Agenda ’17 – Week Feb. 6th-10th

Check here for updated Weekly Agendas to stay current with daily classwork and homework (rare but assigned on occasion), and assignment due dates. Agenda may flex and will updated during the week on a per need basis.

Period Mon 2.6
 Tu 2.7
Wed 2.8
Th 2.9
Fri 2.10
  1. TechLit

Course Assignments Link

Intro to Databases – Vocab/terms, Types of Databases.

Intro to Excel, tools, format.

Demo Excel Set-up, how to copy chart to Word for Report, show format, examples.

 Work on Earthquakes database. Due 2.8 in Word report format, uploaded to ePorfolio

Intro Windfall and Temperature databases.

Show on Schiff blog where extra credit” Oregon Counties” for those who finish early.

Work on database completion for Friday.


Work on drafts. If peer edited and corrected, save as Word .docx, then as .pdf.

Export bibliography from EasyBib, format heading and title in Word, save same as final paper.

Weekly update #6

Target to have Earthquakes, windfall, and Temperatures databases completed and on ePortfolios.

Extra Credit Oregon Counties database if done. Monday slop up mop up.

2. Broadcast Media

Course Assignments Link

PSA#1 Elevator Speech and Scripts are past due. Work on final assets of collecting images. Begin assembly in iMove iMovie production of PSA#1

Reminder to make a new “event”, and a new “movie” from the file menu.

2nd Round/TAs need to have new video projects identified and elevator speeches on ePorfolios by Friday

iMovie Production


iMovie Production – target to have rough cuts ready for peer evaluation to begin by Friday – 6 peer reviewers for a rough cut. Sheets are with the Mondopad. Weekly update #6

Target – Rough cuts due to begin peer review, carry through to Wednesday, 2/15.

2nd Rounders have post midterm project #1 proposal/elevator speech on ePortfolios

3. Animation

Course Assignments Link

Extended Flash project storyboards due latest Tuesday. Begin 30 second Flash story animation Extended Flash animation for first round students.

2nd round students working on independent and/or group projects.

Log progress on ePortfolio for post midterm projects – must have 2 approved projects completed by end of term.

Extended Flash animation work

2nd round students work on projects.

Extended Flash animation work – target due date is 2/15.

2nd round students work on projects.

Weekly update #6

Extended Flash animation work

2nd round students give detailed project update on ePortfolio

5. 3DD2B

Course Assignments Link

123d Design app tutorials. Boat, benches, and oars. Target due Friday 2/10

2nd rounders working on new advanced projects post midterm. Detailed updates on ePortfolios due Friday, 2/10

123d Design app tutorials work.

2nd rounders project work.

123d Design app tutorials work

2nd rounders project work.

123d Design app tutorials work

2nd rounders project work.

Weekly update #6

2nd rounders detailed project progress updates due on eProtfolios.

6. J/YB/Pros

Course Assignments Link

Yearbook work on assigned tasks

Media Pros meet with Kevin and Steve, editing.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Yearbook work on assigned tasks

Media Pros prep for Wednesday meeting, editing.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Yearbook work on assigned tasks

Media Pros meet with Kevin, plan for Friday shoot.

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Yearbook work on assigned tasks

Media Pros going on shoot Friday prep it

Editing on HR vid

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.

Weekly update #6

Yearbook work on assigned tasks

Media Pros on shoot, editing

J-Students work on independent projects, study, classwork.