Weekly Agenda – Week 2: September 18th-22nd

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. The agenda may flex and will be updated during the week on a per need basis.

Period Mon 9.18
 Tu 9.19
Wed 9.20
Th 9.21
Fri 9.22
Homeroom  Color Run Info Cougar Pride Video/PPT Discuss PRIDE  CY Awareness


CY Awareness
1. Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

10 PSA Assignment work. Due 9.21  10 PSA Assignment work. Due 9.21 10 PSA Assignment work. Due 9.21

Intro Top Pick PSA Assignment Due 9.22

10 PSA Assignment work. Due 9.21

Top Pick PSA Assignment Due 9.22

Top Pick PSA Assignment Due 9.22

Show Top PSA Student picks

3. 3D2B

Course Assignments Link

123d Sculpt+ Creature Assignment work. Prep for printing Due 9.20

3D Print Creatures in Print Queue

Upload completed Assignment per specs to ePortfolio

123d Sculpt+ Creature Assignment work. Prep for printing Due 9.20

3D Print Creatures in Print Queue

Upload completed Assignment per specs to ePortfolio

123d Sculpt+ Creature Assignment work. Prep for printing Due 9.20

3D Print Creatures in Print Queue

Upload completed Assignment per specs to ePortfolio

Intro Sketchup 3D program , basic tools.

Intro 2 assignment exercises: Chair and Bowl

3D Print Creatures in Print Queue

Upload completed Assignment per specs to ePortfolio

Sketchup work – 2 assignment exercises: Chair and Bowl

3D Print Creatures in Print Queue

Upload completed Assignment per specs to ePortfolio

4. Tech Lit

Course Assignments Link

Finish ePortfolio set-up, intro Weekly Update process – do Week #1 update as class.

Intro EasyBib

  Set up EasyBib Accounts.

Pick topics for EasyBib citation and report format assignment

Work on EasyBib citations, topic research on the web, find at least 3 sites for citations.

Setup Google Doc for taking notes on topic

3 EasyBib citation in place – Due 9.22

Continue topic research and note taking

3 EasyBib citation in place – Due 9.22

Demo how to export citations to Google Docs

Continue topic research and note taking in Google Docs.

5. Information Design

Course Assignments Link

5 Fav Logos on Post past due

Brand Awareness Part 1 – Due 9.18

Brand Awareness Part 2 – Due 9.19


Brand Awareness Part 1 – Past Due

Brand Awareness Part 2 – Due 9.19

Intro Name Brand Assignment Part 1 – Due 9.21

Intro Name Brand Assignment Part 1 – Due 9.21

Intro Name Brand Assignment Part 3 – Due 9.22

 Intro Name Brand Assignment Part 2 – Logo Design, Typography

Due 9.27

Work on Name Branding Assignments Parts 1-3

Parts 1,3 Due Today


6. J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

  Catch up on Shots and Angles Assignment – Due Today

Intro Editorial Assignment – Drafts due 9.22

Editorial Assignment work  – Drafts due 9.22

YB Work on ladder

Pros meet with Kevin

Editorial Assignment work  – Drafts due 9.22

YB Group work per assigned tasks

CY Pros work per assigned tasks

Editorial Assignment work  – Drafts due 9.22

YB Group work per assigned tasks

CY Pros work per assigned tasks

Editorial Assignment work  – Drafts Due Today

YB Group work per assigned tasks

CY Pros work per assigned tasks