3.12, Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack.
Choice Projects Selection Due 3.12, Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack. 


Choice Projects Selection Due 3.12, Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack.
Choice Projects Selection Due 3.12, Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack.
Weekly Update #11
Choice Projects Selection Due 3.12, Project Completion Due – 3.20
iMovie Team Project – Cal Young Situational Scenario. Due 3.20 Must complete Storyboard sketch and upload to each team members ePortfolio on assignment page. 60-120 seconds with title, credits and soundtrack. 
P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

PSA #2 Elevator Scripts PAST DUE

Last week to Sign-up for Live Broadcasts

PSA#2 Rough Cuts Due 3.15 – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.

PSA#2 Final Due 3.20

Last week to Sign-up for Live Broadcasts
PSA#2 Rough Cuts Due 3.15 – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.
PSA#2 Final Due 3.20
Last week to Sign-up for Live Broadcasts
PSA#2 Rough Cuts Due 3.15 – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.
PSA#2 Final Due 3.20
Last week to Sign-up for Live Broadcasts
PSA#2 Rough Cuts Due 3.15 – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.
PSA#2 Final Due 3.20
WeeklyUpdate #11
Last week to Sign-up for Live Broadcasts
PSA#2 Rough Cuts Due 3.15 – Must be peer edited by 6 peers.
PSA#2 Final Due 3.20
P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

Claymation Videos on Assignment Page

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

Weekly Update #11

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Extra Credit – Choices: Project (1) Logo Design – 3D Laser Print = 20pts Project (2) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea Section 1 = 20pts; Project (3) Lego Robotics Animal Rescue – Playgrounds Explore Idea 2 = 20pt (must due section 1 first); Project (4) Drone work – Tello Space Travel Basic w/Playgrounds = 20pts

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Goal Setting #11

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18

Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.

*Anna comes Wednesday, possible change to Friday.

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Cut off is 3.12 @ 3:35p. (4)

Echo work continued. Final copy approval set for 3.12, submit for printing.

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts  Rough Cuts Due 3.13, Final Due

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Wednesday, possible change to Friday.

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Cut off is 3.12 @ 3:35p. (4)

Echo work continued. Final copy approval set for 3.12, submit for printing.

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts  Rough Cuts Due 3.13, Final Due

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Wednesday, possible change to Friday.

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Cut off is 3.12 @ 3:35p. (4)

Echo work continued. Final copy approval set for 3.12, submit for printing.

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts  Rough Cuts Due 3.13, Final Due

1st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.*Anna comes Wednesday, possible change to Friday.

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Cut off is 3.12 @ 3:35p. (4)

Echo work continued. Final copy approval set for 3.12, submit for printing.

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts  Rough Cuts Due 3.13, Final Due

Weekly Goals Update and
Goal Setting #111st Rounders – Choice Project – 1. Pick a writing style and topic for Zinger = 20pts, Topics approved 3.12 Final copy due 3.18
Yearbook Leads meet to set Week Goals for all YB Core members – includes photo assignments throughout day.

*Anna comes Wednesday, possible change to Friday.

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, (2) 2nd round of checking all grades portraits, (3) HOF survey check. Cut off is 3.12 @ 3:35p. (4)

Echo work continued. Final copy approval set for 3.12, submit for printing.

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Final Copy due 3.20

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts  Rough Cuts Due 3.13, Final Due

Weekly Agenda: March 4-8, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-3.04


Goal Setting #10

Mindfulness Practice

Video Follow-up

Article Discussion – Quizzes Mindfulness Practice No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link


iBook Page content infill and design – iBooks Due 3.06

Intro Choice Project Assignment – Due 3.21?

iBook Page content infill and design – iBooks Due 3.06


iBook Page content infill and design – iBooks Due 3.06 iMovie iPad basics, clip capture.
Intro Team iMovie project assignment – Due 3.20 
Weekly Update #10
iMovie Team project work – storyboard Due 3.12
P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

PSA #2 Elevator Speeches PAST DUE

PSA #2 Scripts – Due 3.06

Students Amended Sign-ups for Live Broadcasts confirm due to Snow Days

PSA #2 Scripts – Due 3.06

PSA #2 Rough Cuts Due 3.13

PSA #2 Peer Edits and Final Cuts Due 3.20

Sign-ups for and perform Live Broadcasts

PSA #2 Scripts – Due 3.06

PSA #2 Rough Cuts Due 3.13

PSA #2 Peer Edits and Final Cuts Due 3.20

Sign-ups for and perform Live Broadcasts

PSA #2 Rough Cuts Due 3.13

PSA #2 Peer Edits and Final Cuts Due 3.20

Sign-ups for and perform Live Broadcasts

WeeklyUpdate #10
PSA #2 Rough Cuts Due 3.13PSA #2 Peer Edits and Final Cuts Due 3.20Sign-ups for and perform Live Broadcasts
P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

Claymation Videos on Assignment Page

(2) 10 Second “Play” Stop Motion vids PAST DUE
Review Storyboard component for Claymation vids. Topics and Storyboards Due 3.06Storyboards must be approved before work on Claymation Assignment. Students can work in teams of 2-3 for this assignment.Claymation checkpoint #1 with sign-off Due 3.8

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Claymation vids. Topics and Storyboards Due 3.06

Storyboards must be approved before work on Claymation Assignment. Students can work in teams of 2-3 for this assignment.

Claymation checkpoint #1 with sign-off Due 3.8 (5 points)

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Claymation vids. Topics and Storyboards Due 3.06

Storyboards must be approved before work on Claymation Assignment. Students can work in teams of 2-3 for this assignment.

Claymation checkpoint #1 with sign-off Due 3.8 (5 points)

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Claymation checkpoint #1 with sign-off Due 3.8 (5 points)

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

Weekly Update #10

Claymation checkpoint #1 with sign-off Due 3.8 (5 points)

Claymation checkpoint #2 Due 3.15 (5 Points)

Final Claymation Video – Due 3.20

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

Goal Setting #10

1st Rounders – Newspaper Study – 3 writing styles scavenger hunt – Due 3.6, HW/Down Days 3.7-3.8

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, Webease uploads and student IDing – See Calendar (2) Portrait pages filtered round 1 completed – Due 3.6

HOF Categories Approved 3.6 – HOF surveys set for 3.7 email all grades, due 3.12

Echo work continued. Draft of 1st issue editing completed for 2nd draft 3.8

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Drafts Due 3.8

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts Due 3.6 see Leslie for specs (6th period) Schiff for content. Rough Cuts Due 3.13

1st Rounders – Newspaper Study – 3 writing styles scavenger hunt – Due 3.6, HW/Down Days 3.7-3.8

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, Webease uploads and student IDing – See Calendar (2) Portrait pages filtered round 1 completed – Due 3.6

HOF Categories Approved 3.6 – HOF surveys set for 3.7 email all grades, due 3.12

Echo work continued. Draft of 1st issue editing completed for 2nd draft 3.8

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Drafts Due 3.8

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts Due 3.6 see Leslie for specs (6th period) Schiff for content. Rough Cuts Due 3.13

1st Rounders – Newspaper Study – 3 writing styles scavenger hunt – Due 3.6, HW/Down Days 3.7-3.8

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, Webease uploads and student IDing – See Calendar (2) Portrait pages filtered round 1 completed – Due 3.6

HOF Categories Approved 3.6 – HOF surveys set for 3.7 email all grades, due 3.12

Echo work continued. Draft of 1st issue editing completed for 2nd draft 3.8

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Drafts Due 3.8

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts Due 3.6 see Leslie for specs (6th period) Schiff for content. Rough Cuts Due 3.13

1st Rounders – Newspaper Study – 3 writing styles scavenger hunt – Due 3.6, HW/Down Days 3.7-3.8

Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, Webease uploads and student IDing – See Calendar (2) Portrait pages filtered round 1 completed – Due 3.6

HOF Categories Approved 3.6 – HOF surveys set for 3.7 email all grades, due 3.12

Echo work continued. Draft of 1st issue editing completed for 2nd draft 3.8

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Drafts Due 3.8

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts Due 3.6 see Leslie for specs (6th period) Schiff for content. Rough Cuts Due 3.13

Weekly Goals Update and Reflections #10
1st Rounders – Newspaper Study – 3 writing styles scavenger hunt – Due 3.6, HW/Down Days 3.7-3.8Yearbook (1) work on pages and photo warehouse, Webease uploads and student IDing – See Calendar (2) Portrait pages filtered round 1 completed – Due 3.6HOF Categories Approved 3.6 – HOF surveys set for 3.7 email all grades, due 3.12

Echo work continued. Draft of 1st issue editing completed for 2nd draft 3.8

Both Zinger Teams continue to select and prep articles – Drafts Due 3.8

MP Teams begin Talent Show scripts Due 3.6 see Leslie for specs (6th period) Schiff for content. Rough Cuts Due 3.13