January 6, 2020

By gaston_e  

I hope everyone had a relaxing break. I spent a lot of time reading, binge watching things on Netflix, and pretending to be interested in Caitlin’s video games 🙂 I’m excited to welcome students back tomorrow. In these first few days back, remember to use our W.O.W. strategies. When we greet students at the door, we let them know they are seen and we are happy they are there. Have an activity ready for them to begin immediately so they know we are back in our routines and wrap up with intention to remind them this work is important.                

  • January 6 Professional Development – Here is David Jacobsen’s PD email along with a list of PD sessions and schedule and TalentED Develop (TED) Registration Directions. Here’s the short version:

    • Classified: 8:00-10:30, register online at TalentEd Develop (TED) for a menu of training opportunities being offered at Chavez, ATA, and the Ed Center. 10:30-1:30 is travel, lunch, and prep time. 1:30-4:00 is Behavior Framework focused on disproportionality and bias in discipline practices, as well as other building PD topics.
    • Licensed: 8:00-10:30, register online, starting Monday, at TalentEd Develop (TED) for a menu of technology training opportunities at Churchill High School. 10:30-1:30 is travel and lunch (1 hour) and protected prep time (2 hours). 1:30-4:00 is Behavior Framework focused on disproportionality and bias in discipline practices, as well as other building PD topics.Of note for teachers, Justin Huntley, the 4J Technology Curriculum Administrator, told principals he would urge teachers to carefully read the descriptions of sessions before signing up and if you get into a session that’s not what you wanted, vote with your feet and go to a different session. He also said for principals to let him know if there are topics not being offered that would be of interest so he can organize them in the future.

      Fun fact: the boy holding the monster in this pic is Michael Boyce’s little brother.

  • Repeat: (Closes Tuesday) Student Success Act (SSA) Survey, Phase 2 – Phase 1 of 4J’s community outreach on how to spend SSA funds is now completed and we are in the midst of Phase 2. Community and Staff Forums are over, but there is now an SSA Phase II Online Survey for staff and community members to prioritize the top ideas that surfaced from Phase 1. Make sure your opinions are heard! The survey closes Tuesday, January 7th. 
  • Take it to the Court for Education School Grant – The Trail Blazers Foundation is providing $150,000 in grants to schools across Oregon. Schoools may apply for up to $10,000 in support of their academic, art, athletic, and community programs. Applications are due Sunday, January 12th. Click here to view the application and official guidelines.
  • 2019 Education Research Highlights – Does doodling boost learning? Do attendance awards work? Do males and females process math the same way? This Edutopia Article looks at the big questions that researchers tackled this year, which includes:
    • To remember something, draw it (but be careful with doodling)
    • Awards don’t boost attendance – teachers do
    • Cut the arts at your own risk
    • Black students get fewer warnings before being consequenced
    • Studies on disability emphasize early intervention
  • Schedule of Upcoming Events:

January 6 (M)
     Professional Development Day
     8:00-12:00, Erin and Peter to Title IX Training
     8:00-10:30, Certified and Classified PD
     10:30-1:30, Lunch and Protected Planning
     1:30-4:00, Building PD/Behavior Framework

January 7 (T)
    3:00, Erin out
    3:45, 6th grade staffing meeting

January 8 (W)
     3:45, Climate Team Meeting

January 9 (H)
     7:30, Justice League (Anne’s office)

January 10 (F)
     Erin out in the AM
     2:45, Building-based PD – PLCs
     3:30, Grade Level Team meetings

January 13 (M) 
     6:00, NEHS School Choice Presentation

January 14 (T) 
     Anne teaching Naviance in 7th grade Social Studies
     9:00-11:30, Peter and Erin to All Admin Meeting (downtown)
     6:00, Madison School Choice Event

January 15 (W) 
     Anne teaching Naviance in 8th grade Social Studies
     12:00, Erin to truancy meeting
     7:00pm, Board Meeting

January 16 (H)
     Regular Day

January 17 (F) 
     2:45, Building-Based PD – Behavior Framework
     3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

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