Weekly Agenda: January 8-11, 2019

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Monday-1.7


No School WordGen Article 2.14

Should American Students Be Required to Learn a Second Language?

Re-read WordGen Article 2.14 in notability, complete page 82. No Homeroom
P. 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Assignments Link

Luminaire Tutorial Link – Part 1

No School Check Synergy for missing assignments – use class for clarification, make-up work, ePortfolio Tune-up.

Continue printing Luminaires.

Screen shots from computer of Luninaire and pictures of printed luminaires must be on ePortfolios – screen shots on page even if printing is not completed

Introduce Databases, working in Google Sheets with data and charts. Show differences between iPad and Computer “looks” and “options” in Google Sheets.

Introduce Earthquakes Database. Due Friday, 1.11

Continue printing Luminaires.

Earthquakes Database assignment work – create 3D column chart with provided data, copy and paste chart into Google Doc with proper formatting – REVIEW with class. Due Friday, 1.11

If finished begin Windfall Database – Due 1.15

Weekly Update #4

Continue printing Luminaires.

Earthquakes Database assignment work – Due Friday, 1.11

If finished begin Windfall Database – Due 1.15

P. 2 – Broadcast Media

Assignments Link

No School Check Synergy for missing assignments – use class for clarification, make-up work, ePortfolio Tune-up. Continue next steps on PSA#1 assignment.

PSA#1: 5-3-1 Topic Process Past Due – on ePorts and topic approved by Schiff.

Elevator Speeches Wednesday – 1.9

Begin Script work Due Friday – Must do necessary Research for factual background and content information for all text and text screens including statistics, etc. Must Identify images that will be used – exact size of 1024×768

Scripts Due Friday, 1.11

PSA#1: 5-3-1 Topic Process Past Due – on ePorts and topic approved by Schiff.

Elevator Speeches Today – 1.9

Begin Script work Due Friday – Must do necessary Research for factual background and content information for all text and text screens including statistics, etc. Must Identify images that will be used – exact size of 1024×768

Scripts Due Monday, 1.14

PSA#1: 5-3-1 Topic Process Past Due – on ePorts and topic approved by Schiff.

Elevator Speeches Past Due

Script work Due Friday – Must do necessary Research for factual background and content information for all text and text screens including statistics, etc. Must Identify images that will be used – exact size of 1024×768

Scripts Due Monday, 1.14

Weekly Update #4

Script work Due Friday – Must do necessary Research for factual background and content information for all text and text screens including statistics, etc. Must Identify images that will be used – exact size of 1024×768

Scripts Due Monday, 1.14

P. 3 –  Design Technology

Assignments Link

No School Check Synergy for missing assignments – use class for clarification, make-up work, ePortfolio Tune-up.

Playgrounds Coding – Commands Section Due Wednesday, 1.9 Completed and “Successful” solution screen shots on ePortfolio on designated page under appropriate course section.
Continue Business Logo assignment work – Due Thursday, 1.10

Introduce Sketchup 3D environment – Simple “Follow Me” tool and steps to complete a “Bowl or Dome” Due Thursday, 1.10 – 2 screen shots on ePortfolio page.

Playgrounds Coding – Commands Section Due Wednesday, 1.9 Completed and “Successful” solution screen shots on ePortfolio on designated page under appropriate course section.
Continue Business Logo assignment work – Due Thursday, 1.10“Bowl or Dome” Due Thursday, 1.10 – 2 screen shots on ePortfolio page.Playgrounds Coding – Functions Section Due Friday, 1.11 – Homework!
Business Logo assignment – Due TODAY, 1.10

Introduce 123d Design – Primitives and basic tools.

Show steps to create, align, scale, and subtract shapes for Chair Exercise. Due Monday, 1.15

Playgrounds Coding – Functions Section Due Friday, 1.11 – Homework!

Weekly Update #4

123d Design – Primitives and basic tools – review on demand.

Steps to create, align, scale, and subtract shapes for Chair Exercise. Due Monday, 1.15

Playgrounds Coding – Functions Section Due TODAY, 1.11

P. 6 – J/YB/Pros

Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

No School Check Synergy for missing assignments – use class for clarification, make-up work, ePortfolio Tune-up.

Weekly Goals #4 – Comprehensive/detailed goal for work to be accomplished this week – Goals carry grade weight at midterm and final grading!

Editorial Assignment Final Drafts Past Due

Intro Human Interest Assignment for 1st Round J/YB Students – Topics Approved Due 1.9, drafts due 1.15

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Both Zinger Teams meet to set-up Zingers #2 and #3.

Media Pros meet with Kevin

Editorial Assignment Past Due Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Human Interest Assignment for 1st Round J/YB Students – Topics Approved Due 1.9, drafts due 1.15

Zinger #2 and #3 set-up, content selection.

Media Pros meet with Kevin

Editorial Assignment Past Due

Human Interest Assignment for 1st Round J/YB Students – Topics Approved Due 1.9, drafts due 1.15

If finished sooner, needs 3 peer edits and them applied to final copy.

Yearbook group work as assigned. Echo work continued.

Zinger work


Media Pros meet with Kevin – get updates and assignments/tasks. Working on teacher Read Posters – Syd, Jack, Bethany, Neal.

Weekly Goals Reflection and Update #4

Human Interest Assignment for 1st Round J/YB Students – Topics Approved Due 1.9, drafts due 1.15

All groups forecast and establish next week’s individual and group work.

All groups continue on project work.


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