Weekly Agenda: September 24-28, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Mon 9.24
 Tu 9.25
Wed 9.26
Th 9.27
Fri 9.28


Goal setting #3:  1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

DFZ Shield and Video Work

DFZ Shield and Video Work DFZ Shield and Video Work DFZ Shield and Video Work No homeroom – early release.

#3 Weekly Goals reflection in ePortfolio.

Periods 1- Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link

Hybrid Cars Report

Hybrid Cars Bibliography

Hybrid Card (Word Doc)

Hybrid Car Bibliography (Word Doc)


Report Formatting Assignment Past Due – in ePortfolio

Intro Google Sheets on iPads.

Show example of Earthquakes Database. Complete chart and report Due 9.27


Google Sheets on iPads. Show example of Earthquakes Database. Complete chart and report  Due 9.27 Work on Earthquakes Database Assignment Complete chart and report  Due 9.27

Into $1000 Windfall Database assignment. Due 10.1

Work on Earthquakes Database Assignment Complete chart and report  Due 9.27

Into $1000 Windfall Database assignment. Due 10.1

#3 Weekly Update in ePortfolio

Work on Earthquakes Database Assignment Complete chart and report  Due 9.27

Into $1000 Windfall Database assignment. Due 10.1

Period 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Course Assignments Link


Business, product, organization Brand/Logo assignment work.

Transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Business, product, organization logos ready for print Due Wednesday, 9.26

Laser Printing student work

Business, product, organization Brand/Logo assignment work.

Transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Business, product, organization logos ready for print Due Wednesday, 9.26

Laser Printing student work

Business, product, organization Brand/Logo assignment work.

Transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Business, product, organization logos ready for print Due Wednesday, 9.26

Laser Printing student work

Intro Sketchup and 123d Design. Show basic tools, 3D CAD design environment.

Remainder of class experimenting with different tools in both programs. Show the “Bowl/Dome” tutorial for Sketchup.

123d Design “Funnel” Assignment Due 10.1

Laser Printing student work

Weekly Update #3

123d Design “Funnel” Assignment Due 10.1

Laser Printing student work

Period 3 –  Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

10 PSA Assignment and Top Pick PSA Assignment Past Due

5-3-1 Topic Choice for PSA#1 Approval on ePortfolios on PSA#1 Page at the top.

Pick 5 topics, narrow to 3, research all 3 by looking at “like” PSAs.

Get approval for #1 topic choice, Due 9.25 latest. Students with topics begin Elevator Speech

Intro Elevator Speech, CTA must be included.


PSA #1 Assignment Work.

Get approval for #1 topic choice, Due 9.25 latest. Students with topics begin Elevator Speech – CTA must be included.

Elevator Speech Due 9.26

PSA #1 Assignment Work

Elevator Speech due today. Upload to ePortfolio as PDF. Insert in proper location on PSA #1 Page.

Intro Script writing for PSA #1 Script Due 10.1

PSA #1 Assignment Work

Script writing for PSA #1 Script Due 10.1

Elevator PAst Speech due. Upload to ePortfolio as PDF. Insert in proper location on PSA #1 Page.

Script writing for PSA #1 Script Due 10.1

#3 Weekly Update

PSA #1 Assignment Work

Script writing for PSA #1 Script Due 10.1

Period 6 – J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

RG eEdition Email Sign-In: 8606BCaly@rgnie.com

RG eEdition Password: Caly8606B

Set Weekly Goal #3 on ePortfolios

Editorial Assignment Past Due

Intro Human Interest Assignment.

Use RG papers, RG online and other news sources/resources to pick a topic.

Topics Due 9.25 for approval.

Drafts Due Friday, 9.28 – 400 Words minimum.

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 due 9.28


Human Interest Assignment topics due for approval.

Use RG papers, RG online and other news sources/resources to pick a topic.

Drafts Due Friday, 9.28 – 400 Words minimum.

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 due 9.28

Human Interest Assignment work.

Use RG papers, RG online and other news sources/resources to pick a topic.

Topics Due 9.25 for approval.

Drafts Due Friday, 9.28 – 400 Words minimum.

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 due 9.28

Human Interest Assignment work.

Use RG papers, RG online and other news sources/resources to pick a topic.

Topics Due 9.25 for approval.

Drafts Due Friday, 9.28 – 400 Words minimum.

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 due 9.28

#3 Weekly Goal reflection

Human Interest Assignment work.

Use RG papers, RG online and other news sources/resources to pick a topic.

Topics Due 9.25 for approval.

Drafts Due Friday, 9.28 – 400 Words minimum.

All Primary group leads must submit a report on their group work to Schiff each week. #1 due 9.28

Weekly Agenda: September 17-21, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Mon 9.17
 Tu 9.18
Wed 9.19
Th 9.20
Fri 9.21


Bus Safety Video

Goal setting – 1 academic and 1 personal  on ePortfolios

DFZ Shield

Homeroom Videos

Brainstorm ideas

DFZ Shield

Homeroom Videos

Practice and film

DFZ Shield


Homeroom Videos

Film and edit

DFZ Shield

No homeroom – early release.

#2 Weekly reflection in ePortfolio.

Periods 1- Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link

Hybrid Cars Report

Hybrid Cars Bibliography

Hybrid Card (Word Doc)

Hybrid Car Bibliography (Word Doc)


Finalize ePortfolio set-up

Google Docs tour and settings.

Intro to formatting a document


Formatting a document in Google Docs

Use text copy to format a 1 page report – text copy provided.

Due as PDF on ePortfolios on Friday, 9.21

Intro Google Drive accounts.

Use text copy to format a 1 page report – text copy provided.

Due as PDF on ePortfolios on Friday, 9.21

Google Docs page/report formatting exercise. Work

Use text copy to format a 1 page report – text copy provided.

Due as PDF on ePortfolios on Friday, 9.21

#2 Weekly Update in ePortfolio

Complete Page/report formatting exercise using Google Docs

Period 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Course Assignments Link


Personal Band/Logo Design assignment work

Sketches Due for personal brand/logo design today. Get them checked off by Schiff

Target Due Wednesday, 9.19 to have AI logo ready to print.

Personal Band/Logo Design assignment work

Sketches PAST Due for personal brand/logo design today.

Target Due Wednesday, 9.19 to have AI logo ready to print.

Print logos that are approved.

Personal Band/Logo Design assignment work

Target Due Wednesday, 9.19 to have AI logo ready to print.

Print logos that are approved.

Begin Sketches for Business, product organization brand/logo. Can be real or fictitious. Target Sketches Due Thursday, 9.20

Business, product, organization Brand/Logo assignment work.

Begin Sketches for Business, product organization brand/logo. Can be real or fictitious. Target Sketches Due Thursday, 9.20

Weekly Update #2

Business, product, organization Brand/Logo assignment work.

Transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Business, product, organization logos ready for print Due Wednesday, 9.26

Period 3 –  Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

10 PSA Assignment work.

Follow formatting standard in example. Detail in abstracts using tenets from PSA evaluation exercise.

Due Wednesday, 9.19


10 PSA Assignment work.

Follow formatting standard in example. Detail in abstracts using tenets from PSA evaluation exercise.

Due Wednesday, 9.19


10 PSA Assignment work.

Follow formatting standard in example. Detail in abstracts using tenets from PSA evaluation exercise.

Due Wednesday, 9.19

Review how to export Google Doc as PDF, review assignment upload and reflections on ePortfolios

Top PSA Pick Assignment

See Schiff ePortfolio for assignment requirements. Example of page set up reviewed.

Ask TAs for example of ePortfolio page set-up and reflection requirement if help needed. Due Friday, 9.21

#2 Weekly Update

10 PSA Assignment work.

Period 6 – J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

RG eEdition Email Sign-In: 8606BCaly@rgnie.com

RG eEdition Password: Caly8606B

Set Weekly Goal #2 on ePortfolios

All students work on Editorial Assignment.

Drafts Due Tuesday, 9.18. Must be peer edited by 2 students, signed off/initials on draft copy.

Must have 3 citations in proper format.


All students work on Editorial Assignment.

Drafts Due Tuesday, 9.18. Must be peer edited by 2 students, signed off/initials on draft copy.

Must have 3 citations in proper format.

Final copy Due 9.20

YB Core meets with Lifetouch rep today

Begin assigning roles in Media Pros, YB Cire Zinger and Echo


All students work on Editorial Assignment.

Must have 3 citations in proper format.

Final copy Due 9.20

Begin assigning roles in Media Pros, YB Cire Zinger and Echo


All students work on Editorial Assignment.

Must have 3 citations in proper format.

Final copy Due 9.20


#2 Weekly Goal reflection

Check in with groups

Groups set calendar of work for the following week: 9.26-9.30

Weekly Agenda: Week September 10-14, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Mon 9.10
 Tu 9.11
Wed 9.12
Th 9.13
Fri 9.4


DFZ Assembly DFZ Assembly debrief, 5 take away exercise Activities TBD



Activities TBD No homeroom – early release.

#1 Weekly reflection in ePortfolio.

Periods 1- Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link


Complete username password updates.

Files 1 set-up

Begin ePortfolio set-up


Files 1 set-up completion

Continue ePortfolio set-up

Intro Google Drive accounts.

Intro to Google Docs and Sheets

Mop-up ePortfolio set-up.

Intro Google Docs page/report formatting exercise. #1 Weekly Update in ePortfolio

Complete Page/report formatting exercise using Google Docs

Period 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Course Assignments Link


Finish ePortfolio set-up.

 Intro to branding and logo design concepts


Typography as Design

Brand Awareness activity

Typography as Design – continued

Intro Adobe Illustrator basic design tools.

Intro “Name Game” personal branding assignment

Homework: 4 square sketches of personalized brand. Due Thursday


Continue to explore Illustrator tools

Begin transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator

Show how to take line art from the Web to Illustrator.

Continue transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Feedback on initial Illustrator designs

Continue transferring sketch ideas to Illustrator.

Feedback on initial Illustrator designs

Target: Tuesday, 9.18  to Design approval for printing.

#1 Weekly updates


Period 3 –  Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

Intro PSA Basics.

Begin PSA evaluation exercise with handouts – 2 Evals 5pts each.

Mop-up: ePortfolio assignment front load on ePortfolios.


Complete PSA evaluation exercise.

Review what makes a good PSA.

Intro 10 PSA Assignment.

Show TA #1 PSA pics.

Review and Set-up Google Docs formatting for 10 PSA Assignment.

*Students need Headphones or erbuds for the next 4-5 class sessions.

Begin 10 PSA Assignment.

Target Due: 9.18

*Students need Headphones or erbuds for the next 4-5 class sessions.

#1 Weekly Update

10 PSA Assignment work.

Period 6 – J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Register Guard eEdition Link

RG eEdition Email Sign-In: 8606BCaly@rgnie.com

RG eEdition Password: Caly8606B

Review class expectation – how to dismiss at end of period – all through Rm. 212!

Assign computers.

Group breakouts, leads, member roles, tasks clarified

ePortfolio and files 1 set-up, usernames and passwords

Set weekly goals on ePortfolios


Review Journalism assignments with whole class if not done on Monday.

Intro editorial writing style – students watch video, get handouts and formatting.

Show RG eEdition and other online resources for journalistic writing.

Front load assignment on ePortfolio – create pages with J/YB/QCE as the “Parent page”


All students begin Editorial writing assignment – writing maps/outline Due 9.10, must show 3 source citations.

Review how to Cite work – in agenda and online

Drafts Due 9.19

Check in with groups. Yearbook roles/assigned subgroups to Schiff

Media Pros prep for meeting with Kevin.

Zinger group meet with Schiff

ECHO group check in on initial activities list and promos

#1 Weekly Goal reflection

Check in with groups

Editorial writing assignment work.

Writing maps/outline Due 9.10

Weekly Agenda: September 6-7, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis. Curriculum overview is HERE.

Period Mon 9.3
 Tu 9.4
Wed 9.5
Th 9.6
Fri 9.7


No School No School 6th Grade Orientation – Intros to HR and Tech Lit



Intro Activities:

Agendas – Scavenger Hunt

Get to Know Bingo

Passport Orientation to Building Tours
Periods 1- Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link


No School


No School 6th Grade Orientation – Intros to HR and Tech Lit Course Overview

Forms reminders

Usernames and Passwords

ePortfolio and files 1 Intro/set-up

Usernames and Passwords

ePortfolio and files 1 Intro/set-up

Period 2 & 4 – Design Technology

Course Assignments Link


No School No School No School 7/8 Course intro

Sort 1st round and advanced students

ePortfolio and files 1 set-up, usernames and passwords

 Intro to branding and logo design concepts


Brand Awareness activity


Period 3 –  Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

No School No School No School 7/8 Sort 1st round and advanced students

ePortfolio and files 1 set-up, usernames and passwords

ePortfolio assignment front load on ePortfolios. Show examples of past students.

Intro PSAs basics.

Period 6 – J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

No School No School No School 7/8 Whole group introduction to course structure, expectations, graded weekly ePortfolio goals & reflections outlined.

Group breakouts, leads, member roles, tasks clarified

ePortfolio and files 1 set-up, usernames and passwords

Group breakouts, leads, member roles, tasks clarified

ePortfolio and files 1 set-up, usernames and passwords