April 16, 2021

By barsotti_p  

Hi Monarchs,

We did it! If anyone wants to start counting, there are officially 42 school days left!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:


 Blue Day




Blue Day

3:30 Talk about Race

9:00 Grade Level Team Meetings (complete SPED/Gen Ed Collab Log)

10:00 Staff Meeting 

12:30 Teacher Office Hours


Green Day



Green Day 


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.


  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new math or ELA unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box – Now that everybody’s back on campus, please add any suggestions or concerns into the yellow physical suggestion box that resides in the staff room.
  • Focus Slides
    • Monday – Fire Drill Preparation
    • Tuesday – Self Canvas Check
    • Thursday – SEL “Wearing is Caring”
    • Friday – Team Building – Memory Game Video


  • Staff Appreciation – 
    • On Monday, April 19th, 2021 the District will be recognizing staff at middle schools and acknowledge how tirelessly you have been working to bring your students back on campus. We would like to respectfully request to take a photograph of you (wearing a mask) with the delivery to promote our gratitude to donors.

      The district has partnered with the Eugene Education Foundation and Starbucks to make your day a little sweeter! The Office of Public Safety staff will be delivering boxes of donuts compliments of Eugene Education Foundation.

      In addition, Starbucks has generously donated one complimentary beverage (up to six dollars in value) to every staff member to show gratitude and appreciation for all you do. You will find a voucher printed on blue paper in your mailbox, early next week. You can redeem your Starbucks certificate at any Eugene corporate store this week, Tuesday, April 20 through Sunday, April 25. (Those are the standalone stores, not those in a Safeway for example.)

      Thank you for all you do for our kids and community!

      You are appreciated!



  • Hybrid Updates:                   
    • Eating and Cleaning Protocols: At Friday’s Site Coordinator’s meeting, Joyce clarified the expectations around students eating. It is recommended that kids who are eating have nothing else out (paper, pencils, etc)
      • If food is out, materials shouldn’t be: It was recommended that when kids are eating, that should be the only thing they do. Given the fact they’re unmasked, touching their mouths, possibly getting saliva on their hands, students shouldn’t also be touching iPads, pencils, materials, etc during that time. I know this may complicate your morning or lunch plans, so please don’t hesitate to check in if you have questions.
      • Wash/Sanitize Hands Before and After Eating: Students should be cleaning their hands directly before and directly after eating. Washing with soap and water is preferable, but hand sanitizer is also acceptable.        
    • Masks Available: Gina has 2 cloth masks for every staff member and will be placing them in mailboxes next week. Please keep them on hand, and let her know if you every need another.
    • Sick Student or Adult: Should a student or adult leave your room after exhibiting one primary COVID symptom (fever of 100.4+, cough, chills, shortness of breath, new loss of taste or smell), their area should be sanitized which means they’re desk and chair.  The room will not be evacuated for this type of situation.
      • Full Room Sanitation: Entire classrooms will only be sanitized if it is discovered the sick student or adult was Covid positive at that time and it wasn’t disclosed (ie: parent knew the kid was positive and sent them anyway) or student or staff member has a close contact that is currently positive (ie: student’s parent is Covid positive and kid was sent to school and began exhibiting symptoms). That type of cleaning will be coordinated by Joyce, Dawn, or Trevor (custodial supervisor).
      • Vomiting: If a student vomits in the classroom, the class would be asked to leave for about 15 minutes while the vomit is cleaned up and the student’s area is cleaned. Unless there were significant other primary Covid symptoms, a full room sanitation would not happen at that time.
  • Weekly Check In: Don’t forget that the weekly check in includes a space to celebrate each other. Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • Shout out to Tim Wilcox, who has managed to get kids already making beautiful music, right outside our staff lounge! The office group enjoys this every day!


  • Volunteer Guidelines: If you are planning to host a volunteer, for any reason, either online or in-person, this Spring, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the updated 4J process for volunteer approval.
    • Requirements Applicable to All Volunteers (including online)

      Volunteers must be cleared through the district’s volunteer criminal history process and approved by the Office of Public Safety before interacting with students or volunteering in other capacities. In order for a volunteer to be approved, they must have completed required Safe Schools trainings and have a criminal records check. Certain volunteers are required to undergo background checks based on fingerprints. See  Policy GCDA/GDDA for further information.     

    • Volunteers on District Properties

      State guidelines and the 4J Covid-19 management plan prohibit the district from allowing all but essential visitors and volunteers on school and district properties. No school may permit any on-site volunteers, unless pre-approved by the school principal. If an essential volunteer is permitted to enter a school property, they must sign a Covid-19 waiver of liability and agreement. The Physical Distancing Site Coordinator must train the volunteer in COVID health and safety protocols and provide the volunteer with the 4J COVID Communicable Disease Management Plan.   

    • Single Visit Online Volunteers –   The district is likely to grant a single day online volunteer to be treated as a “visitor” as long as s/he is never left alone, either physically or virtually (i,e, breakout room) with students. As always, teachers are responsible for vetting their guests and encouraged to check with an admin prior to scheduling a visit or if you have any questios.  


  • Critical Literacy Pedagogy PD Opportunity: This project is designed to support K-8 general education and language arts teachers in choosing, analyzing, and teaching with literature written by and about people with diverse experiences and backgrounds. Participants will gain competencies in critical literacy instruction, and will learn how to confidently incorporate culturally diverse literature into their curriculum. It looks like it’s free to attend. More information is available here.

  • COVID-19 Surveillance Project: Would you like to find out if you have Covid-19 antibodies now and again this summer? Linked here is an opportunity through the Oregon Health Authority to do a prick test to learn about your antibody load and help OHA learn more about Covid-19 antibodies around Oregon.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, April 26 Tue, April 27 Wed, April 28 Thur, April 29 Fri, April 30

Blue Day


Blue Day

3:30 Talk about Race

8:00 Climate Team

9:00 Grade Level Team Meetings (complete SPED/Gen Ed Collab Log)

10:00 PD 

12:30 Teacher Office Hours



Green Day



Green Day 

We hope you have a wonderful week!

Peter and Gina

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