Weekly Agenda: December 11-15, 2017

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis.

Period Mon 12.11
 Tu 12.12
Wed 12.13
Th 12.14
Fri 12.15
Homeroom  Weekly Goal setting on ePortfolios Behavior Expectations Review – apathy and engagement
No HR  Reading Day Link: Use of Paper or Plastic be Regulated?


Goals Reflection


1. Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link


TAs help students complete ePortfolios if not done!

Topic research – taking notes on Google Docs

Minimum of 3 legitimate web resources, websites.

Target to have notes completed is end of period Wednesday

Topic research – taking notes on Google Docs

Minimum of 3 legitimate web resources, websites.

Target to have notes completed is end of period Wednesday

Easybib set-up for research topics

Check in – Google Docs Topic notes and web citations.

Review of Research Paper format


Citations in EasyBib

Easybib citations continued

Notes completion if not done, and begin writing rough copy of research paper

Weekly Update #1

  Finish Easybib citations

Notes completion and begin writing rough copy of research paper

2. Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

10 PSA Assignment work.

Target Due date is 12.13

Samples of 10 PSA Assignment Format are on the podium in the from of the class – Students are  not to use any of the PSAs on the sample sheet or from the examples on my instructional blog.


10 PSA Assignment work.

Target Due date is 12.13

Samples of 10 PSA Assignment Format are on the podium in the from of the class – Students are  not to use any of the PSAs on the sample sheet or from the examples on my instructional blog.


10 PSA Assignment work.

Target Due date is 12.13

Samples of 10 PSA Assignment Format are on the podium in the from of the class – Students are  not to use any of the PSAs on the sample sheet or from the examples on my instructional blog.

Assignment #2 – Students review their 10 PSAs and /or find an outstanding PSA that represents the best they found in their PSA research and evaluation – make a new assignment page on ePortfolios and stream (copy and paste the URL on the edit screen) the PSA to their ePortfolios. Their reflection should describe why the PSA was picked as a “Top Pick”, using the evaluation and assessment points covered at the start of the term. Weekly Update #2

Assignment #2 – Students review their 10 PSAs and /or find an outstanding PSA that represents the best they found in their PSA research and evaluation – make a new assignment page on ePortfolios and stream (copy and paste the URL on the edit screen) the PSA to their ePortfolios. Their reflection should describe why the PSA was picked as a “Top Pick”, using the evaluation and assessment points covered at the start of the term.

3. Animation

Course Assignments Link

Puppet Warp animation Assignment #1 extended to due today if extra time needed. Any issues with display on ePortfolios will be addressed later.

Begin: Assignment #2 – Photoshop Puppet Warp/Frame animation

Concept and story board due by Wednesday 12.13. Must be approved by teacher. These will be longer length and more complex animations.


Begin: Assignment #2 – Photoshop Puppet Warp/Frame animation

Concept and story board due by Wednesday 12.13. Must be approved by teacher. These will be longer length and more complex animation


Begin: Assignment #2 – Photoshop Puppet Warp/Frame animation

Concept and story board due by Wednesday 12.13. Must be approved by teacher. These will be longer length and more complex animation

Trouble-shoot frame animation issues in Assignment #2

Continue project work.

Target due date is 1.12.18

Weekly Update #2

Trouble-shoot frame animation issues in Assignment #2

Continue project work.

Target due date is 1.12.18


5. 3D2B

Course Assignments Link

123d Sculpt+ assignment work (2 creature iterations – different attributes and refinements applied to the 2nd iteration) Due – 12.13

Note: Students must have 2 different iterations of their initial creature design and project work. After exporting the first iteration, students are to take the design back to the “skeleton” phase and add additional attributes, refine the features to make their 2nd iteration. Both will be printed.

Both need to be prepared for .stl file format using 123d Design app, saved to files1 for printing.

123d Sculpt+ assignment work (2 creature iterations – different attributes and refinements applied to the 2nd iteration) Due – 12.13

Note: Students must have 2 different iterations of their initial creature design and project work. After exporting the first iteration, students are to take the design back to the “skeleton” phase and add additional attributes, refine the features to make their 2nd iteration. Both will be printed.

Both need to be prepared for .stl file format using 123d Design app, saved to files1 for printing.

123d Sculpt+ assignment work (2 creature iterations – different attributes and refinements applied to the 2nd iteration) Due – 12.13

Note: Students must have 2 different iterations of their initial creature design and project work. After exporting the first iteration, students are to take the design back to the “skeleton” phase and add additional attributes, refine the features to make their 2nd iteration. Both will be printed.

Both need to be prepared for .stl file format using 123d Design app, saved to files1 for printing.

Begin printing Creature iterations.

Introduce Sketchup app.

Assignment #2 – Sketchup Simple bowl or dome.

Assignment #3 – Sketchup Chair with arched back and slats.

Weekly Update #2

Begin printing Creature iterations.

Assignment #2 – Sketchup Simple bowl or dome.

Assignment #3 – Sketchup Chair with arched back and slats.

6. J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Weekly Goal setting – All students as a post on ePortfolios

Project Work in Groups

New Students all assigned to complete required journalism/YB assignments: #1 InDesign Tutorial – Due 12.8

Media Pros – Check in with Leads

Yearbook group work

Zinger Crew firmed up, read and edit copy for publication.

No School

Project Work in Groups

Weekly Goals – All

New Students: Assignment #2 Editorial assignment. Topic approved by teacher, mind map filled out and checked before beginning draft. Mind map due 12.14

Media Pros – Check in with Leads

Yearbook group work

Zinger Crew firmed up, read and edit copy for publication.

Project Work in Groups

New Students: Assignment #2 Editorial assignment. Topic approved by teacher, mind map filled out and checked before beginning draft. Mind map due 12.14

Media Pros – Check in with Leads

Yearbook group work

Zinger Crew firmed up, read and edit copy for publication.


Project Work in Groups

New Students: Assignment #2 Editorial assignment. Topic approved by teacher, mind map filled out and checked before beginning draft. Mind map due 12.14

Media Pros – Check in with Leads

Yearbook group work

Zinger Crew firmed up, read and edit copy for publication.

Goals Reflection – Weekly Update #2 Combo

Project Work in Groups

New Students all assigned to complete required journalism/YB assignments: #1 InDesign Tutorial – Due 12.8

Media Pros – Check in with Leads

Yearbook group work
Zinger Crew firmed up, read and edit copy for publication.