Agenda – Week 8: May 22-26

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. Agenda may flex and will updated during the week on a per need basis.

Period Mon 5.22
 Tu 5.23
Wed 5.24
Th 5.25
Fri 5.26
1 &4 TechLit

Course Assignments Link

Mop up work on completing all database assignments

Extra credit database – Oregon Counties from Schiff Blog Tech Lit Assignments.

Intro to Photoshop Image Manipulation – Fantasy Makeovers – Demo and prep Horses file to Files1

Horses Makeover Due 5.30

Begin exploring PS Tools

3D Printing of creatures

Photoshop work on Horses Makeover

3D Printing of creatures

Photoshop work on Horses Makeover

3D Printing of creatures

Weekly update #8

Photoshop work on Horses Makeover

3D Printing of creatures

3. 3D2B

Course Assignments Link

Research Simple Project/Solution – links to ideas on Schiff ePortfolio. Idea must be Approved by 5.17

2nd round students working on independent and/or group projects. Must have 1st Complex Project of 2nd half of term Approved by 5.17

Research Simple Project/Solution – links to ideas on Schiff ePortfolio. Idea must be Approved by 5.17

2nd round students working on independent and/or group projects. Must have 1st Complex Project of 2nd half of term Approved by 5.17

1st Rounders -SPSS approved today. Begin work sketches for project, identify additional resources for supporting project. Due 5.26

2nd/N Rounders – #1 Complex Problem approved. Due 5.31

1st Rounders -SPSS work

2nd round students working on independent and/or group projects.

Weekly update #8

1st Rounders -SPSS work

2nd round students working on independent and/or group projects.

5. Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

Studio Training

5 Ideas for PSA#2 – Motion Video  Due 5.17

2nd Rounders/TAs #1 PSA project or Lobby content piece idea Due 5.17

Studio Training

5 Ideas for PSA#2 – Motion Video  Due 5.17

2nd Rounders/TAs #1 PSA project or Lobby content piece idea Due 5.17

Studio Training

5 Ideas for PSA#2 – Motion Video  Due 5.17

PSA#2 Topic Approved today

2nd Rounders/TAs #1 PSA project or Lobby content piece idea Due 5.17

#1 PSA Project/Lobby Content Approved today.

Studio Training

PSA #2- Elevator Speech Due 5.19

#1Project/Lobby Content work. Rough Outline Due 5.19

Weekly update #8

PSA #2 and #1 PSA/Project/Lobby Content work

6. J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Weekly Goals – All students in All Groups need to set Weekly Goals on their ePortfolios

Yearbook Core – Track special issue, Lobby Content ideas. Lobby Content ideas on ePortfolios groups of 3 Max – Approved Projects Due 5.17

Media Pros meet with Kevin and Steve, editing.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Yearbook Core – Track special issue, Lobby Content ideas. Lobby Content ideas on ePortfolios groups of 3 Max – Approved Projects Due 5.17

Media Pros prep for Wednesday meeting, editing.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.


Media Pros meet with Kevin, plan for Friday shoot.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

All Students write, printand turn in Grade Rationales for Midterm.

Media Pros going on shoot Friday prep it

Editing on HR video

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Weekly update #8
All Students reflect on Weekly Goals: How well did you meet them? Expand on process, steps for improvement, etc. 

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