Weekly Agenda: May 7-11, 2018

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis.

Period Mon 5.7
 Tu 5.8
Wed 5.9
Th 5.10
Fri 5.11


Set Weekly Goals: 1 academic, 1 personal

Midterm Grading May 4th

Weekly  Activity: (Con’t from Last week) Reading: Should the NFL require the Washington Redskins to Change Their Name No Homeroom


Reading: Should Schools Have a Vocational Track


Goals Reflection
Periods 1 & 4 – Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link


Reminder about any assignment make-ups/redo from Midterm due May 15th for grade change.

Weekly Goals: 1 personal, 1 acadmic

Intro/Demo Photoshop – Tools and examples.

Students download horses image to files1. Horses makeover Due 5.11

Photoshop – Tools and examples.  Students explore creating a “story” with horses image for PS Makeover Assignment #1 Target Due 5.11 Photoshop Assignment #1 work.

PS Makeover Assignment #1 Target Due 5.11

Photoshop Assignment #1 work.

PS Makeover Assignment #1 Target Due 5.11



Weekly Update #7
Photoshop Assignment #1 work.PS Makeover Assignment #1 Target Due Today
Period 3 – 3D2B

Course Assignments Link


123d Design Tutorial #1 – Mallet and Board – Due 5.9

Second Rounders and TAs must identify 2 advanced projects for 2nd half of term. Can be for output on 3D Glowforge laser printer as well as Makerbot PLA printers. Proposals Due 5.9

123d Design Tutorial #1 – Mallet and Board – Due 5.9

Second Rounders and TAs must identify 2 advanced projects for 2nd half of term. Can be for output on 3D Glowforge laser printer as well as Makerbot PLA printers. Proposals Due 5.9

Intro 123d Design Tutorial #2 – Boat with seat and oars, must be printed. Due 5.15

123dDesign Assignment work.

Tutorial – Mallet and Board. Due 5.9

Second Rounders and TAs must identify 2 advanced projects for 2nd half of term. Can be for output on 3D Glowforge laser printer as well as Makerbot PLA printers. Proposals Due 5.9

123d Design Tutorial #2 – Boat with seat and oars, must be printed. Due 5.15

123d Design Assignment work.

Tutorial #2 – Boat with seat and oars, must be printed. Due 5.15

Second Rounders and TAs begin 1st project.

Weekly Update #7

123d Design Assignment work.

Tutorial #2 – Boat with seat and oars, must be printed. Due 5.15

Second Rounders and TAs begin 1st project.

Period 5 –  Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

PSA #1 Assignment work

*PSA#1 Rough Cut Past Due.

Peer evaluation  -Create Edits list in DOCS and insert to PSA#1 Assignment page. Due 5.9 *All video streamed from Vimeo

**Students who finish early begin Video Angles Assignment – Target Due 5.15

PSA #1 Assignment work
*PSA#1 Rough Cut Past Due.Peer evaluation – Create Edits list in DOCS and insert to PSA#1 Assignment page. Due 5.9 *All video streamed from Vimeo*Final Cut for full points – Due 5.11 (25% off past 5.11)**Students who finish early begin Video Angles Assignment – Target Due 5.15
PSA #1 Assignment work

*PSA#1 Rough Cut Past Due.

Peer evaluation – Create Edits list in DOCS and insert to PSA#1 Assignment page. Due 5.9 *All video streamed from Vimeo

*Final Cut for full points – Due 5.11 (25% off past 5.11)

**Students who finish early begin Video Angles Assignment – Target Due 5.15

Begin Studio Training for students finished with PSA#1


PSA #1 Assignment work

*PSA#1 Rough Cut Past Due.

Peer evaluation – Create Edits list in DOCS and insert to PSA#1 Assignment page. Due 5.9 *All video streamed from Vimeo

*Final Cut for full points – Due 5.11 (25% off past 5.11)

**Students who finish early begin Video Angles Assignment – Target Due 5.15

Begin Studio Training for students finished with PSA#1

Weekly Update #7
PSA #1 Assignment work*PSA#1 Rough Cut Past Due.Peer evaluation – Create Edits list in DOCS and insert to PSA#1 Assignment page. Due 5.9 *All video streamed from Vimeo*Final Cut for full points – Due 5.11 (25% off past 5.11)**Students who finish early begin Video Angles Assignment – Target Due 5.15

Begin Studio Training for students finished with PSA#1


Period 6 – J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Weekly Goals. All Students.

!Yearbook Core and Journalism READ! Students must submit work and project plans for 2nd half of term – 2 approved projects by Friday May 11th. Projects along with weekly goals DONE WEEKLY must be completed per requirements to receive an A or A+ for term grade.

!Submit yearbook to Lifetouch with final count!

*New seating for yearbook core students* Seating charts for Rm. 212 & 213.

Media Pros work by assignment.

Zinger Layout and production – Final due extension 5.16

Finalize Echo Copy, 16 pages – prepare to go to press 5.16


Weekly Goals. All Students.

!Yearbook Core and Journalism READ! Students must submit work and project plans for 2nd half of term – 2 approved projects by Friday May 11th. Projects along with weekly goals done weekly must be completed per requirements to receive an A or A+ for term grade.

!Submit yearbook to Lifetouch with final count!

*New seating for yearbook core students* Seating charts for Rm. 212 & 213.

Media Pros work by assignment.

Zinger Layout and production – Final due extension 5.16

Finalize Echo Copy, 16 pages – prepare to go to press 5.16

Weekly Goals. All Students.

!Yearbook Core and Journalism READ! Students must submit work and project plans for 2nd half of term – 2 approved projects by Friday May 11th. Projects along with weekly goals done weekly must be completed per requirements to receive an A or A+ for term grade.

!Submit yearbook to Lifetouch with final count!

*New seating for yearbook core students* Seating charts for Rm. 212 & 213.

Media Pros work by assignment.

Zinger Layout and production – Final due extension 5.16

Finalize Echo Copy, 16 pages – prepare to go to press 5.16

Weekly Goals. All Students.

!Yearbook Core and Journalism READ! Students must submit work and project plans for 2nd half of term – 2 approved projects by Friday May 11th. Projects along with weekly goals done weekly must be completed per requirements to receive an A or A+ for term grade.

!Submit yearbook to Lifetouch with final count!

*New seating for yearbook core students* Seating charts for Rm. 212 & 213.

Media Pros work by assignment.

Zinger Layout and production – Final due extension 5.16

Finalize Echo Copy, 16 pages – prepare to go to press 5.16

Weekly Goal Reflections, Updates #7

Weekly Goals. All Students.

!Yearbook Core and Journalism READ! Students must submit work and project plans for 2nd half of term – 2 approved projects by Friday May 11th. Projects along with weekly goals done weekly must be completed per requirements to receive an A or A+ for term grade.

!Submit yearbook to Lifetouch with final count!

*New seating for yearbook core students* Seating charts for Rm. 212 & 213.

Media Pros work by assignment.

Zinger Layout and production – Final due extension 5.16

Finalize Echo Copy, 16 pages – prepare to go to press 5.16