November 24, 2021

Hi Madison Family,

You guys…we did it! We successfully made it to Thanksgiving! Way to go! You continue to amaze me everyday with your resilience, persistence, and vulnerability.

Here are this week’s updates:

11/29 11/30 12/1 12/2 12/3

7:45 TLC




8:00 Staff Meeting



  • Staffing Update: Our COVID Courtney resigned last Friday.  We will miss her.  If you know of anyone that would want to be our COVID person, please let Gina know.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Repeat: Vaccination Clinics: Howard will host a vaccination clinic for kids under 12 on November 29 from 4-7pm. Our staff won’t be running the clinic, but instead just providing the space in the gym and cafeteria. Another clinic will be held at a different school on December 21.
  • Health Adoption Team Members Wanted: If you’re interested in working on the health curriculum adoption team, please read this email from Jocelyn Mendelssohn, the health TOSA. Then let me know and I’ll submit your name. 
  • Project CHAMP: The team from Lane African American/Black Student Success at Lane ESD joined an admin meeting last week to introduce themselves and talk a bit about what they do. If you’re interested, you can learn more about their work here. They have regional student success navigators who will work with regions around connecting with and supporting our African American and Black students. Their work is born out of House Bill 2016 (from 2015) that you can also learn more about here.


  • Random Acts of Kindness Foundation: The RAK Foundation has a slew of resources that cover a variety of topics related to kindness. They include playlists, pen pals, the power of thank you letters, kindness calendars, and coloring pages. Feel free to explore if you’d like to dig a bit deeper into our kindness month activities.
  • Repeat: A Note About Thanksgiving: As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When I share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let me know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. I recognize that despite my best intentions, I may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let me know.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Dec 6 Tue, Dec 7 Wed, Dec 8 Thur, Dec 9 Fri, Dec 10

No School/Grading Day



No School Day










It’s just 3 weeks until Winter Break!

Peter and Gina

November 19th, 2021

Happy Friday Monarchs!,

Thank you all for your thoughtful work with kids, this week.

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Nov 22 Tue, Nov 23 Wed, Nov 24 Thur, Nov 25 Fri, Nov 26
9:30 Gina to 4J Attendance Team mtg (zoom)


7:45 Climate Team



8:00 ELA Meeting


No School – Thanksgiving Break



No School – Thanksgiving Break






  • Fire Drill on Wednesday! – We’ll completing our required monthly fire drill on Wednesday at 2:00, during 5th period.


  • FOCUS Slides and Circle Topic for next week (Should we move Focus and/or Lunch period?).
    • Remember, it’s a short week, so we’ll be doing circle on Wednesday. Please make sure that your focus class has the opportunity to discuss the circle topic each week. We have several teachers who resurface the circle topic throughout the day with their classes, and it makes kids feel unsure and nervous if they haven’t had the same preliminary discussion as their peers. 
  • Leadership Plan: Thank you to those of you who voted on the leadership plan. The vote from licensed staff passed with 100% of those who participated
  • Reminder: Please work with your 6th period class to put chairs up at the end of the day. We are still running short on custodial staff, and Larry would really appreciate that as a helpful time-saver.


  • Repeat: A Note About Thanksgiving: As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When I share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let me know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. I recognize that despite my best intentions, I may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let me know.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 29 Tue, Nov 30 Wed, Dec 1 Thur, Dec 2 Fri, Dec 3
  7:45 TLC  




8:00 Staff Meeting


Four more weeks until Winter Break!

Peter and Gina

November 12th, 2021

Hi Madison Family,

I hope you enjoyed the two day week with students and conferences. What a gift! Coming up is the last 5 day week of November.

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Nov 15 Tue, Nov 16 Wed, Nov 17 Thur, Nov 18 Fri, Nov 19
  TLC – 7:45am   JL – 7:45am GLT – 8am


  • Staffing Update: Please join me in welcoming Larry Tonn to the Madison team. He will be filling in for Jim until we can get a permanent day custodian.  Larry is a retired custodian that cannot say “no.”  Please introduce yourself to him.  If things are not getting done the way Jim did them, please let him know and I am sure he will fix it.  Also, I would like to officially welcome Julian Kane to Madison as our new 7th grade science teacher.  I hope he will start sometime this week.  You will recognize Julian because he has been Cody’s student teacher this Fall.  I am super excited to have him be an “official” staff member.
  • FOCUS Slides: Slides
  • Leadership Plan: The leadership was emailed to teachers on Friday for you to vote and then submitted to HR.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Reminder About Trade Time for Classified Staff: For classified staff, trade time is occasionally earned when staff come in earlier, stay later, or miss a break due to student need or meetings. If you miss a break, especially lunch, due to responding to student need, please let me or your cooperating teacher know immediately and we will work to ensure you get your break that day. Any additional time you work outside of your contract hours needs to either to be documented for extended contract or used as part of trade time. Technically trade time is supposed to be made up the same week it is accumulated. If you work an extra 15 minutes on Monday, then we should work to have you either arrive 15 minutes later or leave 15 minutes early that week to make up that time. If you are consistently earning trade time, please connect with me as this should be a rare occurrence. The OSEA contract states: Trade Time. Trade time is equal time exchanged within the same workweek. Trade time is available by mutual agreement of the supervisor or building administrator and the employee. Employees who are scheduled to take trade time but are unable to do so must notify their supervisor by the next business day and record the actual hours worked on a timesheet.   


  • Repeat: A Note About Thanksgiving: As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When I share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let me know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. I recognize that despite my best intentions, I may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let me know.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 22 Tue, Nov 23 Wed, Nov 24 Thur, Nov 25 Fri, Nov 26
  Climate Team – 7:45am As of now – regular school day

ELA Meeting – 8am

Thanksgiving No School

Five weeks until Winter Break and hopefully less until the ski season starts! On a person note, my oldest turns 15 this week.  There is probably going to be a new driver on the road.  My Jeep might be driving a little more crazy then usual and it will not be entirely my fault.

Peter and Gina

November 5th, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

What are your victories last week? I know we are experiencing an indescribable amount of challenges and this fall I have tended to be a glass half-empty kind of person. It’s hard for me to recognize the victories because my brain hyper-focuses on the things I did wrong, the balls I dropped, or the problems I don’t yet have solutions for. I have to intentionally remind myself of the victories, even the smallest ones because those matter. I spent some time this weekend reminding myself of the incredible victories we’ve experienced this year as well. What are your victories?

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Nov 8 Tue, Nov 9 Wed, Nov 10 Thur, Nov 11 Fri, Nov 12
Regular Monday FOCUS – Mandatory Bus Video

Conferences 4:30 to 8pm

Climate Team – 7:45

Conferences 8 – noon

Off in the afternoon

Veterans Day – No School No Students – Planning day

Gina and Peter in meetings in AM


  • Focus: Slide
  • What do we talk about at conferences? Talk about the student’s strengths and what’s going well in class. Parents really like to hear things that let them know you see their student and recognize their specific strengths. I like to ask parents how they think school is going. It’s always interesting to hear their perspectives.  Some students may need to learn to ask for help when they need it or not give up so quickly. Others need to work on stretching themselves instead of doing the bare minimum. Be honest with parents. What things could their student work on to help them be successful in class? If there are behaviors getting in the way of learning, talk about them. Consider asking parents for the strategies they use when their student struggles at home. Finally, end with a chance for parents to share what their goals are for their student and answer any questions they have. This is a really great opportunity to create a positive partnership and open lines of communication.

  • EA Extravaganza Nov. 10: Linked here are the PD sessions that will be offered via Zoom from 8-12 on Wednesday, Nov 10 for all EAs. Please consider teaming up with your colleagues and zooming together to get the most out of the sessions. Sessions include how to lead small groups, ERI curriculum, using accessibility features, SIPPS Q&A, Science of Reading 101, and relationship building. Just a reminder that Wednesday and Friday are in-person work days for all classified staff. If you intend to use accumulated trade time, you must email me and let me know. Other activities for these days include completing projects for teachers, completing your TalentEd self-assessment, and finishing any SafeSchools modules

DISTRICT INFORMATION                            

  • Repeat: Conferences Update: 
    • Teleworking Allowed: Principals have been given the flexibility to allow teachers to work from home for conferences, so please make whatever plans work best for you. Just send me an email if you’re planning to work from home for all or part of conferences.
    • Staff Not at Conferences: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday are regular work days for all staff who are not part of conferences and should work your regular hours at school. However, if you have accumulated trade time or are planning to accumulate trade time to not work any of these dates, please email me your plan ahead of time.
  • Repeat: COVID Protocol Updates & Reminders: 
    • What symptoms mean staff or students should stay home? Please stay home if you are experiencing any primary COVID symptoms due to an unknown illness which are:
      • Fever of 100.4F or higher
      • Chills
      • Cough (non-persistent, dry coughs are okay, but congested coughs are not)
      • Shortness of breath
      • Difficulty breathing
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Diarrhea
      • Vomiting
    • Vaccine Booster Clinics: Boosters will now be available for those who are 6 months post their 2nd dose and meet other requirements such as persistent, institutional exposure to Covid or those at high risk of severe Covid-19.  To learn more and book an appointment if you’re interested, please visit this link


  • Short Breaks for Finding Calm: This article from Edutopia shares some strategies for taking quick breaks to improve mindfulness, self-regulation, and well-being. 
  • A Note About Thanksgiving: As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When I share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let me know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. I recognize that despite my best intentions, I may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let me know.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 15 Tue, Nov 16 Wed, Nov 17 Thur, Nov 18 Fri, Nov 19


TLC – 7:45   Justice League – 7:45  

This week is a 2-day week with students.

Gina and Peter

October 29, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Nov 1 Tue, Nov 2 Wed, Nov 3 Thur, Nov 4 Fri, Nov 5

7:45 – TLC


8:00 – Staff Meeting


  • Staffing Update: We are so please to announce that we have hired Courtney Harshbarger to join us for 4 hours each day (9:15-1:15) to assist with Covid-related tasks such as contact tracing and supporting students who are being quarantined at home. The goal of this new position is two-fold; to best serve Madison students and families and to lighten the load of both teachers and office staff. We are hoping to have her start next week sometime.
  • ConferencesPlease Upload your zoom link and desired break times to the master spreadsheet for conferences!    I’ll be working on setting up your sign-up pages, with the goal of opening sign-ups on Tuesday afternoon. Conferences

DISTRICT INFORMATION                         

  • Conferences Update: 
    • Teleworking Allowed: Principals have been given the flexibility to allow teachers to work from home for conferences, so please make whatever plans work best for you. Just send me an email if you’re planning to work from home for all or part of conferences.
    • Staff Not at Conferences: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday are regular work days for all staff who are not part of conferences and should work your regular hours at school. However, if you have accumulated agreed-upon trade time to not work any of these dates, please email Peter your plan ahead of time.
    • Conference Dates:
      • Nov. 9 (T), 4:30-8pm, Evening Conferences
      • Nov. 10 (W), 8am-12pm, All Day Conferences (No school for students)
      • Nov. 11(Th), Veterans’ Day – No School
      • Nov. 12 (F), Planning Day – No School
  • COVID Protocol Updates & Reminders: 
    • What symptoms mean staff or students should stay home? Please stay home if you are experiencing any primary COVID symptoms due to an unknown illness which are:
      • Fever of 100.4F or higher
      • Chills
      • Cough (non-persistent, dry coughs are okay, but congested coughs are not)
      • Shortness of breath
      • Difficulty breathing
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Diarrhea
      • Vomiting
    • Vaccine Booster Clinics: Boosters will now be available for those who are 6 months post their 2nd dose and meet other requirements such as persistent, institutional exposure to Covid or those at high risk of severe Covid-19.  To learn more and book an appointment if you’re interested, please visit this link
  • Behavioral Safety Assessment Training Video: Sheri Hoyland, the 4J Behavioral Safety Assessment Coordinator (threats, suicide, safety, etc) asked principals to share with staff the linked Behavioral Safety Assessment Training Video. Linked here is her full email, which also includes a link to the Student Wellness & School Safety Department website, which is your “one stop shop” for all things Student Wellness & School Safety Department, and also the linked Age Appropriate Sexual Behavior in Children and Young People, which delineate which behaviors are age appropriate, concerning, or very concerning by age range (0-4, 5-9, 9-12, and 13-18). 
  • Repeat: TalentEd for This Year: All non-probationary licensed staff have had their Talent Ed processes marked complete for this year. Barring any performance concerns, those staff members will not need to complete anything in Talent Ed this year. For probationary staff, you’ll still need to complete the goal setting and self-assessment documents. Rob Hess has provided a template for SEL goals and technology goals if you’d like to use those. Please reach out to Gina for support with completing TalentEd goals. Classified staff will still receive their evaluations this year. Friday would be a great day to complete the self-assessment in TalentEd.


  • Team Building Activities for Kids: We all know that a sense of community and belonging helps kids feel safe, take risks, and (hopefully) make better, kinder choices. This list from We Are Teachers offers a list of some ideas for helping students connect and cooperate with one another.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 8 Tue, Nov 9 Wed, Nov 10 Thur, Nov 11 Fri, Nov 12



7:45 – Climate Team

4:30-8:00 Conferences


8-12 Conferences (No School)


No School – Veterans’ Day


No School – Planning Day

Conferences are going to be fast and furious, but then Thanksgiving will be right around the corner. Have a great weekend!

Peter and Gina

October 22, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Oct 25 Tue, Oct 26 Wed, Oct 27 Thur, Oct 28 Fri, Oct 29
Pajama Day Twin Day

Climate Team @7:45

Secure in Place and Fire Drill during Focus

Country vs Country Club

Picture Retakes

Sports Day

JL @ 7:45


GLT @ 8am

Native’s Student Union – 6th period

LatinX Student Union – TBA


  • Focus Slides for the WeekFirst week of “real” Focus. Thank you Climate Team!!!

  • Conference Sign Ups: We will have parents sign up for 10 minute conferences soon.  Remember they will be Tuesday from 4:30 to 8 and then Wednesday morning 8 to noon.

  • Safety Committee members needed: We need two staff members to take part in our newly forming Madison safety committee. This would be a once monthly meeting. If you are willing to volunteer, please let Gina know, asap. Thanks!

DISTRICT INFORMATION                         

  • TalentEd for This Year: All non-probationary licensed staff have had their Talent Ed processes marked complete for this year. Barring any performance concerns, those staff members will not need to complete anything in Talent Ed this year. For probationary staff, you’ll still need to complete the goal setting and self-assessment documents. Rob Hess has provided a template for SEL goals and technology goals if you’d like to use those. 


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 1 Tue, Nov 2 Wed, Nov 3 Thur, Nov 4 Fri, Nov 5
  TLC @ 7:45     GSA – TBA


Cheers to our first of two five day week with students! 

Peter and Gina

October 18th, 2021

Hi Madison,

I hope you have had a productive and restful two days without students.  I know I needed it.

Mon, Oct 18 Tue, Oct 19 Wed, Oct 20 Thur, Oct 21 Fri, Oct 22
No School TLC @ 7:45   JL @ 7:45  


  • Focus Class: Focus class this week will be to finish EasyCBM.  The students should have finished the Math assessment from last week and then do the two ELA (Proficient Reading and Vocabulary) this week.  The students do NOT have to do the Basic Reading assessment.  Most of the 6th graders in your class have taken the ELA assessments and will need something to do.  I would recommend you do Binder checks and help them organize.  Another task would be to look at their Canvas and grades to see where they can use some extra motivation or positive reinforcement.  If you need more activities, I can always provide Sudokus or something fun like that :). There will be no Circle on Thursday to give extra time to finish.
  • Staffing: Jeremy is back.  I do not love his title so I think we are changing it to Connection Coordinator.
  • Students COVID Testing: Families must first sign up through the U of O online to appear on this list. It takes about 2 weeks from the time they enroll online to when their student gets their first kit. Families also have to turn in a consent form, which goes to Lori for now.
  • Symptomatic COVID Testing: We will soon have the ability to offer rapid testing to symptomatic students and staff. Students will need to have a consent form on file (same form as the one required for the weekly testing) and staff will have to sign a consent form. Once we’re up and running, we will have some office be able to administer rapid tests as needed.
  • Staff Check In: Let us know who deserves recognition this week! This is also a spot to check in with me and let me know how you’re doing.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                     

  • District Calendar Updates: The district is pausing all PLCs and PDs (except for Leadership team meetings, GLT and Staff Meetings) through December. 


  • Indigenous People’s Day: Looking for resources to reflect yourself or with your students? Check out this article from We Are Teachers. This resonated with me… “The goal of Indigenous Peoples’ Day is not to erase and replace Italian American contributions. I know this was last week but we can teach and celebrate any day.
    • If people are interested, this website allows you to type in any address and learn which tribes originally occupied that land. Madison sits on the native land of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde plus others. 
  • Digital Citizenship Week: Next week is Digital Citizenship Week. The goal is to help students reflect on how their digital lives impact social and emotional well-being. Check out some of the resources from Common Sense Media, ideas from Applied Education Systems, and BrainPop’s Digital Citizenship Unit.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Oct 25 Tue, Oct 26 Wed, Oct 27 Thur, Oct 28 Fri, Oct 29
    Picture Retakes

Climate Team @7:45

  Staff Meeting @ 2:50

Here’s to a 4 day week! 

Gina and Peter

October 8th, 2021

Hi Monarchs,

Here’s the news for this week:

Mon, Oct 11 Tue, Oct 12 Wed, Oct 13 Thur, Oct 14 Fri, Oct 15
  Roving Canvas Release 

7:45 – Climate Team


Roving Canvas Release     

No School – Teacher Planning/Collaboration Day


  • Staffing Update: We are working on hiring a 6 hour Covid Utility Utility Support person to assist with contact tracing and support students on quarantine, which will free the office team up a bit to support other systems in the building. Thank you all for your support while we’ve been juggling everything, these last several weeks.      
  • EasyCBM: Remember that Focus teachers will be administering MATH easycbm next week. Please see Peter’s email for directions and let Gina know if you need help. We anticipate that most classes will finish by Wednesday, and we’ll be able to do circle time on Thursday. Circle topic forthcoming, early next week.


  • Covid Support and Next Steps Document – Teachers, here is a sample of a new document that we’ve created that I will be emailing/canvasing home  (and cc’ing the teaching team) when a student is placed on quarantine. It lists pertinent details about the nature of the quarantine and includes directions and resources for families in order to help their student be successful during their time at home. We are hoping to begin using it after progress reports, once we’ve hired our covid support person.


  • October 18 – Has been changed from an instructional day to a day in which teachers will be allowed to prepare and collaborate on plans for the second half of this first term.  No meetings with teachers will be planned on that day.   PLEASE NOTE:  Normally, all grades should be submitted no later than 8:00 am on the Monday morning following a Friday grading day.  In this case, all mid-term grades should be completed and submitted no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, October 18 
  • Professional Development – We are pausing ALL district and building admin facilitated Professional Development until January 2022.  This also means that the PD days scheduled for October 15 and November 12 are now dedicated to teacher planning/collaboration. Similarly, early release Fridays through the end of the calendar year are dedicated to teacher planning and collaboration.  One Friday each month (with the exception of 10/8 which has already been dedicated to teacher planning/collaboration) will likely be dedicated to a staff meeting.  



  • The Truth About Reading: This documentary, coming in 2022, gives insight into the growing impact of balanced literacy on both students and adults. It also discusses the research referred to as the Science of Reading that tells us what works for a vast majority of students when teaching them how to read. 

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Oct 18 Tue, Oct 19 Wed, Oct 20 Thur, Oct 21 Fri, Oct 22
No School – Teacher Planning/Collaboration Day 7:45 – TLC   7:45 – Justice League  

Have a good week!

Gina and Peter

At least once a day…

October 1st, 2021

Madison Family,

I want you to know I see the major ups and downs people are experiencing. This year is bringing with it even more challenges in student readiness in both academics and behavior. You are doing an incredible job. On those days or in those moments where it doesn’t feel like things are going well, please feel free to put all down, sit down, and give yourself a break. My reward for a crappy day was YouTube Jeep videos. Take those moments – take a lot of them if you need to. Call for a candy delivery or a bathroom break. You’re human and we all have moments where’s it’s too much. Just like some of our kids get regular breaks, adults need them too. You’re doing incredible things everyday. 

Mon, Oct 4 Tue, Oct 5 Wed, Oct 6 Thur, Oct 7 Fri, Oct 8
  TLC @ 7:45

Open House @ 6:30

  JL @ 7:45  


  • Focus Slides for October 4th – 7th: Here is the link for the slide show with all the Focus content for next week. The purpose of the week’s lessons is to review behavior expectations, learn about the dress code, reflect on the impressions we make on other people, and to have some fun together. We will beautify the slides a bit, and add a video link to Wednesday when our EPIC dress code video is done. Please see a Climate team member if you have any questions about content for next week.


  • Staffing Update: COVID Utility EA: We are hiring a 6.5 hour Covid Utility person. This is a classified position. Although it says people need to be Highly Qualified, the district is waiving that requirement for hiring right now. Instead anyone who isn’t already HQ will be offered an opportunity after being hired to complete a basic skills test to meet HQ status. 
  • GLT: TLC Rep will reach out to you to find the best time to meet
  • EasyCBM Window Sept. 27 – Oct. 14: Math will be done in Focus class the week October 11th.    

  • Staff Check In: Let us know who deserves recognition this week! 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                     

  • Talent Ed: Normally we’d be talking about getting self-assessments and goals done in Talent Ed, but there is talk of reducing some of the requirements for this year. I’m waiting until we have final word on what will be required this year before sharing a set of goals staff can just copy and paste.  
  • Last Chance! Vaccination Verification: If you haven’t yet completed the Google form here to verify your vaccination status, please do so ASAP (I haven’t done it yet either, so no judgement here!). I’ll be personally connecting with staff who haven’t yet completed the form.


  • Education Appreciation Days at Autzen Stadium – The Oregon Ducks are hosting two upcoming Education Appreciation Days at Autzen Stadium. They’re offering a 30% off discount for you, your friends and your family. This discount can be used at the October 30th game against Colorado. Go to and buy tickets using the code “2021EDU”

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Oct 11 Tue, Oct 12 Wed, Oct 13 Thur, Oct 14 Fri, Oct 15
   Climate Team at 7:45     No School.

Morning PD followed by Progress Reports in the afternoon

Here’s to week 4!

Gina and Peter

September 24th, 2021

Madison Family,

Some of you have shared that the “honeymoon” is ending and you’re starting to experience some behaviors that weren’t evident early on. We want to support you! Please reach out so we (Peter, Gina, Anne, Audrey) can offer support to both you and students who may need it. Whether it’s taking kids for a break or stepping in for a few moments so you can use the bathroom or just take a deep breath, send us a text/email/phone call and we’ll be there. As you start to build a more regular structure into your period and begin to use curriculum or do more academic focused tasks, we can expect to see more behaviors emerge as students may seek to avoid work, lack stamina after 18 months of distance learning, or may have skill gaps that make the work challenging. A concept that serves many teachers well is go slow to go fast. Move slowly now, do smaller portions of a task, teach your expectations thoroughly, allow them time to practice and get feedback so that you can move more quickly later. 

Mon, Sept 27 Tue, Sept 28 Wed, Sept 29 Thur, Sept 30 Fri, Oct 1
  Climate Team 7:45am     2:45 Staff Meeting, followed by GLT if that time was chosen by the team

Madison Information         

  • Focus Activitites: 
    • Monday Sep.27: Respect Agreement – day three, or wherever you are in the process
    • Tuesday, Sep. 28:  PRIDE Tour Part 2
    • Wednesday, Sep. 29: wrap up anything from Respect Agreement or PRIDE Tour that isn’t done
    • Thursday, Sep. 30: Light and breezy circle topic, practice circle communication skills. Examples include:
      • Something I collect is…

      • If I could choose a superpower it would be…

      • A food I could eat every day is…

      • If you could be an animal for a day, what would you be?

      • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

      • What’s the best day of the week? The worst? Why?

      • Would you rather travel back in time or travel to the future?

      • If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? 

      • Would you rather have a pet dinosaur or a pet dragon?

      • If you had a robot to help you with school, but it could only do one task, what would you have it do?

      • If humans started colonizing Mars, would you volunteer to move there? Why or why not?

      • Is cereal soup/is a hotdog a sandwich?

      • If you could wake up tomorrow and magically have a new skill – speaking a different language, playing basketball like Ruthie Hebard, creating the world’s funniest TikToks – what would it be?

  • EasyCBM: We are going to be doing Math EasyCBM in Focus class the week of October 4.  More information to come.

    • If you’re new to Madison or have never log into EasyCBM, please check your EasyCBM account to ensure you can log in and access materials and scores. If not, let me know so I can request access for you. 
  • Quarantining Information: As a reminder, if students are quarantined as close contacts to a Covid positive person, staff or students who were identified as a close contact are NOT quarantined if they are vaccinated. Vaccinated close contacts remain working in the building. There are times you won’t know who those staff members are and at other times you may figure it out based on the students in quarantine. These staff members are safe to be around and are not expected to alter their daily work. Please be kind – we’re all getting through this together.

    Here’s what we’ve learned last week (Disclaimer: This info is subject to change…)

    • Individual Students Quarantined: When kids are quarantined individually either through exposure at school or at home, they cannot return for 14 days.
      • Work for Individual Quarantined Students: Students are working on the class work posted in Canvas and can reach out to teachers for a zoom conversation if needed or desired.
  • Contact Tracing: Contact tracing is made easier by seating charts and routines. However, sometimes we spend time with kids who aren’t in our usual seats. If this happens, we need to you to document it the best you can incase we have to ask you in the next day or two.

  • Student COVID Testing: This week we have 25ish students participating in the optional at-home Covid testing. 
    • Students New to the Program: As parents sign students up (which they can do on an ongoing basis), these students receive a green folder with all the info about how to do the tests. They keep these folders at home. If they haven’t submitted a consent form, the office staff adds one to the folder and students return it with their tests.
    • Test Distribution on Thursdays
    • Test Drop Off on Fridays:    
  • Staff Check In: Let us know who deserves recognition this week! 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                    

  • Repeat: Safe Schools: All staff will have Safe Schools (now called Vector) modules to complete by December 31. Your username is your employee ID number. There are about 2 hours worth of trainings to complete. Staff can use time this week to complete the modules, but you have until December.  


  • Repeat: SELCO’s Educator Grants, Due 9/30: SELCO’s SPARK! Creative Learning Grant Program is now accepting applications for projects up to $1,000 that inspire curiosity, make learning accessible, and spark something new. Applications are open August 16-September 30. Visit the link above for details and to apply.
  • Repeat: EEF Grants Due Oct 1: Because last year was so different, EEA has moved the grant process to the fall. Visit the website here, under the Grants tab, to complete the application. If you’d like to submit a grant request, please send Peter your grant title and idea so TLC can rank order grant submissions. 

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Oct 4 Tue, Oct 5 Wed, Oct 6 Thur, Oct 7 Fri, Oct 8
TLC @ 7:45am Zoom Open House @ 6:30   Justice League  

Two five day weeks down! Thanks for hanging in there with us.