
All students at Cal Young will have ePortfolios using WordPress as the web based software to do this. Returning 7th and 8th graders should all have theirs set-up, some in better shape than others. Please reference the ePortfolio section of this blog to meet student ePortfolio set-up expectations and assignment posting requirements. Students will be give instruction on how to do this.

Welcome to the New School Year!

I’m looking forward to another great year working with students developing their creative and technology skills. We’ve added 6th graders to the mix of students taking electives at Cal Young – I love it! We’ve also added 3D Design classes taught by myself and Rick Bliss.

As with any start to the school year, things can move very quickly and the ramp-up can get a little hectic. I have lots of updating to do to this instructional blog – please hang in there as I get classes, assignments and resources updated. Check back often!