April 9, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

Here we go! I try to stay away from sports analogies, but it is game time.   Students are coming in a few short hours. It’ll definitely be all hands on deck, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. We’re all here to support one another.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, April 12

A – Day

Tue, April 13

B – Day

Wed, April 14

Flex Day

Thur, April 15

A – Day

Fri, April 16

B – Day

   GLT 8:00 Climate Team 8:00 Justice League  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.   


  • Focus Slides 
    • Monday – Review hybrid schedule
    • Tuesday – Canvas Self Check
    • Thursday – SEL Lesson (Patience)
    • Friday – Team building (Two Truths and a Lie)    
  • Madison’s Full Time Guest Teacher: 
    • Paula Loftin has been hired to be Madison’s designated guest teacher for the remainder of the year.
    • She is being paid full time, every day, whether someone is out or not, so we will be assigning her key roles to assist with hybrid instruction whenever she’s not being utilized to cover for a teacher. For example, she’ll likely be helping with LIPI and office hours for the online-only kids.
    • If, for whatever reason, you’d prefer a different guest teacher, or Paula is already scheduled on a specific day, other subs may be accessed as well.

Here are attendance guidelines per the district attendance team:

      • In Person Learning: Students are only marked present if they attended in the building, just as we would in a regular school year.
    • In Person Health Screening: As students enter and sit down, teachers need to ask each student the following two questions.
      • Are you feeling okay?
      • Have you felt anything that’s different for you in the last few days?

If a student’s answer indicates that might not be feeling well, or follow up questioning indicates they may be ill, they are escorted by an adult to “sick bay” in room 504. Call the office if you need assistance.        

    • Ventilation Info: If you’re interested, this email from Facilities gives details about how our HVAC system works.
  • Evacuation Drill 2nd Tuesday & Friday of Hybrid: 
  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 



  • State Testing: ODE shared a tentative plan for testing this year. Each test will only be the multiple choice portion and that section has been shortened. Families will be offered the option to opt out and we wouldn’t be penalized for having lower than a 95% testing rate. We also wouldn’t be responsible then for tracking kids down to test, rescheduling missed tests, etc. Kids would have to test onsite, so SSO kids would only test if their parents wanted to bring them. One caveat is that families would be able to request that their child take the full battery of assessments they normally would. The district is working on their plan and I’ll share more as I learn it. Please do not reach out to families with information about testing at this time. District leaders are working on a district-wide statement with linked resources.
  • Repeat: ACE Award Nominations: In a year like no other, consider recognizing a colleague for an ACE award. Nominations can be made in three categories: teachers and licensed specialists, administrators and supervisors, and classified staff. Nominations are due by April 15th. Linked here is the ACE Awards email and the ACE Awards Nomination webpage.    


  •  Free Lecture – Ibram Kendi in Conversation about How to Be an Anti-Racist: OSU is offering a free lecture featuring Ibram X Kendi, a National Book Award Winner, historian, and leading anti-racist voice in America on Wednesday, April 14, 2021 from 506pm via Zoom. Register here.
  • UO Professional Development RSVP: The UO and Washington Ethnic Students Now is offering a PD series on critical race theory, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and ethnic studies during three class sessions to be offered virtually via Zoom scheduled from 9-4pm June 22, 23, and 24. Teachers will be provided with PDUs and a $1,000 stipend upon completion of the course, and @200 in materials and books for the classroom. The goal will be to actively involve participants in the exploration of race and critical consciousness and to incorporate these new concepts into professional practice. See the linked email and flyerfor details.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, April 19 Tue, April 20 Wed, April 21 Thur, April 22 Fri, April 23

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

April 2, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

I hope you were able to relax and recharge over Spring Break. I had an awesome time in Moab playing at two National Parks, mountain biking plus taking my Jeep on some great trails.

It’s amazing to think that it’s been a full year since we last had in person classes and we are only a week away from welcoming them back. I, for one, cannot wait!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday, April 5

A – Day

Tue, April 6

B – Day

Wed, April 7

Flex Day

Thur, April 8

A – Day

Fri, April 9

B – Day


11:15 – Book Group

9am – Staff meeting to talk hybrid

No afternoon office hours – hybrid planning time

8am – Justice League

Common Walk through with Gina

6th Grade Tours

No Office Hours and Async work in the afternoons to prep for hybrid

Common Walk through with Gina

6th Grade Tours

No Office Hours and Async work in the afternoons to prep for hybrid

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.


  • Focus Slides
    • There only two days of Focus this week.  Both days are focused around teaching behavior expectations when students return to school.
    • Please make sure to go over and post these slides and watch the video.
    • Our guess is that there will be a lot of questions, please allow time for it
  • Hybrid Planning Updates:
    • Updated 3 Foot Guidance: ODE has adopted the three-foot social distancing guidance for students. The guidance still says adults and children should remain 6′ apart as much as possible. This is recommended guidance and we haven’t heard yet if 4J will also adopt it and if there will be any significant changes.
    • 4 Day weeks  In the three 4 day weeks we will run a ABAB schedule for the week.  Those weeks are May 3rdMay 31st, and June 14th
    • As you know, next Wednesday (April 7th) is a day for you to be prepping for hybrid.  If at all possible, I would like you to have your classroom furniture ready for students by the end of Wednesday.  The reason for this is it allows Jim enough time to help solve any problems before Monday.  Once your furniture is all set, I recommend practicing cleaning your desk and chairs a couple of times to see how long it will take you.  If you do not think your classroom furniture will be ready, please reach out to me and I will try to get you some help.
    • In Person Health Screening: As students enter and sit down, teachers need to ask each student the following two questions.
      • Are you feeling okay?
      • Have you felt anything that’s different for you in the last few days?

If students answer yes to either question, and follow up questioning indicates they may be ill, they are escorted by an adult to room 504. Call the office if you need assistance.          

    • District Provided Masks: A bag of masks was left in your staff box. These are the masks the district provided and each staff member should receive 2 of them. If you happened to grab your two, no worries! If you grabbed more than two, please let me know as I’ll need to replace them. The bag is now in my office if you’d like to stop by and pick up your masks. They are optional so please feel free to continue wearing and bringing your own.
    • CHANGE: Food Box Deliveries: Food boxes will be available by delivery only. There will no longer be walk up meal sites for students. Please connect families with Anne T if they’d like to sign up for food box deliveries.
    • Evacuation Drills: We are required to have a fire drill within the first 10 days of students returning. We’ll also need to do them twice so each cohort has a chance to practice. I’ll share out more information at a later date.
    • Hand Sanitizer: There will be hand sanitizer dispensers in each wing. Downtown is only providing classroom sanitizer bottles for rooms without sinks. Best practice is for kids to wash their hands for 20 seconds, however if you would like a bottle of sanitizer, I will provide one.
  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other.  I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • Appreciating all the open, struggle in working through the tough stuff is see in our staff.
    • Thank you Kellen for always answering my tech questions (or trying to:)



  • Start Date for 2021-22 School Year: Karen Hardin sent an email on March 18 notifying all staff of the district’s intention to call certified staff back to work on Monday, August 30. This is two days earlier than normal. We will have two additional days of professional development and staff will be compensated at their per diem rate for those two days. I don’t have exact information, but my hunch is we will be kicking off our literacy training, which I am very excited about. If you already have plans made, please let me know, otherwise please mark this in your calendar as your return to work date. If you’re interested, linked here is the proposed calendar for next year. The first day of school would be Friday, September 10th with the day before being a proposed transition day for students.
  • Repeat: ACE Award Nominations: In a year like no other, consider recognizing a colleague for an ACE award. Nominations can be made in three categories: teachers and licensed specialists, administrators and supervisors, and classified staff. Nominations are due by April 15th. Linked here is the ACE Awards email and the ACE Awards Nomination webpage.    


  • Washington Ethnic Studies Now, in collaboration with the University of Oregon, with funding provided by the Educator Advancement Council, is offering a professional development series on critical race theory, culturally sustaining pedagogies, and ethnic studies during three class sessions to be offered virtually via Zoom scheduled from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. June 22, 23, and 24, 2021. Teachers will be provided with professional development units and a $1,000 stipend upon completion of the course, and $200 in books and materials for the classroom. The course will be engaging and interactive. The goal across the three days will be to actively involve participants in the exploration of race and critical consciousness and to incorporate these new concepts into professional practice. 
    Registration link:
  • When Young Children Return to the Classroom: This Edutopia Article takes a look at how one first grade teacher created routines and fostered a safe, nurturing environment for her students. Below is the short version of the strategies she found helpful:
    • Make safety protocols fund
    • Offer flexible seating
    • Provide individual storage tubs
    • Use a long rope for moving as a group
    • Create a peaceful learning environment
    • Focus on social and emotional connection
    • Lower your expectations (It’s a big shift – things won’t be “normal)
    • Get outdoors 
  • What’s Coming Next Week: 1st Week of Hybrid
Monday, April 12

A – Day

Tuesday, April 13

B -Day

Wed, April 14

Flex Day

Thur, April 15

A – Day

Fri, April 16

B – Day

First Day of new hybrid schedule GLT – if needed at 3:10 8am – Climate Team

GLT – Time TBA

8am – Justice League (Maybe)  

Please let me know if you need anything or have any questions or concerns.

Peter and Gina

March 19, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,


Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Monday 3/29 Tuesday 3/30 Wednesday 3/31 Thursday 4/1 Friday 4/2

9:00 Staff Meeting

Asynch Only Day

A Day


11:15 Book Study


B Day


A Day


B Day


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links. 

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track. Many of you will be starting new units as we transition from Tri2 to Tri3, so please make sure to complete all questions as that happens.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.



  • Focus Slides – Focus slides will be made available by Monday afternoon, in advance of Tuesday’s zoom meeting. Rechelle will be working over the break to create several Loom videos on topics such as: Cleaning up your Canvas dashboard, Clearing your cache, and Modeling the Canvas Self-Check form. The slides will also contain several fun activities. The following week, there will be content regarding safety protocols for hybrid for you to preview with students.


    • Routine Cleaning by Teachers: As has been shared, teachers will be responsible for spot cleaning areas throughout the day as needed, especially shared objects and high touch areas. Desks will need to be cleaned after each class as well. Please let Jim know if you need more cleaning supplies.
    • Contact Tracing and Attestation Google Forms: We’ll go over this at Monday’s staff meeting, but downtown is going to reactivate staff badges to work at all entrances. Swiping your badge at a school entry point will take the place of the paper sign in sheets we’ve been using. Staff will swipe their badges at any entry, even if the door is already open. That’s what signs you in. Staff won’t need to sign out. Before they’ll turn on our card readers, 100% of staff members will need to complete two Google forms. The first is the COVID-10 Attestation: Daily Screening and Reporting Requirements for Reporting to the Worksite form. This one walks staff through all the agreements and rules for working onsite. The second is the Eugene School District Contact Tracing Form. This one asks you to detail your daily schedule so they can better determine if people have crossed paths should there be a positive COVID case.  You can be very general on this questions, it is just to help narrow down the people to contract trace.  For example, I put 8-4 even though that is rarely my hours.  Once everyone has completed these forms, I can ask downtown to turn on our badge readers and toss those paper sign in sheets!
    • Food Box Deliveries: Food boxes will be available on Wednesdays beginning March 30 at Madison Middle School. My understanding is after March 19, there won’t be daily food distribution. Instead families can pick up a week’s worth of food at Madison. There will be delivery available. Please connect families with Rebecca if they reach out about food.
      Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 

      • I want to celebrate Peter for his remarkable vision with the Master Schedule for Tri 3, and for steadfastly encouraging me to keep moving forward even though every one else in the district was doing something different! His leadership kept me going & really paid off in limiting per student contact #s and balancing between so many requirements!
      • Appreciating all the open, struggle in working through the tough stuff I see in our staff.


  • ACE Award Nominations: In a year like no other, consider recognizing a colleague for an ACE award. Nominations can be made in three categories: teachers and licensed specialists, administrators and supervisors, and classified staff. Nominations are due by April 15th. Linked here is the ACE Awards email and the ACE Awards Nomination webpage.    


Monday 4/5 Tuesday 4/6 Wednesday 4/7 Thursday 4/8 Friday 4/9

A Day


B Day


11:15 Book Study




A Day


B Day

Enjoy you well earned break!

Peter and Gina

March 12, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

One week to Spring Break! As we look toward start your new classes after Spring Break, this coming week will likely be a lot of work wrapping up Trimester 2.  Please continue the good work of loving the students we serve.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, March 15 

A – Day

Tue, March 16 

B – Day

Wed, March 17 

A -Day

Thur, March 18

B – Day

Fri, March 19
  GLT (3o Minutes)

11:15 – Book Group

8am – Climate Team

No official Office Hours – Students can email you

No official Office Hours – Students can email you No School: Teacher Grading Day

Quick Links: 

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.   
  • FOCUS Slides
    • Monday – Begin Discussing Hybrid with kids
    • Tuesday – Social Distancing: Don’t for to sanitize!
    • Wednesday – SEL lesson: The Bystander Effect
    • Thursday – BINGO



  • Trimester 3 Classes
    • We are able to keep all of your Focus classes the same as last trimester.
    • Your classes should be ready to view Saturday morning in synergy and maybe even Canvas
  • LIPI Fire Drill
    • This Monday and Tuesday we will be doing two fire drills in the morning.
  • Canvas Prep Time
    • On March 15th, 17th, 18th – No Collaborative Planning time 10:45-11:45
    • March 17th and March 18th, after prep – no morning Meetings or official office hours. Also if it fits with your classes, you can plan a quick wrap up for your afternoon classes.
  • Hybrid Planning
    • March 31st and April 7th – All day except  10 am staff meeting
    • April 8th and 9th – All day but need to plan async work for students
  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • I want to Thank everyone who helped make our Classified Week so Special & Gina, Thanks for the Yummy Breakfast.
    • I would like to celebrate the Not Require Committee. I love laughing with all of you.
  • Madison Covid Protocol Virtual Suggestion Box


  • Child Care Resources: The district created a child care voucher for employees with students aged 5-12 who need to access childcare to return to on-site learning. Linked here is the email about the program sent on Friday. 


  • Trauma Informed Teaching: Strategies That Work, Even In Remote Learning: This article from Better Lesson shares tips for infusing trauma informed practices into hybrid and remote learning. Many of these we already do, so it’s good to have those choices reaffirmed. There’s one key idea I wanted to address. I recognize the mixed messages I may have sent when we discussed instructional models. We talked a lot about ensuring the work students did on their “off cohort” days wasn’t essential to the work they would do when in person. This may send the message that this is busy or throw-away work. It isn’t and shouldn’t be. Kids should know the work you ask them to complete is important, that it’s key to their learning, and that you expect them to do it. Students who may struggle to complete work on their own should be encouraged to talk with you, work out a plan, but still get the clear message the work is important. There will always be situations that impede particular students’ ability to engage during their off cohort days, and we should approach those with a trauma informed lens, but creating routines and expectations for students and helping teach them strategies to meet those expectations is good for everyone in the long run.
  • Keeping the Plates Spinning: You’re being asked to be all things to all kids. I want you to know I see that and I hear it coming out of my own mouth (see linked article above). The load is always heavy but this year it’s super sized (and not in the good McDonald’s french fry way). So thank you. Thank you for showing up every day even on the mornings when you lie in bed and wish you didn’t have to get up. Thank you for building relationships with kids and creating a safe learning space. Thank you for connecting with families and doing all you can to get kids engaged. Thank you taking in all the changes and trusting they’ll get figured out. Thank you for staying. I’m sure there are days you don’t want to and days where the only thing keeping you here are those faces on Zoom. Thank you.       
  • What’s Coming Next Week: 
Monday March 29th


Tuesday March 30th


Wednesday March 31th

Flex Day

Thursday April 1st



April 2nd


Trimester 3 Start GLT

11:15 – Book Group

10 am -Staff Meeting to talk about hybrid

Rest of the day is yours to plan for hybrid

8am – Justice League (Early Warning Data)  

We’ll get through this together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or just need someone to listen. I’m here for you.

Gina and Peter

March 5, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

This year it seems the only thing we can count on is change.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, March 8 

A – Day

Tue, March 9 

B – Day

Wed, March 10 

Flex Day (Last one for the trimester)

Thur, March 11 

A – Day

Fri, March 12 

B – Day


11:15 – Book Group

8am – Climate Team 

9:45 – Not Required Committee

10:15 – Staff Meeting and PD


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.


  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week:
  • FOCUS Slides: 
    • Monday: Please Announce Wednesday’s Talent Show Assembly! Also, this week, there’s a special Canvas check reflection in order to FOCUS kids on one or two particular classes in which they need to improve before end of term. 
    • Tuesday: Discussion question – What was your favorite childhood toy, and why? and 
    • Wednesday: FLEX DAY – 1:00 Talent Show Assembly Zoom Link
    • Thursday: SEL Lesson – Video-based Leadership Quiz
    • Friday Fun: Scattergories and “Pass the Object”


  • Superintendent’s Update: Linked here is the email that was sent to families last Friday with updated information about elementary, middle, and high school’s return to onsite learning.
  • Safety Protocols for Hybrid: Here is an informational video put together by district leadership. It’s about 20 minutes long, so please don’t feel the need to watch it now. We’ll be viewing it together as a staff during our next staff meeting, but we wanted you to have the link, in case you’d like to preview it and generate questions ahead of time, or reference it at a later date.  
  • Child Care Resources: Below is from Cydney’s email on Friday afternoon:
    If you need childcare for when you return to working on-site for the hybrid model, now is the time to make those arrangements. Thanks to staff who responded to the district survey in January, we know this is a challenge for some of our team. Full-day childcare will not be available at school sites. However, before- and after-school care options with community providers are being arranged at elementary school sites; check with your school if this is a need for your children. For other local childcare options including full-day care, we’ve compiled some options in this Google doc. The Employment-Related Day Care program (ERDC) helps eligible families pay for childcare while they are working. We are also actively developing a program to provide partial subsidies for certified childcare costs for 4J staff using federal funds, and will share more information if this becomes available to help our team members with school-age children.  


  • It’s Time to Talk About Dr. Seuss: If we had been in-person this week, many schools would’ve been celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday in conjunction with Read Across America. In this article from Teaching for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance), author Gabriel Smith discusses a study done 2 years ago that analyzed Dr Seuss’s writing from an anti-racist lens. The findings highlighted a number of concerns in Dr Seuss’s work, especially in how people of color are depicted. The author does not suggest abandoning Seuss’s work entirely, although there have been serious calls in the last few years to pull Seuss back from the relative idol status he currently holds in education.  The author instead recommends we closely analyze the materials we provide students to determine if a) it should be presented at all given the students’ age and b) if it is presented, what kind of critical conversation students should engage in around the text.
  • Anti-Racism Over “Tradition”: Alternatives to Dr. Seuss and Racism: This article from Kaitlin Kamalei Brandon at Colorful Pages elevates anti-racist texts that fill the same needs people have when they turn to Dr Seuss books – namely rhyming patterns, ease of reading, and illustrations. Included are texts like Ada Twist, Scientist and No Kimchi for Me along with many more suggestions.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, March 15 

A – Day

Tue, March 16 

B – Day

Wed, March 17 

A -Day

Thur, March 18

B – Day

Fri, March 19

11:15 – Book Group

11:00 – Staff  PD   No School: Teacher Grading Day


We’ll get through this together. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions, concerns, or just need someone to listen. We’re here for you.

Gina and Peter


February 26th, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

This is undoubtedly going to be some very interesting weeks and lead up to Spring Break. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, March 1
Tue, March 2 


Wed, March 3 

Flex Day

Thur, March 4 


Fri, March 5
  GLTBook Group: 11:15 Staff PD – 11am

1pm – Student/Staff Art Show on Zoom


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links. 

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.
  • Focus Lessons:
    • Monday: Self Check and Classified Appreciation Videos
    • Tuesday: Madison Totem Pole Lesson
    • Wednesday: Madison Art Show at 1pm
    • Thursday: SEL – Mindfulness
    • Friday Fun: This or That


  • Classified Appreciation Week: Thank you and congratulations to all of our amazing classified staff! Please watch for goody bags and flipgrid shout-out all week long!
  • Wednesday PD: We will continue talking about hybrid.  Geoff and I will give you an update of our meetings.
  • Materials Distribution: Next Thursday, March 4. If you have anything, please have it ready and email your students and parents.
  • 2021-22 Staffing: We received next year’s staffing this week. On a brief skim, the staff looks the same as last year.
  • Weekly Check InDon’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week: 

    • To the folks that are planning and executing our 1st all school assembly: Thank you! I’m excited, and hope we have a great turnout!


  • Lane County Metrics: Case counts have continued to fall following the Winter Break spike. The lower counts have allowed us to expand our number of LIPI students.


  • Timeline of Oregon and U.S. Racial, Immigration and Education History: I shared this resource last week, but wanted to highlight it here again. This resource is a 28-page timeline of our often untold history, with an emphasis on Oregon’s history. Please note the document was last revised in 2009, so it may at times use language we no longer widely use today.
  • Meet Claudette Colvin: Before Rosa Parks, 15-year old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on a bus. Instead of being hailed as a hero, she was shunned by her classmates and ignored by leaders. As part of CNN’s History Refocused series, learn more about Claudette Colvin’s role in the Civil Rights Movement. This book also shares more about Colvin’s life and dedication to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Number Grid Tic Tac Toe: This blog post (the layout is wonky) shares a math game to help students build understanding of number patterns on the 100s chart. It can be played in person or via Zoom and can be adapted to be played with numbers up to 1,000. 

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, March 8

A – Day

Tue, March 9

B – Day

Wed, March 10

Flex Day (Last one for the trimester)

Thur, March 11

A – Day

Fri, March 12

B – Day


11:15 – Book Group

8am – Climate Team

9:45 – Not Required Committee

10:15 – Staff Meeting and PD


I hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

February 19, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

It’s four weeks until Spring Break…I’m thinking of making one of those linking chains to count it down 🙂

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, February 22
A – Day
Tue, February 23
B – Day
Wed, February 24
Flex Day
Thur, February 25
A – Day
Fri, February 26
B – Day

11:15 Book Study

8:00 Climate Team 

9:00 GLT

9:45 Not Required Committee

10:15 Staff Meeting

11:00 Staff PD

1pm: Pet Assembly


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.
  • This Week’s Focus Lessons:
    • Monday: Self Check and Ms. T videos
    • Tuesday: Reflection around compassion
    • Wednesday: Bring your pet to school assembly
      • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/93057533803?pwd=N2ZqMmx3bkgxZzgxT2xjV1h4L0FhUT09
      • Meeting ID: 930 5753 3803
      • Passcode: 820937
    • Thursday: SEL Lesson – Helpfulness
    • Friday: Team Building – 10 Strikes

Madison INFORMATION      

  • Staffing: Alan Carr is rejoining Madison as the Learning Center EA starting on Monday.  He will be taking over Jeremy’s job of supporting the LC class and some 6th grade support.  If you know Alan, please send him a welcome back email.
  • Wednesday PD: We will start talking about hybrid and what it can look like.
  • Hybrid Planning Updates: 
    • Master Schedule: Rechelle has been working very hard to create the smallest cohorts possible for trimester 3.  The students will be cohorted based on electives with special consideration that all advanced math students or students receiving IEP support will not be traveling together.  Some of your prep periods might change but none of your classes are changing unless we have already talked.
    • Safety Drills: We did 2 fire drills this week, one for the A-Day students and one for the B-day students.  I have to say, they were super fast 🙂
    • Questions?: If you have any more questions about this transition, please send them to me. Middle School administrators will start talking about hybrid soon.
  • Madison Book Group: This week, we will be talking about chapter 5 – Intersectionality.
  • Weekly Check In:  Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here is the shout-out from last week: Jim Colton shows up day in and day out, and always has a good attitude even when he is called upon for icky jobs.




  • Learning with other Educators: This is an ODE opportunity that was sent to Gina and I which we thought was pretty cool.
  • Coping with Change and Uncertainty: In this article, originally published in Mental Health for Educators, author Phyllis L. Fagell offers 6 suggestions for educators to regain a sense of control during this tumultuous times.

    • Reframe your personal narrative
    • Prune and preserve relationships
    • Build community and foster collegiality
    • Be specific when naming emotions
    • Exercise agency
    • If you can’t fix it, aim for acceptance
  • A Simple Way to Self-Monitor for Bias: Teachers concerned that they might be showing bias against students in marginalized groups can use a short checklist for self-assessment. Those five areas are discipline, calling on raised hands, cold calling, “This kid is in the wrong class”, and good times. See this article from Edutopia for more information.
  • Mars Landing: Linked here is a toolkit for teaching students about the Mars landing, happen on February 18.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, March 1
Tue, March 2


Wed, March 3

Flex Day

Thur, March 4


Fri, March 5

Book Group: 11:15


Not Required Committee – 9:45

Staff PD – 11am


I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

February 12th, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

While there’s hope on the horizon with vaccines and the possibility of getting students back in the classroom, there’s no doubt there’s also stress, exhaustion, and the daily challenges of teaching and working online. We want to remind everyone that taking a mental health day is strongly encouraged.  Please know I fully support you using your personal days to take care of yourself. Teachers can take up to two asynchronous days in a row without a planning for a sub. Classified staff can also take asynchronous days. You are all incredibly valuable members of this team and caring for yourself may mean stepping away from everything at times to recharge and just be.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, February 15
A – Day
Tue, February 16
B – Day
Wed, February 17
Flex Day
Thur, February 18
A – Day
Fri, February 19
B – Day

11:15 Book Study (Chapter 4)


Staff PD Canceled 

8:00 Justice League  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each unit and only complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • Week 8 Focus Slides  
    • Monday – Class Video (Need to check out Mr. E’s video)
    • Tuesday – Music Meditation and Journal
    • Wednesday – Flex Day
    • Thursday – SEL Lesson around Effort
    • Friday – Guess the emoji phrase Game

Madison INFORMATION      

  • Wednesday PD: This week’s district PD is scheduled to be a staff lesson on anti-racism work to support buildings who haven’t been able to move this work forward independently. In honor of the fact that you all have been doing this work on a weekly basis all term, we are canceling Wednesday’s PD and extending that time to staff to use as they best see fit. Thank you all for continuing to make anti-racism an ongoing priority rather than a one-time sit and get. 
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box: The district’s safety protocols have been in place since August and are updated every time the state guidelines change. Joyce Johnson and Dawn Strong, the district admin responsible for all COVID related protocols, are putting together a video presentation for all staff to explain all the safety protocols that will be in place when students return to school. There will also be a pathway to ask clarifying questions. Additionally, building principals were asked to create a COVID protocol suggestion box. We’ve placed a gold physical box in the office, and I’ve also created a Virtual Suggestion Box, linked here. Please feel free to let me know of any issues or suggestions you have. I’ll plan to check suggestions weekly.
  • Draft Staffing Timeline: HR shared a tentative staffing timeline last week. 
         February 23: Staffing allocations shared with principals
         March 18: Staffing plans due by 11:59pm
         By March 19: Principals must provide a verbal notification to any staff who were displaced in the staffing plan submitted to HR
         April 13 & 27: Job Expo for Secondary
         April 15 & 29: Job Expo for Elementary 
  • SYWTAR Book Group: For our meeting on Tuesday, the 16th, please make sure that you’ve read Chapter 4: Why am I always being told to “check my privilege”? 
  • Weekly Check InThe weekly check in will now include a section to celebrate one another. I’ll be sharing these out in staff meetings and in our blog. Let us know who we should celebrate and why! Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • Jessica, Kellen, and Maddy for replying to my requests for help technology emails:).
    • Maddy is a lot of fun in a breakout room!  
    • Audrey is amazing. She is a huge support in the office, totally engaged with getting to know and helping our kids, and always rising to the occasion to help out no matter what the task is.
    • Anne and M.E. for making those fun videos and organizing time together.
  • Ophelia’s Place:

Many of you know that Ophelia’s Place is a local non-profit that supports students in 4J schools with lessons for students and small group counseling/educational outreach.  For more information about their organization, please follow this link.. http://opheliasplace.net/

Here’s some information about a way you can support their organization by participating in a local virtual 5k, if interested.  I assume the more we support this organization, the more services they will be able to provide the children in our community.
A link to sign up for the virtual 5k (a donation of $30 to Ophelia’s Place) is here…   There is also information related to FAQS, a booth for picture taking, etc. at the website.


  • Vaccinations: Our understanding is that all of our staff members should have received an invitation to be vaccinated. If you haven’t received your invitation to be vaccinated, please let me know. The invitation would have come in an email from HR Benefits with the title COVID Vaccine: Schedule Your Appointment Today.


  • Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: Here are a few resources around Dr. Kendi’s work on anti-racism.
     – The Importance of Instilling Anti-Racist Values in ChildrenIn this clip from his interview on The View, Dr. Kendi’s discusses what anti-racism means and the importance for children to learn about the history of all people. In the wake of a Utah school allowing students to opt out of Black History Month lessons this month, the need for black history, indigenous history, and the history of all traditionally marginalized people to be taught authentically and examined deeply for inherent biases is incredibly important. Dr. Kendi also shares about some of his current projects, including a children’s show. His newest book is called 400 Souls.
    OSU Provost Lecture Series: Dr. Kendi will be giving a talk via Zoom on April 14 at 5pm. Registration is free for this event which is sponsored by the OSU Foundation.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, February 22
A – Day
Tue, February 23
B – Day
Wed, February 24
Flex Day
Thur, February 25
A – Day
Fri, February 26
B – Day

11:15 Book Study

8:00 Climate Team

9:00 GLT

9:45 Not Required Committee

10:15 Staff Meeting

11:00 Staff PD


We hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

February 4th, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

Last week was National School Counseling Week, so we wanted to take a minute and celebrate Mrs. T for all she does for our students and families (and all of us as well). We are so grateful to have you, Anne! Many thanks to Anne!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, February 8

A – Day

Tue, February 9

B – Day

Wed, February 10

Flex Day

Thur, February 11

A – Day

Fri, February 12

B -Day

8:00 TLC GLT

11:15 Talk About Race Book Study

8:00 Climate Team

9:45 Not Required Committee

10:15 Staff Meeting and PD

8:00 Justice League  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the log at the beginning of each unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.   
  • Week 7 Focus Class Slides
    • MondayHelp us celebrate last week’s National School Counselors Week by having kids watch Gina’s Flipgrid challenge and submit a short clip sharing what they love most about our very own Ms. T! It’s easy, fast, and fun!
    • Tuesday – Two minute mindfulness and journal reflection – A 4-year-old’s bucket list
    • Wednesday – Flex Day
    • Thursday – SEL lesson – Brene Brown on Empathy
    • Friday – Zoom Hide and Seek, like we played during our staff PD. Allison, thanks for modeling that for us!

Madison INFORMATION      

  • Wednesday PD: This Wednesday’s PD is going to be with Spencer Butte and will be the next in our series about Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care.  
  • Madison Tuesday Book Group:   No new reading this week. We are going to meet as a large group and have small conversations about the book with staff members not in your small group.
  • Reimbursements: If you’ve purchased anything for school this year and would like to be reimbursed from your classroom funds, please get receipts to Mary.
  • Repeat – Weekly Check In:  The weekly check in will now include a section to celebrate one another. We’ll be sharing these out in staff meetings and in our blog. Let us know who we should celebrate and why! Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. We’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week:

    • Several people offered shout outs to their book study groups and commented that they’re really enjoying the opportunity to have meaningful conversations and build deeper connections with colleagues.
    • 8th grade team – We operate like a support group, a steering committee, and a cheerleading squad. We can admit struggles to each other, and because of that, we can also share ideas and solutions. Then, when we have GOOD news to share, we can all celebrate the success!


  • Vaccinations: About 1/5 of 4J staff were offered the opportunity to be vaccinated on Friday 1/29. They targeted staff members who will be present with the first students return to school (K-2 and LIPI staff), including our food service worked, custodians, and educational assistants, and staff who is already working in-person with kids such as school psychs who are testing and those working at internet hubs. 
     As one of our staff members said, the vaccine clinic was one of the most organized events 4J has ever hosted. For those who feel comfortable, consider signing up to participate in V-Safe after your vaccination. It’s an online tool on your smartphone to gather information about vaccine side-effects to help improve the information available about the vaccine. It asks for your name, birthdate, and phone number to register. You then check some boxes to share any side effects you’re experiencing and rate them from mild to moderate to severe. You then receive a text the day after your vaccination to rate that day’s side effects as well.
  • 2020-21 State Testing Waiver: ODE submitted a request to the Department of Education to waive state assessments for this year. It has not yet been approved and the state testing window is still currently set to open March 4th, but this is good news and we are hoping it gets approved ASAP!


  • Black History Month: This article from Teaching Tolerance explores why we need Black History Month more than ever this year. “Perhaps there would be no need to observe Black history in a designated month if it were taught year-round, alongside other histories as part of a regular curriculum. It wouldn’t be such a novelty if there were a rigorous effort to view it as a central part of the American story. But we aren’t there yet. And, until we get there, Black History Month should be recognized as a crucial opportunity to broaden students’ knowledge and help them see how the past connects with their lives today—and how it has inspired movements for change.”Another way to honor Black History this month is to consider our curriculum and plan for opportunities to teach Black history, and work to include the history of other traditionally marginalized populations, throughout the year. Here are a few ideas to hopefully spark some opportunities:
    • When learning about time, students can also learn about Benjamin Banneker, the man who built America’s first clock. He also accurately predicted a solar eclipse which contradicted the predications of more well-known astronomers at the time.
    • During the Hour of Code, students could learn about Valerie Thomas, who invented the Illusion Transmitter, which is the basis for all 3D experience-based games and movies. 
    • Just for fun, kids might be interested in knowing about Lonnie Johnson, the man who invented the Super Soaker and Nerf Guns.
    • Euphemia Lofton Haynes was the first African-American woman to earn a PhD in mathematics.
    • Mark Dean helped develop the first color computer monitor and invented the first gigahertz processor.
    • If you’re teaching about Thomas Edison, don’t forget to include Lewis Latimer! Edison’s original lightbulb only lasted a few days at the most. Latimer invented the carbon light filament which allowed the bulbs to burn longer. Latimer helped patent Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone, worked with Edison later in life, and invented an early air conditioning unit.
    • We have Mary and Mildred Davidson to thank for the invention of the toilet paper holder. That might be a fun lesson as students return to in-person learning.
    • This resource from Portland Public Schools, authored by Beatrice Lumpkin, offers more opportunities for teachers to share African and African-American contributions to mathematics. While the resource was published in 1987, it’s very informative. Did you know we have the Egyptians to thank for the partial products method in multiplication (see page 18)?
    • When teaching the Civil Rights Movement, did you know that Claudette Colvin was arrested 9 months prior to Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person?
    • During the American Revolution Crispus Attucks, a runaway slave of African and Native American descent, was the first person to give their life during the American Revolution. Phyllis Wheatley’s poetry carried strong messages against slavery and served as a rallying cry for abolitionists. James Armistead pretended to be a runaway slave wanting to serve the crown and brought intelligence back to the colonists, including his commander, General Marquis de Lafeyette.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, February 15

A – Day

Tue, February 16

B – Day

Wed, February 17

Flex Day

Thur, February 18

A – Day

Fri, February 19

B -Day




11:15 Talk About Race Book Study

9:45 Not Required Committee

11:00 PD

8:00 Justice League  

Here’s to hope on the horizon!

Peter and Gina

January 29th, 2021

Hi Madison Staff

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, February 1


Tue, February 2


Wed, February 3

Flex Day

Thur, February 4


Fri, February 5


LIPI Starts with 6th and 7th Graders

9am – 11am

GLT – Talk about students

LIPI Starts with 8th Graders 9am – 11am

New Time! Book Group 11:15-11:45 Chapter 3

GLT – 9am

NO Staff Meeting

Staff PD 11am

No – Justice League, moved to next week  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Please complete the log.   
  • Focus Lesson for Week 6: 
    • Monday: Canvas Self Check
    • Tuesday: Reflection from part of Amanda Gorman’s inauguration poem
      • 8th Graders will be in a NEHS AVID presentation
    • Thursday: Best Part of Me Activity
    • Friday: Team building – Scattergories

MADISON INFORMATION                  

  • Wednesday Staff Meeting and PD: There is no Staff meeting this Wednesday but we still have PD at 11am.  The Not Required Committee will meet at 9:45.
  • Virtual EA Extravaganza on Friday: Educational Assistants and other interested classified staff, please see the Extravaganza Email and the EA Extravaganza Offerings & Zoom Links for what to do this Friday for PD while licensed staff work on report cards. 
  • SafeSchools: If you haven’t yet completed your SafeSchools trainings, this is a reminder to get those trainings completed. Your log in is your 6-digit employee ID number.
  • Weekly Check InThe weekly check in will now include a section to celebrate one another. I’ll be sharing these out in staff meetings and in our blog. Let us know who we should celebrate and why! Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week:

    • The 8th grade team. We operate like a support group, a steering committee, and a cheer leading squad. We can admit struggles to each other, and because of that, we can also share ideas and solutions. Then, when we have GOOD news to share, we can all celebrate the success!


  • Vaccination Update: We are starting today.  The LIPI and office staff at Madison are in the first wave. District-wide, over 800 4J staff members were able to receive their first dose. We haven’t heard about the second wave yet.


What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, February 8

A – Day

Tue, February 9

B – Day

Wed, February 10
Flex Day
Thur, February 11
A – Day
Fri, February 12
B – Day
TLC – 8am GLT Team

Book Group Chapter 4

GLT – 9am

Staff Meeting 10am

Staff PD – 11am

8am – Justice League  

This is our first of six 5-day kid week until Spring Break. 

Peter and Gina