Entry #43

May 4, 2020

In response to the prompts for today; 

The last time I went outside was yesterday afternoon. My family and I went on a walk around the neighborhood (social distancing, of course). It was sunny, but a bit cold. I feel lucky to live in a place where we can still go outside and go on walks.  Especially since some people cannot leave their homes at all. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I was stuck inside 24/7. There isn’t much from daily life that I have “forgotten”, but there are some things that I am looking forward to after this is all over. Some things that I vividly remember are; lots of homework, waking up early, not having much free time, etc. There are definitely some things that I do not miss from before COVID. Although, I mentioned before how I didn’t have much free time before, but now I have so much, and I am not sure if it’s better to have little free time, or way too much. Neither are ideal.

I am hearing so much news about COVID, as I am sure everyone else in the world is. I feel like it is the only thing anyone ever talks about now. We can’t escape it. The problem is, I don’t know what to believe. There is so much fake news out there, and COVID is no exception. I wish the news outlets would put more positive things into their news, instead of so much negativity. I wish they would talk more about people recovering/surviving COVID, or some acts of kindness people are contributing. But, that’s just my opinion. 

I think sharing what we are seeing/hearing can help others during this time. I think it is nice to hear about others’ experiences, and it is nice to know that you are not the only one experiencing this; it can make you feel less alone. Lately, the main thing I have been hearing is my little brother playing video games and talking to his friends through his mic; he is very loud. I also have been hearing a lot of construction because there are a lot of new houses being built around my house. 

We have been in quarantine for almost two months now, which is crazy to think about. On the one hand, it feels like this has gone by very quickly. But, on the other hand, it feels like I haven’t been to school, or really anywhere, in years. All of the days just blend together, and I sometimes cannot even remember what day it is. I haven’t even thought about what life will be like after quarantine; I just know it will be much different than before.

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