September 17, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

You’re amazing. I hope you found some moments of joy with students this week. My own 3 kids, came home full of smiles, laughter, and stories about her teachers and friends. From helping anxious students separate from their parents for the first time in 18 months to taking on more coverage, students, or roles, we did what Madison does best – we banded together and figured it out. Thank you.

Mon, Sept 20 Tue, Sept 21 Wed, Sept 22 Thur, Sept 23 Fri, Sept 24
TLC @ 7:45 Climate Team @ 7:45   Justice League @ 7:45  

Madison INFORMATION         

  • Staffing Update: Jamie Asunsolo is starting on Monday afternoon.  She is 0.5 FTE Learning Center teacher. She is sharing her time with Howard Elementary School. Please make a point to go say hi to her. Also, we are in the process of gaining a 7 hr SSD EA.  More information to come.
  • Weekly Focus Slides
    • Fire Drill on Monday
    • PRIDE Tours on Tuesday
    • Expect Agreement Intro on Wednesday
    • Expect Agreement Circle on Thursday        
  • COVID Reminder: Stay Home if You’re Sick: Better to be safe and stay home if you aren’t feeling well. If you are experiencing primary COVID symptoms, please let me know. I will put you in touch with our district COVID team who will work with you on next steps. 
  • Fire Drills: Our first one will be Monday morning.  Please check the Focus Slides for information
  • Additional Supply Ordering: If you discover there are student supplies you need to make life easier, please talk to Mary. If you need basic office supplies (staplers, tape dispensers, etc), check in with Mary first as she has a stash of new items for people.
  • EasyCBM Window: Because of the focus on Care and Connection for the beginning of school, easyCBM testing will begin September 27 and will end on October 14. More info to come.

  • Staff Celebrations: Let us know who deserves recognition this week! 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                     

  • Canvas and Students in Quarantine – Downtown is continuing to work with EEA to reach an agreement regarding how to support students in quarantine. For now, teachers should post materials on Canvas that a student in quarantine could have a window into activities occurring in the classroom. During Inservice week, this slide deck was shared with you the minimum expectations for Canvas.  While Canvas is not exclusively a response to the challenges presented by COVID, this tool will absolutely be critical in our efforts to support students during times in which they are quarantined; something happening with increasing and unfortunate frequency. Teacher should know that beyond just the assignments, they need to post any materials students will need in order to make sense of and complete the assignments.  Examples of this could be the slide decks teachers presented in class, handouts if there are any or videos that were shown to students who were in class that day.  Almost all cases this year have been due to a student being a close contact of someone who had COVID and not because they tested positive. Students officially put on quarantine will be flagged in synergy with a house icon like the ones below.
    Safe Schools: All staff will have Safe Schools (now called Vector) modules to complete by December 31. Your username is your employee ID number. There are about 2 hours worth of trainings to complete. Staff can use time this week to complete the modules, but you have until December. 
  • Upcoming SSD Changes – An SSD Email was sent to principals regarding changes to address significant SSD staffing shortages. Most of the changes involve reassigning duties for a lot of itinerant staff (nurses, consultants, etc.), but SSD admin are also looking at caseloads and may reassign building staff to understaffed buildings. 
  • COVID Testing Partnership: Students can opt into a weekly at-home Covid testing program. Families have to sign up and return a waiver to enroll. If you receive a waiver, please put it in Gina’s mailbox. Our role will be to distribute and collect test kits. The first round of kits will go out on Wednesday.


  • Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 through October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. The Library of Congress has put together a collection of resources for teachers
  • SELCO’s Educator Grants, Due 9/30: SELCO’s SPARK! Creative Learning Grant Program is now accepting applications for projects up to $1,000 that inspire curiosity, make learning accessible, and spark something new. Applications are open August 16-September 30. Visit the link above for details and to apply.
  • EEF Grants Due Oct 1: Because last year was so different, EEA has moved the grant process to the fall. Visit the website here, under the Grants tab, to complete the application. If you’d like to submit a grant request, please let me know.

Here’s to our first full week with all the students since March 2020! May your feet not hurt and your students be attentive.

Gina and Peter


June 11, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

Welcome to the last blog post of the year. We did it!!!!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, June 14

A – Day

Tue, June 15

B – Day

Wed, June 16

A – Day

Thur, June 17

B – Day

Fri, June 18
9-11 Office Hours 8:00 Site Council

9-11 Office Hours

10 am – Focus with next year students 10 am – 8th Grade Slide show over zoom Grading Day

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • Focus Slides for WednesdayI am super excited about this time with your next year students and starting the message that everyone belongs.  We have included two games to play with your Focus class but if you have other ones you like more, please play them instead.  If you have any questions before Wednesday, please reach out to Peter or Anne.
  • Master Schedule Next Year: We have not schedule the students yet but this is our first draft we are going to schedule our student in for next year.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Peter.


  • Feedback on Our Leadership: We have had the opportunity to provide you with feedback this year (though we still have more to do this week), we are seeking your feedback on our leadership this year. These responses will be read only by Gina and Peter. There are three questions: What have you appreciated about our leadership this year, what would you recommend we improve upon or do differently, and what other feedback do you have. I hope you’ll feel safe to be very honest about things that are going well and things that could be contributing to people feeling unsupported, unheard, or any issues in staff culture or collaboration. 
  • Grading Day Friday: Report card grading day is a regular work day, but HR does allow teachers to work from home if you notify your administrator (me) in advance. Be sure to plan ahead if you need to collaborate with any colleagues on grading. Also, be sure to use this time for grading and not use it to run errands around town. Teachers are highly visible members of the community, so keep in mind public perception. HR has said in the past that if working off-site on grading days is abused, we will not be allowed to continue the practice.         
  • End of Year Check Out: Linked here is the check-out checklist for teachers. 
  • 8th Grade Celebration: In case you missed my email, we are celebrating the 8th graders on June 17th from 5 to 7.  They will drive through the parking lot as we wave and say our good byes.
  • Staff Shout-Outs: Consider giving someone a staff shout out! If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. We didn’t have any shout outs this week, so please consider taking a moment to celebrate a colleague whose made an impact this year.    


  • LGBTQIA+ Resources: With this month being Pride Month, I thought I’d share some resources related to fostering an inclusive classroom for all students. 
    • has a collection of read alouds and lessons designed to be age-appropriate and support inclusivity and representation. Some lessons are tagged with grade level suggestions.
    • Supporting LGBTQ Students in Elementary School: This Edutopia article shares 3 strategies for creating an LGBTQ inclusive classroom: include LGBTQ children’s literature in your classroom library, rethink practices that reinforce the gender dichotomy, and capitalize on teachable moments.
    • Best Practices for Serving LGBTQ Students: These resources from Teaching for Justice include a guide for teaching LGBTQ youth, a webinar, and book and film recommendations.

Dates for Next School Year:  

Wed, July 28                Peter and Gina Report Back
Wed, Aug. 25               School psychs, nurses, and SPED consultants report back

Mon, Aug. 30                Teachers Report Back
Fri, Aug 27                   196 day employees report back
Thur, Sept 2                 192 day employees report back
Thur, Sept 9                 Transition day for all of our students 🙂 – No 6th grade only day this year.

I hope you have a wonderful last week!

Peter and Gina

June 4, 2021

Hi Madison Family,

9 more days of school and 10 more work days!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, June 7

A – Day

Tue, June 8

B – Day

Wed, June 9

Flex Day

Thur, June 10 Fri, June 11
8 – TLC 8am – Site Council

3:30 – Last Book Clue

8am- Climate Team

9am – GLT

9-12 OSAS Make-up Testing

10 to noon – Staff meeting and PD

Band Concert in the gym


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track. 
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns there.


  • Focus Slides
    • Monday – Canvas Self Check 
    • Tuesday – Mindfulness
    • Thursday – SEL Lollipop Moments and Leadership
    • Friday – Team-building – Zoomed in Picture Challenge
  • Wednesday PD: We will talk about our SEL work.
  • Site Council: Our Madison Site Council will be meeting for the first time, this week. Thank you to Karen, M.E., Jessica, Allison, Tim, Mary, and Rechelle for volunteering to serve on the team. Also, a big shout-out to Nancy Haight, our parent volunteer!
  • Staff Shout-Outs: Consider giving someone a staff shout out! If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. We didn’t have any shout out this week.
    • Ken, Audrey and Jason for representing us well and all being recognized with ACE nominations.
    • Shana for her love of books and wanting to share it.
    • Mary for working on the 8th grade slide show.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                  

  • Masks and Vaccine Verification: You may have notices some of your colleagues are not wearing masks while there are no students in the building.  If you want to join and you have been vaccinated, you need to fill out the district survey.     
  • District Admin Update: Buena Vista principal Melissa Ibarra will be the new temporary Co-Elementary Director (taking over for Brooke, who is taking over for Cydney as assistant sup, so these are all temporary appointments since Cyd is interim sup and has rights back to her old job) and also Language Immersion Administrator. Jeff Johnson will be the other Co-Elementary Director and will also oversee Federal Programs (Title 1), taking over for David Jacobsen, whose position has now been eliminated. The new principal at Buena Vista will be Stephanie Randall who is currently the AP at Willagillespie and Gilham. For next year, Gilham will have a full time AP and WillaG will get a Student Success Coordinator. Garrett Bridgens, the principal at Charlemagne, will move to ATA as their AP for personal reasons. Chris Benz, current Kennedy AP and tapped as Adams’s principal next year, is moving to Portland with his family. The openings at Charlemagne and Adams have already been posted as has the AP position for Gilham. 
    On a side note, Jaimee Massie has been named the principal of Harrison Elementary in South Lane so she will be leaving the district at the end of the school year.

A brief pause for your mindset moment. When you fall, get right back up again! But maybe not too soon, and maybe after the nice people who stopped to help have ensured you don’t have a concussion or any broken bones. Also, Howard’s security cameras are great as they let you share Erin’s embarrassing moments. (Click the link above for Erin’s newest entry into the Howard staff talent show. I call it “Weak Ankle Strikes Back.”)


  • Links for the district Anti-Racism PD: We did not do this PD because of the book group but I thought it was still good. The distict PD focused on detours, which are comments people might make that take a discussion about racism or anti-racism off course. Detours can also be reflected in attitudes or behaviors that signal avoidance or a wrong-turn into guilt, denial, or defensiveness. The video and the portion of the article we’ll be using will take about 25 minutes to watch and read. I wanted people to have those resources ahead of time. I’ll provide time during the session to do the reading, but it’s helpful if people have watched the video ahead of time.
  • Tulsa Massacre: This year marks the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre. This event is new learning for me in the past few years as it’s never been part of traditional curriculum. Here’s a brief summary from
    On the morning of May 30, 1921, a young black man named Dick Rowland was riding in the elevator in the Drexel Building at Third and Main with a white woman named Sarah Page. The details of what followed vary from person to person. Accounts of an incident circulated among the city’s white community during the day and became more exaggerated with each telling.Tulsa police arrested Rowland the following day and began an investigation. An inflammatory report in the May 31 edition of the Tulsa Tribune spurred a confrontation between black and white armed mobs around the courthouse where the sheriff and his men had barricaded the top floor to protect Rowland. Shots were fired and the outnumbered African Americans began retreating to the Greenwood District.In the early morning hours of June 1, 1921, Greenwood was looted and burned by white rioters. Governor Robertson declared martial law, and National Guard troops arrived in Tulsa. Guardsmen assisted firemen in putting out fires, took African Americans out of the hands of vigilantes and imprisoned all black Tulsans not already interned. Over 6,000 people were held at the Convention Hall and the Fairgrounds, some for as long as eight days.Twenty-four hours after the violence erupted, it ceased. In the wake of the violence, 35 city blocks lay in charred ruins, more than 800 people were treated for injuries and contemporary reports of deaths began at 36. Historians now believe as many as 300 people may have died.In order to understand the Tulsa Race Massacre it is important to understand the complexities of the times.  Dick Rowland, Sarah Page and an unknown gunman were the sparks that ignited a long smoldering fire. Jim Crow, jealousy, white supremacy, and land lust, all played roles in leading up to the destruction and loss of life on May 31 and June 1, 1921.  For more resources on teaching the Tulsa Massacre, the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre Centennial Commission has created a website with a lesson plans, first hand accounts, photographs, and film.

What’s Coming Next Week:  

Mon, June 14

A – Day

Tue, June 15

B – Day

Wed, June 16

A – Day

Thur, June 17

B – Day

Fri, June 18
    10 am – Focus class with next year’s class Last Day of School

5pm 5th grade Promotion

Grading Day

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

May 28, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

The finish line is in view as we head toward June. Today I’m feeling gratitude for this incredible Madison team. It was likely the most challenging year of our careers and I know many have hit near burn out this year. Thank you for all you have done this year and all you continue to do. As we countdown these last 13 school days, I hope you’ll take a few moments to say thank you to the people around you who have kept you going and reflect on all you’ve done. It really should have been impossible, but we did it together.  

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, May 31  Tue, June 1

A – Day

Wed, June 2

B- Day

Thur, June 3

A – Day

Fri, June 4

B- Bay

No School Book Group: 3:30      

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.

MADISON INFORMATION                       

  • Talent Ed… We are at the time of the year to fill out your End of Cycle Goal Reflection.  Please make time to do it this week.  Most of our goals were written with the thought of being back in person sooner than we were this year.  If your goals were not met, no worries this year.  Just put in the comments why.
  • 8th Grade Promotion Activities: We are doing a drive through promotion program once again this year on June 17th from 5 to 7.  On June 17th, we are also doing an 8th grade slide show at 10am on zoom.  Since most of us are doing async work that morning, it would be fun for all of us staff be there to celebrate our 8th graders.
  • Focus Slides
    • Tuesday: Focus Feedback Survey
    • Wednesday: Forecasting Video 
      • 8th Grade: Please reach out to the students who have not filled out their survey yet.
    • Thursday: Mindfulness
    • Friday: Teambuilding –  Choose your own Fun!
  • Library Books: Pleases start reminding all hybrid students to turn in their library books. Shana has worked hard to get books into students hands and now we would like them back. 
  • Staff Shout-Outs: Consider giving someone a staff shout out! If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. We didn’t have any shout out this week.

    • Audrey for all her work taking the staff/student pictures and getting the yearbook ready on such short notice
    • Jackie and her team in the kitchen.  It has been fun working with her and watching her interact with the students
    • Gina and the climate team for all of their work on the revision


  • District Survey: In case you missed it in Cyd’s announcements last week, there’s an opportunity to provide input to the district. “We want to hear from you about how these one-time ESSER funds can best support the needs of our students and staff and schools, related to the pandemic and its impacts. I hope you will take a few minutes to share your thoughts, using the online form at “
  • District Student and School Safety Survey: Staff received an email from the superintendent on Friday afternoon asking for your input on student and school safety. The goal is to gather data on what is working, what isn’t, and who is being affected positively or negatively by our policies and practices. The information goes directly to SeeChange, the consulting firm hired by the district. If you’d like to provide input, please complete the survey linked here by June 1.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, June 7

A – Day

Tue, June 8

B – Day

Wed, June 9

Last Flex Day

Thur, June 10

A – Day

Fri, June 11

B – Day

TLC at 8am Book Group @ 3:30  GLT at 9am

Staff Meeting/PD 10-noon


We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter & Gina

May 21, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

With only about 18 work days left until the last day of school!  We’re in the home stretch, but this is when things start to get busy and changing quickly. Please read blogs and emails that come from the office.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, May 24

A – Day

Tue, May 25

B – Day

Wed, May 26

Flex Day

Thur, May 27

A – Day

Fri, May 28

B – Day

8:00 TLC 3:30 Talk About Race Book Group  8:00 Climate Team

9:00 GLT

10am Staff Meeting

12:30 Office hours


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links. 

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track. 
  • Focus Slides
    • Monday – Canvas Self Check
    • Tuesday – Mindfulness
    • Thursday – Self-care at Middle School
    • Friday – Team-building Name, Place, Animal, of Thing

Madison INFORMATION         

  • Tuesday Book Group: Please read the last two chapters to be ready for book group (chapter 16 and 17).
  • Wednesday Staff Meeting and PD: This week we will continue to work on the the Revision and give you some time to do the SEABRS.
  • COVID Protocols Update: 
    • Mask Wearing: The CDC has updated their guidance on mask wearing for vaccinated individuals HOWEVER, 4J is NOT changing their policy as our students haven’t had a chance to be vaccinated. All staff and students are expected to continue following current protocols and remain masked up when sharing a space with someone else. You can unmask to take sips of water, when eating, and when alone in your classroom or office.
    • Quarantining: If there is a positive case or you report contact with someone who is positive, Gina has been asked to ask you if you are vaccinated. This will help the team determine who needs to quarantine and who doesn’t. If Gina can provide the district team as much info as possible (exposure date and length of time of exposure, names of all people exposed, and vaccination status), they can work much more quickly.
    • Teleworking: Teleworking is not an option in lieu of taking a sick day. Dawn Strong is now the only person who can approve an employee to telework if they usually work in the building. If you are scheduled to work onsite and you cannot come in that day, you will need to take a sick or personal day. You can still telework on Wednesdays and in the AM like you have all trimester 3.
    • Confidentiality: Students’ and staff’s quarantine or COVID status is confidential information protected by HIPAA. Please do not share students’ or staff member’s status to honor their privacy and right to share that information when/if THEY choose to share it.
  • Kelly/YG Closure: Kelly and YG will be closed at least next week and possibly longer due to a split support beam in one of their gyms. 

  • Repeat – State Testing: First round went well! Thanks to Christina and Gina for all the prep work and thanks to all our classified staff that helped.
    • Green Cohort = May 26
    • Make-Ups = June 2
  •  Reminder – Spring easyCBM: Please check your completion rate and remind students to get those finished.
  • Repeat: School Climate Survey:  
    • Math teachers, please assign this survey to all students, to be completed on or before June 11th.
    • It can be done either in person or asynchronously.
    • It can be completed on a Wednesday during class or during asynchronous time. This year the surveys have between 32 and 34 questions and combine four components: (1) a significantly reduced version of our annual climate survey, (2) a mental health screener, (3) questions related to the All Students Belong initiative, and (4) questions about student experiences with distance learning. 
  • 8th Grade Promotion: We are doing our drive through promotion from 5pm to 7pm on June 17th.  We hope staff will join us to celebrate our 8th grade students and send them off to high school. I might be wearing the new lion costume unless some else wants to wear it.  
  • Next Year – Teleworking: The district is planning for as much of a “return to normal” as possible next year. With that information, please know that teleworking will most likely not be an option for any staff members next year. If you feel you may need to telework next year, please reach out to HR and work with them to make plans for next year.
  • Staff Shout-Outs: The weekly check in is now a way to do staff shout out. If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. We didn’t have any shout out this week.
    • The testing crew!  Awesome job.  It ran super smooth.
    • Teachers – you continue to impress me (Peter) with your engaging in-person lessons.
    • Audrey and Mary – for organizing and taking all of the student pictures and working on the yearbook.
    • Anne T – Fun working with her during the 5th grade visits and parent meetings.  It is going to be a fun year next year.



  • iPad Collection: Students will likely be allowed to keep their iPads over the summer. If you know of students who are moving out of district, please remind them to return their devices and chargers before they go. If families do not want to keep their devices over the summer, they may have the opportunity to return the device, but I haven’t heard for certain yet.


  • 4H in the Classroom: Elizabeth Gangwer, from the local 4H club, is offering virtual classroom visits to classrooms to share with kids about 4-H and how to get involved. If you’re not familiar, you can check out the Lane County 4-H page here or read this flyer. If you’d like to schedule Elizabeth for a virtual visit, please email her at 

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, May 31 Tue, June 1

A – Day

Wed, June 2

B – Day

Thur, June 3

A – Day

Fri, June 4

B -Day

No School 3:30 Talk about Race Group   6:00 ACE Awards  

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

May 14, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

The school year is quickly winding down. We’ll soon begin tackling our typical end of the year activities like class lists, schedules, and other planning. There’s still so many unknowns about next year, but we’re moving forward planning for as “normal” as possible.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, May 17 Tue, May 18 Wed, May 19 Thur, May 20 Fri, May 21
9:30 P&G to admin Zoom   9-12 OSAS Testing

9:00  GLT

10:00 Staff Meeting

8:00 Justice League

6:30pm 5th grade Parent Zoom

9:30 5th grade Parent Zoom

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
    • Monday – Canvas self check
    • Tuesday – Mindfulness and discussion
    • Thursday – SEL Finishing strong
    • Friday – Team building : How many elephants

Madison INFORMATION         

  • Wednesday PD:
    • Guest Speakers will present about piloting 4Js new SEL universal screening tool
    • Next Steps in our Climate Refresh                    
  • State Testing: We have a total of 180 confirmed students whose parents would like them tested.  Very few of those will take all the tests available for their grade level. We only have a handful of students we haven’t heard from, but will plan for them to show up just in case. Testing will Please connect with Christina or Gina if you have any questions about testing.
    • Blue/CO/Monday-Tuesday Cohort = May 19
    • Green/OC/Thursday-Friday = May 26
    • Make-Ups = June 9    
  • Repeat: Spring easyCBM: 
  • School Climate Survey: Surveys for grades 6 to 12 are open and will be available until the end of the school year.  This year the surveys have between 32 and 34 questions and combine four components: (1) a significantly reduced version of our annual climate survey, (2) a mental health screener, (3) questions related to the All Students Belong initiative, and (4) questions about student experiences with distance learning.
  • Staff Shout-Outs: I’m replacing the weekly check in with a staff shout out. If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. This week’s shout out is to the climate team, for planning our super fun staff social. Also, thank you to everyone to made the time and effort to attend the event! 


  • District Admin Staffing News: Two major updates came out this week. First, Brooke Wagner, current Director of PreK-8, will become the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services. This is a temporary role as this was Superintendent Vandercar’s position. Her role as Superintendent is currently temporary, so she will move back into her assistant superintendent role should the board hire a different person for superintendent next year. Brooke will oversee Human Resources, Finance, and other operational departments. No news yet on who will fill her position or if restructuring will happen.Dr. José Salgado will join 4J as the Assistant Superintendent of Instruction as Charis departs down this summer.José has worked at all levels of education over more than 30 years, in different cultures, languages and geographies, in a wide range of capacities and leadership roles. His experience ranges from teaching in rural Central America to teaching in the first dual immersion bilingual program in the U.S., leading schools in inner-city Boston to serving as provost of a university in Honduras. He holds a doctorate in education from Harvard University. He is currently serving as the chief academic officer of Jackson Public Schools in Mississippi, where he has worked to create the vision for the district’s instruction and curriculum for the next five years, and developed the online system for teaching and learning in response to COVID-19 restrictions. Previously he served as the chief academic officer of Schenectady City School District in New York. José’s diverse experiences have taught him that each individual situation deserves a unique approach, tailored to local context and a unique understanding of what it is required to improve student and school outcomes at every level, by leveraging effective teams, creating a clear and attainable vision, and setting clear goals and accountability systems. He has focused his career on closing achievement gaps and increasing academic outcomes. He believes success in education can be achieved when systems and structures are in place to support instructional leaders to increase student achievement in literacy and numeracy, align health and nutrition issues, technology, discipline approaches beyond punishment, and students’ voice and leadership, accompanied by meaningful principal and teacher training around data, pedagogy, climate and cultural changes, and approaches to learning. José’s expertise in teaching and leading is of the highest caliber, and he will be an outstanding addition to our team in this critical role.
  • iPad Collection: We will NOT be collecting devices at the end of the year, unless we know of a student who will be leaving the district. All returning students will keep their iPad over the summer.


  • Teaching Students About the Concept of Injustice: Students gain a rich understanding of civil rights when they build from their ideas of fairness to the larger issue of justice. See this Edutopia article for age-appropriate ways to teach the concept of injustice. 

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, May 24 Tue, May 25 Wed, May 26 Thur, May 27 Fri, May 28
8:00 TLC 3:30 Talk About Race Book Study 8:00 Climate Team

9-12 OSAS Testing

9:00 GLT

10:00 Staff Vision/Climate Work


We hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter


May 7, 2021

Hi Madison Family,

The office staff had fun celebrating all of you teachers this week.  We appreciate all of you.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, May 10

A – Day

Tue, May 11

B – Day

Wed, May 12

Flex Day

Thur, May 13

A – Day

Fri, May 14

B – Day

TLC @ 8am

Earthquake Drill 2nd period


Book Club @ 3:30 Climate Team @ 8am

Staff PD from 10:30-12.  It is going to be fun (see below)

Earthquake Drill 2nd period  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track. 
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Please add any suggestions or concerns here.
  • Focus Slides
    • Monday:  Announcements/Self Canvas Check
    • Tuesday: Mindfulness/Discussion Questions 
    • Wednesday: SEL lesson: Work Ethic
    • Thursday: Team Building: Who am I?

Madison INFORMATION         

  • Wednesday Staff Meeting and PD: 10:30am to noon
    • This PD is going to be put on by the Climate Team and is going to be focused around building staff moral.  I know most of you do not come in on Wednesday, but this one is going to be worth it 🙂 There is going to be some golf competitions, disc golf, ladder ball, beanbag toss (aka corn hole) and just a fun time.  There will be prizes for high and low scores.  There will also be prizes for best golf dressed.
      • Bring your golf clubs if you have a favorite club if not we will have some you can borrow.   
  • State Testing: We received results of the family interest survey this week and will begin making plans for state testing. The district’s goal is EAs and subs will be proctoring the assessments. 
    • Blue Cohort =May 19
    • Green Cohort  = May 26
    • Make-Ups = June 2
    • Extended Assessment students = May 5
  • Spring easyCBM: We are going to do it on Wednesday during asynchronous time.

  • Staff Shout-Outs: I’m replacing the weekly check in with a staff shout out. If you need absolutely anything, please don’t hesitate to connect with me. Here are this week’s shout outs:
    • Wilcox – The office loves hearing the outside band 4th period
    • Stairway Band – Super fun way to welcome students into the building
    • Teachers – You rock! 6 weeks left.
    • PE Teachers – For some weird reason, seeing all of the sweaty students walk around makes this year feel a little more normal.


  • 2021-22 District Calendar: The school board has approved the calendar for next year. Here are a few key dates:
    • Monday, Aug 30 – Teachers report back (2 days earlier for paid PD time)
    • Thursday, Sep 9 – Transition day for 6th Grade but maybe all grades
    • Friday, Sep 10 – First day of school for all students
    • Dec 20-31 – Winter Break
    • Friday, June 17 – Last day for students
    • Monday, June 20 – Last day for teachers


What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, May 17

A – Day

Tue, May 18

B – Day

Wed, May 19

Flex Day

Thur, May 20

A – Day

Fri, May 21

B – Day

  Book Club @ 3:30 GLT @ 9am

Staff Meeting and Building PD @10 to noon

Justice League @ 8am

5th Grade parent zoom @ 6:30

5th grade parent zoom @ 9:30

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

April 30, 2021


Teacher appreciation week Memes

Hi Monarchs,

Thank you teachers, for all of the wonderful gifts that you give to Madison kids, families, and colleagues every week! May the force be with you, this week! We look forward to spoiling you a bit, this week!

It looks like everyone’s in the groove of the new normal of hybrid and SSO which means there are way fewer items for the blog. If you’ve been watching the news, you may have seen that local case counts have risen more than 100% from the previous two weeks. According to ODE guidance, even if we shift into high risk, schools can likely continue operating in hybrid provided the schools aren’t shown to be transmission sites. Hopefully this means we’ll continue operating as is for the remainder of the year. At the school board meeting on Wednesday the superintendent indicated they are moving forward with planning for next year as having a full 5-day schedule. Students who want to remain online next year would enroll in EOA. Fingers crossed for getting back to as close to “normal” as possible!

Here’s what’s happening this week:


Mon, May 3 Tue, May 4 Wed, May 5 Thur, May 6 Fri, May 7
8:30 P,G,&A to suicide and threat assessment training

9:30 P&G to MS Admin Meeting



9:45 5th Grade Visit at Spring Creek


3:30 Talk About Race


8:00 – Climate Team Planning for Party on the Lawn


8:00 Justice League

9:45 5th grade visit to Spring Creek


No School – Grading Day


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.   



    • Monday – Canvas Check before Progress Reporting
    • Tuesday – Mindfulness
    • Wednesday – SEL : Stress Management
    • Thursday –  Team Building – Spot the Difference  
  • Wednesday PD: No PD this week. 
  • End of day dismissal:
    We are changing the end of day dismissal just a little for the last 7 weeks to spread the students out a little better.  We are going to dismiss by your last digit of your room number after PE and music are dismissed.
    New Dismissal Schedule:
    Rooms ending in 01 (501, 601, 801, 901)
    Rooms ending in 02
    Rooms ending in 03
    Rooms ending in 04
    Rooms ending in 05


  • Expo Update: We have 2 part time postings in round 2 of the EXPO

    • M-MAD02 COORDINATOR MADISON 0.8 Intervention & support for Math & ELA


  • State Testing: The school board approved the district’s plan to offer state testing opportunities to families on Wednesdays in May. This email from Kerry Delf provides more information. Families have been emailed a link to a survey to complete by April 30 to indicate their preference and text with the link and their student’s ID number, which is needed to complete the survey. Families can opt out directly on that survey if they prefer. Important note: Staff members should not make suggestions to families about opting out of tests, however you can direct them to the survey or the form if they ask for it. All communication about state testing will come from the district, so please don’t worry about needing to email or communicate with families around testing. More info to come next week when dates have been sent.
    • Testing dates will be on Flex Wednesday mornings, 5/19 and 5/26, and will be done entirely by guest teachers and EAs. Teachers will not need to proctor tests, and class-time will not be used.
  • Spring easyCBM: Please see Christina’s email about easyCBM testing for Spring. It will look much like it did in the fall. 



  • Administration News: March and April are traditionally the times when administration shifts happen. Here’s a brief rundown of who’s going where:
    • All the interim administrators from the beginning of the year have been formally assigned to their positions. This includes Trinity Welch-Radabaugh as principal of North, Travis Sheaffer as AP at North, John Wayland as principal of Kelly, and Sarah Prater as AP at Kelly.
    • Casandra Kamens, AP at Churchill, is the new extended learning administrator overseeing all summer programs and after school programs.
    • Joyce Smith-Johnson will be the new elementary education director at Springfield school district next year.
    • Larry Williams, principal of ATA, will move downtown to support educational equity and inclusion. AJ Hruby, the AP at ATA, will move into the principal role.
    • Jen Hebard, principal of Family School and Chinese Immersion, will move to Kennedy to serve as assistant principal and oversee the Chinese Immersion school which moves to Kennedy to co-locate on their campus.
    • Teresa Martindale, principal of Adams, will be the principal of Family School and support other district programs.
    • Chris Benz, AP at Kennedy, will be the principal of Adams.
    • Scott Mayers, AP at North, will be the AP at Eugene Online Academy.
    • J. Jesus Sandoval, currently an education specialist in Willamette Education Service District, will be an AP at North.
    • David Jacobson, currently the Federal Programs Administrator and former principal at Willagillespie, has decided to return to classroom teaching.
    • Mark Watson, AP at Sheldon for the 15 years and current AP at Cal Young, is retiring this year.


  • Anti-Racism Resources: After our anti-racism PD on Wednesday, a few staff members shared some additional videos and podcasts. If you have any other resources to share, please send them my way and I’ll include them in the blog. 
    • Nice White Parents – This 5-part series from the New York Times focuses on the 60-year relationship between white parents and their neighborhood schools in New York City. It’s a pretty fascinating glimpse into how people think they’re helping without considering the impact on others.
    • Portland Civil Rights: Lift Ev’ry VoiceThis film from OPB explores Portland’s African American history with a focus on the turbulent 1960s, ’70s and early ’80s. At the time, issues surrounding urban renewal, school desegregation and brittle police relations were exploding both nationally and locally.
  • Test Your Luck: Some people have mentioned looking for strategies to help students with work completion and motivation. I saw this video and thought the idea looked fun, even with older kids!

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, May 10 Tue, May 11 Wed, May 12 Thur, May 13 Fri, May 14


8:00 TLC




8:00 Climate Team

1:00 5th grade visit to Awbrey Park

3:30 Talk About Race



Grade Level Team Meetings  

10:00 Staff Meeting/PD



8:00 Justice League

1:00 5th grade visit to Awbrey Park





9:00 Gina to Physical Distancing Coordinator Meeting

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

April 23, 2021

Hi Monarchs,

The sun is out, spring is here, and 8 more weeks to go!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, April 26


Tue, April 27


Wed, April 28

Flex Day

Thur, April 29


Fri, April 30


8:00 TLC


3:30 Talk About Race Book Study FLEX Wednesday

8:00 Climate Team

9:00 GLTs 

10:00-12:00 Climate/Vision Work






Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links. 

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.


  • Focus Slides 
    • Monday – Canvas Self Check
    • Tuesday –  Mindfulness and Flex Wednesday Planning
    • Thursday – Earthquake Drill Instruction
    • Friday – Team Building – Word Scramble
  • Wednesday Climate Vision Work: We’ll be analyzing our data from the “Why” and begin a conversation about moving to the “How” and the “What”
  • Student Supplies for Next Year: We just learned that schools will be provided with a pot of funds to purchase school supplies for next year. At a team meeting at a later date, we will discuss the items each grade level would like to have.
  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. We’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. This is also a great place to share a shout-out to a colleague in recognition of the great work that you’re all doing.



  • ACE Award Nominees: Congratulations to Madison’s 2021 ACE award nominees, Jason Erickson, Ken Walker, and Audrey Wiltz! We’re all so excited to celebrate you!
    • We will be holding a virtual awards presentation through Zoom and broadcast on Facebook on Thursday, June 3 at 6 p.m. Watch for more details to come. I hope you will join us to honor and celebrate our colleagues!
    • Complete list of 4J nominees
  • Summer School: There will be more summer school opportunities this year for students. We don’t yet have any information about when the program will be, when we can sign kids up, or how many students we can send.  They are currently hiring teachers. 
  • State Testing – Peter, Gina, and Christina will take Q and A on Wednesday at the staff meeting, about OSAS and easyCBM spring testing.  
    • Oregon requested a waiver of all state testing this spring, but this wish was not granted. Instead, the U.S. Department of Education approved a waiver for Oregon to greatly reduce the amount of testing conducted this year.
      The number of tests Oregon schools will administer this spring is reduced by nearly half, and the length of each test is significantly shortened. ODE estimates that the planned tests will take on average about 1–1½ hours total for students in grades 3–6 and 2–2½ hours total for students in grades 7, 8 and 11. 
      Our district has developed a plan for state testing to meet the state and federal mandates and not risk our federal funding, minimize the impact on teacher time and student learning, and provide options for families. 
      4J schools will conduct state testing on Wednesdays in May, outside of regular class times. To avoid taking up the limited time teachers have with students this spring, testing will not be conducted during regular synchronous (live) learning time. Tests will be proctored by guest teachers and classified employees. 
      Families have three options for their students in grades 3–8 and 11 (there are no summative assessments for students in grades K, 1, 2, 9, 10 or 12): 
      • Complete state tests as scheduled 
      • Opt in to complete additional tests for the other subjects normally tested at their grade level
      • Opt out and not complete state tests this year

What’s Coming Next Week: Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

Mon, May 3 Tue, May 4 Wed, May 5 Thur, May 6 Fri, May 7
A Day

9:30-11:30, P&G to MS Admin Meeting

B Day

3:30 Talk About Race Book Study

A Day B Day

8:00 Justice League

No School – Grading Day


I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

April 16, 2021

Hi Monarchs,

We did it! If anyone wants to start counting, there are officially 42 school days left!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:


 Blue Day




Blue Day

3:30 Talk about Race

9:00 Grade Level Team Meetings (complete SPED/Gen Ed Collab Log)

10:00 Staff Meeting 

12:30 Teacher Office Hours


Green Day



Green Day 


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.


  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Now that everybody’s back on campus, please add any suggestions or concerns into the yellow physical suggestion box that resides in the staff room.
  • Focus Slides
    • Monday – Fire Drill Preparation
    • Tuesday – Self Canvas Check
    • Thursday – SEL “Wearing is Caring”
    • Friday – Team Building – Memory Game Video


  • Staff Appreciation – 
    • On Monday, April 19th, 2021 the District will be recognizing staff at middle schools and acknowledge how tirelessly you have been working to bring your students back on campus. We would like to respectfully request to take a photograph of you (wearing a mask) with the delivery to promote our gratitude to donors.

      The district has partnered with the Eugene Education Foundation and Starbucks to make your day a little sweeter! The Office of Public Safety staff will be delivering boxes of donuts compliments of Eugene Education Foundation.

      In addition, Starbucks has generously donated one complimentary beverage (up to six dollars in value) to every staff member to show gratitude and appreciation for all you do. You will find a voucher printed on blue paper in your mailbox, early next week. You can redeem your Starbucks certificate at any Eugene corporate store this week, Tuesday, April 20 through Sunday, April 25. (Those are the standalone stores, not those in a Safeway for example.)

      Thank you for all you do for our kids and community!

      You are appreciated!



  • Hybrid Updates:                   
    • Eating and Cleaning Protocols: At Friday’s Site Coordinator’s meeting, Joyce clarified the expectations around students eating. It is recommended that kids who are eating have nothing else out (paper, pencils, etc)
      • If food is out, materials shouldn’t be: It was recommended that when kids are eating, that should be the only thing they do. Given the fact they’re unmasked, touching their mouths, possibly getting saliva on their hands, students shouldn’t also be touching iPads, pencils, materials, etc during that time. I know this may complicate your morning or lunch plans, so please don’t hesitate to check in if you have questions.
      • Wash/Sanitize Hands Before and After Eating: Students should be cleaning their hands directly before and directly after eating. Washing with soap and water is preferable, but hand sanitizer is also acceptable.        
    • Masks Available: Gina has 2 cloth masks for every staff member and will be placing them in mailboxes next week. Please keep them on hand, and let her know if you every need another.
    • Sick Student or Adult: Should a student or adult leave your room after exhibiting one primary COVID symptom (fever of 100.4+, cough, chills, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell), their area should be sanitized which means they’re desk and chair.  The room will not be evacuated for this type of situation.
      • Full Room Sanitation: Entire classrooms will only be sanitized if it is discovered the sick student or adult was Covid positive at that time and it wasn’t disclosed (ie: parent knew the kid was positive and sent them anyway) or student or staff member has a close contact that is currently positive (ie: student’s parent is Covid positive and kid was sent to school and began exhibiting symptoms). That type of cleaning will be coordinated by Joyce, Dawn, or Trevor (custodial supervisor).
      • Vomiting: If a student vomits in the classroom, the class would be asked to leave for about 15 minutes while the vomit is cleaned up and the student’s area is cleaned. Unless there were significant other primary Covid symptoms, a full room sanitation would not happen at that time.
  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • Shout out to Tim Wilcox, who has managed to get kids already making beautiful music, right outside our staff lounge! The office group enjoys this every day!


  • Volunteer Guidelines: If you are planning to host a volunteer, for any reason, either online or in-person, this Spring, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the updated 4J process for volunteer approval.
    • Requirements Applicable to All Volunteers (including online)

      Volunteers must be cleared through the district’s volunteer criminal history process and approved by the Office of Public Safety before interacting with students or volunteering in other capacities. In order for a volunteer to be approved, they must have completed required Safe Schools trainings and have a criminal records check. Certain volunteers are required to undergo background checks based on fingerprints. See  Policy GCDA/GDDA for further information.     

    • Volunteers on District Properties

      State guidelines and the 4J Covid-19 management plan prohibit the district from allowing all but essential visitors and volunteers on school and district properties. No school may permit any on-site volunteers, unless pre-approved by the school principal. If an essential volunteer is permitted to enter a school property, they must sign a Covid-19 waiver of liability and agreement. The Physical Distancing Site Coordinator must train the volunteer in COVID health and safety protocols and provide the volunteer with the 4J COVID Communicable Disease Management Plan.   

    • Single Visit Online Volunteers –   The district is likely to grant a single day online volunteer to be treated as a “visitor” as long as s/he is never left alone, either physically or virtually (i,e, breakout room) with students. As always, teachers are responsible for vetting their guests and encouraged to check with an admin prior to scheduling a visit or if you have any questios.  


  • Critical Literacy Pedagogy PD Opportunity: This project is designed to support K-8 general education and language arts teachers in choosing, analyzing, and teaching with literature written by and about people with diverse experiences and backgrounds. Participants will gain competencies in critical literacy instruction, and will learn how to confidently incorporate culturally diverse literature into their curriculum. It looks like it’s free to attend. More information is available here.

  • COVID-19 Surveillance Project: Would you like to find out if you have Covid-19 antibodies now and again this summer? Linked here is an opportunity through the Oregon Health Authority to do a prick test to learn about your antibody load and help OHA learn more about Covid-19 antibodies around Oregon.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, April 26 Tue, April 27 Wed, April 28 Thur, April 29 Fri, April 30

Blue Day


Blue Day

3:30 Talk about Race

8:00 Climate Team

9:00 Grade Level Team Meetings (complete SPED/Gen Ed Collab Log)

10:00 PD 

12:30 Teacher Office Hours



Green Day



Green Day 

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina