January 6th, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

We hope you were able to have a restful and productive (whatever that looks like for you) winter break and a good first week with the students.  Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 9 Tue, Jan 10 Wed, Jan 11 Thur, Jan 12 Fri, Jan 13
Peter Out Peter Out

7:45 – Climate Team

Peter Out

8am – GLT

Peter Out Peter Out

NSU (2), LSA (3), BSU (4) Meeting

1:30 – MLK Assembly

Staff PD – 2:45


  • Staffing Update: I am super excited to announce that Shawn O’Connell has accept the 5.5 hour EA job working with Amy Brooks.  Shawn comes to us with a lot of differences and we think he will be a good fit with the Madison Community. I hope he will be starting on January 13th, but I have not confirmed that with HR or Shawn.  When you see him, please give him the Madison welcome and introduce yourself.
  • Peter Out This Week, January 9-13: I will be helping to take care of my mom.  She is doing a lot better and this is currently my last scheduled week to help.  My siblings are taking the weeks now until early February.  I will keep you all in the loop if anything changes.  Mike Riplinger is going to be subbing for me.  He was a long time Awbrey Park principal and will probably know a lot of our students.  When he is not doing supervision or supporting Gina with discipline, I have asked him to do some (or a lot) of the Talent Ed Informal walk throughs.  When you see him in your room, just welcome him.  If you really do not want him in your room, please let Gina know.  He is retired and wants to only do positive/easy evaluations so if he in your room, you will probably only hear positives.
  • Attendance Intervention Punch Cards: I’m hoping that in the next few school days, many of the students that we started on attendance punch cards will begin to fill their cards and earn some fun gift cards, etc. Please remember to be checking in with any kids in your focus class on these punch cards, and we they fill their card, you can send them down to the office. We will celebrate them and help them to choose a reward. Alternatively, if you would PREFER to be in charge of the reward for your student, just send me an email letting me know that they have filled their card and what you have arranged for a reward.
  • Supporting Gender Expansive Student: Yesterday ODE came out with a document supporting gender expansive students and I thought I would have it with you.  If you have any questions after skimming it, please do not hesitate to reach out to Gina, Beth or I.  Beth is going to look at part of this document with the GSA today.
  • Winter easyCBM testing: Great news! For winter easycbm testing, we only need to test our SPED students and any students who DIDN”T test in the fall. SO….. Amy and Matt will make a plan to get their students tested, and Audrey and I will be calling gen-ed students to the library for testing during Focus class for 2-3 days per student, grouped by grade-level, beginning after the MLK holiday. This means that Focus teachers do NOT need to handle easyCBM testing for winter, unless you choose to for any reason. That said, I will probably remind you of this stroke of luck when it comes time to test the entire student body again in the spring.
  • College and Career Exploration Planning Committee Update: The committee is going to start meeting later this month. Here is a quick 3 questions google form survey for staff interested in joining the committee. Even if they don’t have the time to commit to the planning committee, Beth is also looking for people who may have an idea for a presenter. We are looking for people from all different kinds of fields of work and any local college to come talk to our students about 4 main things: 
    1. Talk about their job or program & skills required and what they like about their job

    2. Why it’s important to show up every day on time (dependable)

    3. Why it’s important to try your best every day (work ethic)

    4. Why it’s important to be able to work well with others (communication, teamwork, collaboration)

  • Formal Observations: Gina and I will work this month to schedule formal observations with all probationary staff.  For those contract staff who are on a formal observation cycle, we will work on doing yours in February and March.




  • School Choice Season is Coming: January brings the school choice season.  We will hold our evening event on Tuesday, January 17 at 6:30 and morning event on the 18th at 10 am. Last year, we had one parent total for our presentations. If you’d like to join, parents love to meet and hear from teachers and staff about how awesome Madison is, but feel ZERO pressure to do it.  Gina and I will be there to sing how awesome Madison is for the students. 


  • Teaching Perseverance: One thing we’ve heard from many staff members is that kids are giving up much sooner or not even starting tasks they perceive to be hard or not worth their time. We’re going to talk on Tuesday about a perseverance challenge.
    • Linked here is a blog post from Angie Olson at Lucky Little Learners on teaching students what perseverance is along with a list of books that demonstrate people persevering even when things are hard.
    • Linked here is a blog post from Engaging Literacy on the books she uses for specific mini lessons centered around perseverance including goal setting, making a plan, learning to fail, and working through your fears. We know these are elementary books, but middle schoolers like them. 
    • And here’s a list of 20 more books about persistence and perseverance.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Jan 16 Tue, Jan 17 Wed, Jan 18 Thur, Jan 19 Fri, Jan 20
No School – MLK School Choice Tour 6:30pm School Choice Tour 10:00am Dental Clinic at Madison LSU (3) and GSA (6)

Staff QPR Training – 2:45

Have a great week!

Peter and Gina

December 16, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 2 Tue, Jan 3 Wed, Jan 4 Thur, Jan 5 Fri, Jan 6
No School 5.5 hours of PD – Meet in Library at 8:30     Building PD – 2:45


  • Staffing Update: We did EA interviews on Thursday and hope to have a new EA start soon after break. Mark Taylor in our new TSS and our new night custodian is Isabel Camarena.  If you see Mark or Isabel, please introduce yourself and give them the warm Madison welcome.
  • January 3rd PD Day: January 3rd is a PD and Planning Day for all staff. PD is 5.5 hours and planning is 2 hours. This was supposed to be district led PD, however with the TOSAs deployed to buildings, the instruction department is giving the entire 5.5 hours back to building principals to plan. 
    • 8:00-8:30 – Time to read two article on being a Warm Demander
    • 8:30-noon – Madison PD Agenda
    • Noon-1:00 – Lunch
    • 1:00-2:00 – ISLA ReBoot cont
    • 2:00-4:00 – Licensed Staff Planning Time
  • IEP/504 Modifications: One of my jobs is to remind teachers about familiarizing themselves with accommodations for each student on a 504 or IEP at the start of the term. Grading Days and Teacher Work Relief Days were/are prime opportunities to ensure they understand their new students. And it is their professional responsibility to serve each student eligible for special education and ADA 504 on the first day of the term. Special educators might offer help in this area, but it is clearly the general educator’s responsibility to study up on each student in their new courses. Though many staff may be focused on the construction of Canvas Courses/Modules, it is important that they set aside time to focus on this required task at the start of each term.

  • Canvas Expectations for all Middle School Teacher: All Middle Schools have the exact same expectation.  If you need additional time for this, you will have two hours of planning on January 3rd.                   
    • Homepage
    • Syllabus and Course Description
    • Use of the calendar,
    • Unit/Weekly Activities organized by module
    • Gradebook
    • Acceptance of assignment submission 
  • Repeat Upbeat Survey: As of Thursday, 60% of our staff has completed the survey.  The survey closes at the end of the day today. The district wants that number a lot higher and is sending me reminders.  If you have not done it, please do it. Last Monday (December 5th), we all received an email directly from a third-party vendor, Upbeat, inviting us to share our experience as a member of the Eugene School District 4J. For more information on this process please review the district newsletter shared last week. Participating in this survey is an important opportunity to share your individual insight. The survey should take no more than 30 min to complete and we have set side Friday after the dessert potluck as a time to complete this important feedback. The data gathered will provide leaders with an important understanding of areas of strength as well as those that may need additional attention. Thank you for your attention to this task and please let me know If you need assistance in identifying a time to complete the survey. 


  • Reminder – All Communication Subject to Records Request: I was part of a parent listening session of parents whose students receive special education services. Many of the families shared they had made a records request of all communications related to their students and shared some of what staff had said about them and their students in these communications. This includes all emails, documents, data sheets, etc where the student is being discussed. This is just a reminder that when emailing, texting, or writing about a student, please ensure your communication is professional and respectful. Additionally, we should never be photographing or videoing a student during a moment of difficulty or dysregulation. We spend a lot of time with our students and it’s easy to fall into more casual communication or express our challenges in ways that don’t reflect our work as professional educators. All of our communications are available to the public, parents and news organizations included, if they ask for it. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to talk more about this topic.
  • School Choice Season is Coming: January brings school choice. Schools are required to host an online event and an in person event. We will hold both of our events on Tuesday, January 17. I’m doing an online session at 8:30am. If you or your class want to Zoom in and share anything with families, let me know! I’m doing the same presentation in person at 5pm. Again, if you’d like to join, parents love to meet and hear from teachers and staff. Linked here are the slides I used last year. I’ll update them, but let me know if you have any suggestions.
  • Friday District PD Sessions Paused Until the Semester: The district is pausing district-led Friday PD sessions until after February 3rd. They’ve been converted to building PD days. 


  • Winter Break Reset: I really loved this blogpost from Chaia who blogs at All Things Exceptional about involving students in your reset after Winter Break. Her big takeaways are to have a class discussion about what was going well and what could be changed or reinforced with student, teacher, and support staff voices all included. She also gives reminders about making sure your expectations are clear, consistent, and flexible (meaning they adapt to the needs of you and your students).

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Jan 9 Tue, Jan 10 Wed, Jan 11 Thur, Jan 12 Fri, Jan 13
Peter Out Peter Out

7:45 – Climate Team

Peter Out Peter Out Peter Out

1:30 – MLK Assembly

I hope you have a wonderful break!

Peter and Gina

December 9, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Dec 12 Tue, Dec 13 Wed, Dec 14 Thur, Dec 15 Fri, Dec 16
TOSA Team Support

3:45 P&G to Admin mtg

TOSA Team Support


TOSA Team Support


TOSA Team Support

8:00 Safety Team


TOSA Team Support

9am Spirit Assembly

Pd. 3 – LSU

Pd. 4 – BSU

2:45 Dessert Potluck


  • Staffing Update: The 5.5 hour EA position has closed and we hope to be doing interviews next week.
  • Friday Assembly: AVID 8 is planning a Spirit Assembly.  Students will meet in their first period class and wait to be called down to the assembly.  After the assembly, the students will go back to first period so there is no reason to bring their stuff to the gym. Please keep you students until you are called down.  Here is a link to the schedule.
  • Academic Common Areas: With the TOSAs in the building, I have been able to walk around a lot more lately.  I have been seeing a lot of group work (which I love), but some of it is in the commons unsupervised.  Please do not let groups or individual students work in the commons without adult supervision.  For some reason, students do not alway make the best choices unsupervised.
  • Dessert Potluck: Beth is helping to organize a dessert potluck for us during our PD time on Friday.  There will be a sign up sheet in the Staff Room.              
  • Upbeat Survey: On Monday, we all received an email directly from a third-party vendor, Upbeat, inviting us to share our experience as a member of the Eugene School District 4J. For more information on this process please review the district newsletter shared last week. Participating in this survey is an important opportunity to share your individual insight. The survey should take no more than 30 min to complete and we have set side Friday after the dessert potluck as a time to complete this important feedback. The data gathered will provide leaders with an important understanding of areas of strength as well as those that may need additional attention. Thank you for your attention to this task and please let me know If you need assistance in identifying a time to complete the survey.       


  • Highlighting “Good” Mistakes in Student Work – Many moons ago, some of us learned about “My Favorite No” in a PD session. “My Favorite No” is a way for teachers to anonymously highlight a student’s work where they made a good mistake – one they and others can learn from. This article from Edutopia talks about the impact of having students look at classmates’ work (anonymously unless the student asks to share) and learn from their mistakes. This works especially well in math, but can be generalized to other subjects as well.
  • Holiday Free Art Ideas: As we discussed at our meeting on Thursday, we should refrain from centering Christmas in our classroom. Many consider December to be the “holiday season” because of Christmas. However, major holidays for many other religions happen outside of December. Thanks to Lupe for sharing this resource of artmaking ideas that focus on winter, nature, and other more inclusive December activities. I’d love to do Winter Fest next year as described in the article. 
  • Winter Break Bingo: To add a little fun and help maintain high expectations, consider a round of bingo with behavior goals during the lead up to Winter Break. Use the link here or make your own, but this is a fun way to reinforce expectations at a time when behaviors tend to ramp up.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Jan 2 Tue, Jan 3 Wed, Jan 4 Thur, Jan 5 Fri, Jan 6
No School 5.5 hours of PD – Meet in Library at 8:30     Building PD – 2:45

I hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

December 2, 2022

Dear Monarchs,

I hope you had a relaxing (and hopefully illness free) weekend. Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Dec 5 Tue, Dec 6 Wed, Dec 7 Thur, Dec 8 Fri, Dec 9
TOSA Team Support

Tri 2 Begins

1:30-5pm P&G Zoom Admin mtg

TOSA Team Support

7:45 TLC

3:45 Justice League

TOSA Team Support

8:00 GLT


TOSA Team Support


TOSA Team Support

P.2 – NASU

P.3 – LSU

P.4 – BSU

p.6 – GSA

2:45 PASS Training (Library)


  • New Staff – Our new Registrar starts on Monday.  Please come down the office and say hi to Courtney. Also, we have Cole Peterman joining the kitchen staff.  Cole was a student in the TENS program that worked at Madison pre-covid.  I am excited to welcome Cole back to Madison. 
  • Any Friends or Neighbors? – Madison has a 5.5 hour EA postion posted to help support students on Amy’s caseloads.  If you know anyone that you think would be a good fit, please encourage them apply.  The posting closes December 7th.
  • TalentEd Observations – With the start of Tri 2, Peter and Gina will be making an effort to be in classrooms more frequently, doing observations. If you are doing a particular lesson or unit that you’d love for us to come by for, just let us know. We’re excited to see and support all of the great work that you’re all doing with kids.
  • December 9th PD: We do have professional development from 2:45-4:00 on Friday, December 9. Gina will be leading a staff-wide training on the PASS program (Positive Approach to Student Success), one of our Tier 2 behavioral supports. 


Looking Ahead:

Mon, Dec 12 Tue, Dec 13 Wed, Dec 14 Thur, Dec 15 Fri, Dec 16
TOSA Team Support

3:45 P&G to Admin mtg

TOSA Team Support

7:45 Climate Team

TOSA Team Support


TOSA Team Support

8:00 Safety Team


TOSA Team Support

Pd. 3 – LSU

Pd. 4 – BSU

2:45 PD


Peter and Gina

November 23, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

This week officially begins the countdown to Winter Break (at least in my world!). I am so thankful to all of you for the work you do every day, the way you take care of each other, and the fact that you continue to show up and do your absolute best every day. I’ve said it often but there’s no team I’d rather do this work with than the Madison team.

Mon, Nov 28 Tue, Nov 29 Wed, Nov 30 Thur, Dec 1 Fri, Dec 2
Peter out all week 



Peter out all week 


Peter out all week  Peter out all week 

No School – Grading Day

Peter out all week 

No School – Staff Workload Relief

MADISON INFORMATION                 

  • Staffing Update:
    • Please welcome Mark Taylor as our new TSS, helping out with all things technology. He’s already been super helpful to have around the building. 
    • Also, we’ve finally been able to hire an additional part-time night custodian. Her name is Isabel Camarena, and she’ll be starting on December 12th. Mark sure to say hello to Mark and Isabel when you see them in the hallway.
    • Lastly, we’ve posted Alan’s position because he will be on leave through the date that he is scheduled to retire, in order to continue his treatment and work on getting stronger. We anticipate that the posting will show up on the website next Wednesday. If you know of anybody that would be interested, please encourage them to apply.
  •  Registrar grading support –     We are working on arranging for the district registrar to support Madison with any steps in the grading process that are normally done by the registrar. Stay tuned for more details.        

DISTRICT INFORMATION                   


  • December 2nd, Work Relief Day: This transition day should be treated much the same as a grading day.  Staff may work from home on this day, but should be available to team members.  Any staff that intend to work from an alternate location, will need to let us know their intentions.  In that communication staff should also identify how they will communicate with their colleagues on this day.  Staff that have not communicated a desire to work from an alternate location will be expected to work on site.


  • Classroom Screen: If you haven’t played with Classroom Screen, take about 10 minutes and check it out. It’s a free website that let’s you customize a display screen with timers, a random name generator, your choice of background image, notes, etc.    

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Dec 5 Tue, Dec 6 Wed, Dec 7 Thur, Dec 8 Fri, Dec 9
Tri 2 Starts 7:45 TLC


8:00 GLT


  2nd period – NASU

3rd Period – LSU

4th Period – BSU

6th Period – GSA

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina


November 18th, 2022

Dear Monarchs,

This is the first of two 3-day school weeks. Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Nov 21 Tue, Nov 22 Wed, Nov 23 Thur, Nov 24 Fri, Nov 25

4:00 P&G to all admin mtg

7:45 TLC with AVID

2:30 Fire Drill


8:00 GLT


No School – Thanksgiving



No School – Thanksgiving

MADISON INFORMATION                   

  • Staffing Update: Courtney Paredes has accepted our open registrar position and will start in early December. Courtney comes to us from the OSU admissions office and is excited to join the team.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                   

  • District Communication Audit: Eugene School District 4J has begun a comprehensive communications audit to evaluate and improve how they provide information and engage with families, staff and the community. The district is working with an independent auditor to conduct the assessment.

    As a first step, the district is asking 4J families, staff and community members to share their feedback via a brief online survey. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and is open through Wednesday, Nov. 23.

    4J Family Survey: English | Spanish
    4J Staff Survey: English | Spanish
    4J Community Survey: English | Spanish

    The questionnaire asks respondents to rate the communication methods they most rely on, how informed they are in particular areas, and the effectiveness of the communications they receive.

    Early next year, the district will convene focus groups to gather more information and further define the future of district communications.

    Superintendent Dey has identified timely communications and meaningful engagement with the 4J community as one of the top three priorities this school year. The district is committed to strengthening communications with parents, staff and the community



Looking Ahead:

Mon, Nov 28 Tue, Nov 29 Wed, Nov 30 Thur, Dec 1 Fri, Dec 2
Peter out all week 



Peter out all week 

7:45 Climate Team

Peter out all week  Peter out all week 

No School – Grading Day

Peter out all week 

No School – Staff Workload Relief

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

November 10th, 2022

Dear Monarchs,

It’s finally here! Enjoy the 3 day weekend!!! Thanks to everyone who showed up for collaboration and PD today. Your participation is noticed and appreciated.

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Nov 14 Tue, Nov 15 Wed, Nov 16 Thur, Nov 17 Fri, Nov 18

7:45 Optional Ruby Bridges Walk



7:45 Climate Team

3:45 Justice League

  8:00 – Safety Team NASU 2nd Period – 904

LSU 3rd Period – 402

BSU 4th period – art rm

GSA 6th Period – cafe


MADISON INFORMATION                   

  • Staffing Update: We interviewed on Wednesday for the open registrar position. Thank you to Queenie and Amy for serving on the interview team. We are currently checking references and share any updates on hires.
  • Notes from Friday Staff CollaborationIf you missed Friday morning’s discussion and grade level time, please look over these notes from that time. Key topics included:
    • Group agreements around kids in hallways and classrooms during break and lunch
    • Updated Teacher Supervision Schedule
    • Early Warning Data 40+ percent of our students received D or lower, any next steps to help these students? 
      • Look at GL systems discuss data. Is there something that we can do to improve any systems for our grade level?
      • Please call or email home for any students in your Focus class who are failing multiple classes or really really struggling with attendance. Try to learn a bit about the home situation and how you, as their Madison advisor, can best be supporting their success.GLT:

        Early Warning Data Conversation

    • Look at Trimester 2 students and see if you want to change any students around to help your class dynamics


  •  District Support – Please join us in welcoming Joel Lavin, SSD SPED administrator, who will be in the building for several hours each week, in coming weeks, to help support students and also helping with some office supervision in service of releasing Peter and Gina to be in classrooms. 
  • North Region Ruby Bridges Walk, Monday, Nov. 14:
    For anyone interested, we will be meeting on the 14th of November at 7:45 a.m. at  Daysprings church on the corner of River Road and Howard Ave and walk down river road..sidewalk to North’s football field to release balloons.

    We will have snacks provided by the school and one or two of our students will be speaking about the life of Ruby Bridges before we start walking that morning.

     Any District staff that would like to join is welcome to.


DISTRICT INFORMATION                   

  • Friday PD Day: They have paused all Friday PD until January, with the exception of Teacher Choice PD days.
  • District Building Support: Teachers received emails last week from our content TOSAs letting you know they are all being temporarily reassigned to support buildings. There are 3 things happening to support schools:
      • Behavior Systems Teams: 4 elementary schools and 2 middle schools will get a team of 3-4 people who will come in this month and possibly next to help establish systems around and respond to student behavior. Those schools are Chavez, Spring Creek, Gilham, McCornack, Kelly, and Cal Young. 
      • Triage Supports: Much like last year, there will be a team assigned to help cover absences that aren’t being filled.
      • Administrative Relief: We’re told that district administrators will be assigned to buildings in the middle of the day (10am-1pm or so) to free up principals to support instruction or strengthen systems. We don’t yet know when or how often these supports will be provided.
  • Repeat: Vector/Safe Schools Training: You should have received your Safe Schools training link. It does seem to have fewer modules this year than in years past. If for some reason you didn’t receive this email, please email Melissia Morphis at morphis_m@4j.lane.edu and cc me. 

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Nov 21 Tue, Nov 22 Wed, Nov 23 Thur, Nov 24 Fri, Nov 25
4:00 P&G to all admin mtg


7:45 Combined TLC and AVID site council meeting  

8:00 GLT

No School – Thanksgiving Break


No School – Thanksgiving Break


Have a wonderful weekend!

Peter and Gina

In honor of Daylight Savings & these first few days of
arriving in the dark and leaving in the dark.

November 4th, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Nov 7 Tue, Nov 8 Wed, Nov 9 Thur, Nov 10 Fri, Nov 11
Mary – Out

3:45 P&G to admin meeting


Mary – Out

4:15 pm-8pm, Parent Conferences (Erin providing dinner)

No School, Parent Conferences 8:15am-noon

12-4pm off for Conference Comp Time



PD Day


No School, Veterans Day



  • Staffing Update: We have a lot of good candidates. Peter and Gina will be screening candidates and scheduling interviews for next week.
  • Repeat – Conferences: 
    • Dates: Dates for conferences are – 
      Tuesday, Nov 8, 4:15pm-8pm, Evening Conferences
      Wednesday, Nov 9 8:15am-noon; noon-4 conference comp time off
      Thursday, Nov 10, PD Day
      Friday, Nov 11, No School, Veterans Day

    • Meals for Conferences:  We will provide dinner on Tuesday night.
    • Conference Tips: Parents generally want to see that you know their child and care about them. Share a few personal details and positive anecdotes during your conference to put them at ease. I also recommend asking parents about what they think is going well and what they’re concerned about before sharing your positives and concerns.   

DISTRICT INFORMATION                            

  • Tentative Agreement with OSEA: 4J and OSEA have reached a tentative contract agreement. You can find more details about the negotiations and proposed salary tables on the 4J site. Here are few highlights of the agreement:
    • OSEA members will receive COLA’s over the next three years in the amounts of 12%, 6%, 4%.

    • The new minimum salary for OSEA members in 4J has been set at $18/hour. 

    • OSEA members will see an additional insurance contribution in years 2 and 3 of $45. 

    • OSEA members will receive an additional personal leave day and be able to carry over 2 personal leave days (5 day maximum cap).

    • OSEA members who serve in a designated bilingual classification will receive an annual stipend of $750 dollars.  

  • Repeat: Vector/Safe Schools Training: You should have received your Safe Schools training link. It does seem to have fewer modules this year than in years past. If for some reason you didn’t receive this email, please email Melissia Morphis at morphis_m@4j.lane.edu and cc me. 


  • Writing Across the Subject Areas: This article from Edutopia talks about the benefits of writing across all subject areas. “While teachers commonly ask students to write about a topic in order to assess how well they understand the material, the process of writing also improves a student’s ability to recall information, make connections between different concepts, and synthesize information in new ways. In effect, writing isn’t just a tool to assess learning, it also promotes it.” Examples in the article include “I wonder” journals, travel journals, and low stakes writing tasks.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Nov 14 Tue, Nov 15 Wed, Nov 16 Thur, Nov 17 Fri, Nov 18
3:45 P&G to admin meeting 7:45 Climate Team

3:45 Justice League

    NASU – 2nd Period

LSU – 3rd Period 

BSU – 4th Period

GSA – 6th Period

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina


October 28, 2022

IDear Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Oct 31 Tue, Nov 1 Wed, Nov 2 Thur, Nov 3 Fri, Nov 4
  7:45 – Climate Team

AVID 8 Field Trip

3:30 0 Shelter/Earthquake Drill

3:45 – Justice League

Peter out in the AM

11:05 – Hold/Secure Drill

12:10 – Lockdown Drill LSU – 2nd period and BSU – 4th period

2:45 – Building PD


  • Staffing Update: Madison’s Registrar job is posted.  If you know anyone who is interested and you think would be good, please encourage them to apply. We also have the 5 hour night custodian position posted.  This is a hard job to fill so if you know someone, please encourage them to apply.
  • Safety Week, November 4: The slides we’ll use are linked in the Focus Calendar. Please plan to review them in Focus classes, prior to each day’s drill. 
    In the event of an actual emergency, office staff will do their best to email everyone a quick explanation of what is going on if we don’t feel it’s appropriate to announce it over the loud speaker. 

    • 11/1 Tuesday: Shelter & Evacuate @ 3:30  We’ll focus on an earthquake safety for this shelter drill. Students will practice “drop, cover, and hold”. We’ll have info in the Tuesday focus slides.
    • 11/2 Wednesday: Secure drill (danger outside the building) @ 11:05am. For a secure drill (formerly known as a lockout), I will announce “Secure! Get inside and lock outside doors.” All exterior doors are to be locked and no one is allowed in or out of the building. It is business as usual inside the building – to the greatest extent possible – until the all-clear signal is given. I will do that 8-10 minutes into the drill, right before passing period. This drill is done if there was something or someone unsafe in the neighborhood. These are most often called by local law enforcement due to police activity in the area.
    • 11/4 Thursday: Lockdown drill (for a danger inside the building) @ 12:05pm. I will announce that we are going to do a lockdown drill, giving a brief explanation of how it will work. I will then announce “Lockdown. Locks, lights, out of sight.” Classroom doors are to be locked, lights turned out, and students moved out of sight. The goal is for rooms to appear unoccupied,  Doors remain locked until a first responder or designated staff member (Peter or Gina) unlocks the door to announce the all clear. In a real lockdown, if there was an immediate threat and it was safe, staff and students would also self-evacuate.


  • Conferences Week: 
    • Dates: Dates for conferences are –
      • Tuesday, Nov 8, 4:15pm-8pm, Evening Conferences
        • Meals for Conferences: We will provide dinner on Tuesday night. Let me know if you have any requests or suggestions for Tuesday’s dinner.
        • Dinner Schedule – Talk to your TLC rep about the dinner flag plan
          • 5pm – SS + Wilcox + McLauchlin
          • 5:30pm – Math + Hobie + Goodband
          • 6pm – Science  + Brooks + Dunlap
          • 6:30pm – LA + Stead + Marvin
      • Wednesday, Nov 9 8:15am-noon, Half Day Conferences, afternoon is off for those who stayed for Tuesday night.
      • Thursday, Nov 10, PD
      • Friday, Nov 11, No School, Veterans Day
    • Gina and Peter Available for Conferences: Let us know if you have any tricky conferences you’d like me to attend. 
    • Conference Tips: Parents generally want to see that you know their child and care about them. Share a few personal details and positive anecdotes during your conference to put them at ease. I also recommend asking parents about what they think is going well and what they’re concerned about before sharing your positives and concerns.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                            

  • Vector/Safe Schools Training: You should have received your Safe Schools training link. It does seem to have fewer modules this year than in years past. If for some reason you didn’t receive this email, please email Melissia Morphis at morphis_m@4j.lane.edu and cc me.
  • ODE Report Cards and Detail Sheets: Madison At-a-Glance Report Card and Detail Sheet

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Nov 7 Tue, Nov 8 Wed, Nov 9 Thur, Nov 10 Fri, Nov 11
  7:45 – TLC

4:15 – 8pm Conference

8:15-noon conferences 12:30 – 2:30 All available staff to NEHS for Training with Dr. Jonny Lake No School

Have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

October 21, 2022

Dear Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates.

Mon, Oct 24 Tue, Oct 25 Wed, Oct 26 Thur, Oct 27 Fri, Oct 28
Pajama Day

3:45 P&G to admin training

Twin Day Country vs. Country Club

No Place For Hate student leadership training

Crazy Hair Day Costume Day

7:45 TLC??

GSA 6th Period –  Café

APISU – 5th Period

2:45 Staff PD/Curriculum


Madison INFORMATION         

  • Madison Shoutouts: A massive shout out to all of you who stepped up to helped out in our classes without subs, this week, or who came to work when you might otherwise have considered staying home. Your support of your colleagues is noticed and appreciated.  I overheard Queenie say that there were 19 unfilled sub jobs throughout the district today.


  • APISU: Asian Pacific Islander Student Union – Do any of you want to be an advisor?  You will have district support.  The district staff will run the first meeting on October 28th during 5th period but we could change the period if desired to fit the advisor’s prep period.
  • Conferences: Over 50% of you voted for the Tuesday Night and Wednesday Morning option
    • More information to come
  • Library 5th period: Anita’s math group will be meeting in the library 5th period.  If you need that space, please reach out to her.  
  • Spirit Week:
    • Fall Activity Night and Dance starting at 6:30. We will pay any of you to chaperone. It a fun night to get paid to hang out with kids.
  • Registrar Position  – has been posted. Rechelle will be greatly missed. If anyone knows of someone who might be interested and skilled, please encourage them to apply.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                       


  • Silent Ball:  Check out a blog post on WeAreTeachers, here, and give Silent Ball a try. One twist on the game is to have kids try and get through everyone in the room without repeating anyone. If someone drops the ball, they start over. This way no one is out, no one gets skipped, and they have to support each other to get the task done.

Looking Ahead:

Mon, Oct 31 Tues, Nov 1 Tues, Nov 2 Tues, Nov 3 Tues, Nov 4
  AVID 8 Field Trip to SparkLab

7:45 Climate Team

3:45 Justice League

    LSU 3rd Period – Rm 402

BSU 4th Period – Art Studio

AVID Speaker

Building PD


Have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter