
Open House PowerPoints

Thanks to all the parents and guardians who came out to Open House tonight. The seven minute sessions went by quickly, so I said I would post my PowerPoints here for those of you who couldn’t make it and so those of you who did could see all the slides. Please email with any questions and concerns. hohenemser@4j.lane.edu.


AVID Open House PowerPoint 

Science Open House PowerPoint


Welcome to the 2016/17 School Year

This blog will generally be about my 8th grade science classes. For general AVID information please use AVID information tab above. This year all 4j science teachers will be teaching from new curriculum called IQWST ( Investigating and Questioning our World through Science and Technology) purchased for the district by bond money that was approved by voters several years ago. It has been a lengthy process to choose a curriculum that met the criteria laid out by the district and science teachers. There are several major differences from the curriculum we have been using at Cal Young. Perhaps the most notable change to students will be that we are going to teach Earth, Life, Physical and Chemical science every year of middle school. Although I think it will be hard for the teachers to give up some of their favorite activities, I believe that the articulation of the units as they are designed will provide a more solid foundation for middle students as they transition to high school. There may be a little overlap with what students have learned at Cal Young and will be learning in the 8th grade Earth Science and Life Science curriculum, but we believe the approach to the material and the skills practiced will be different enough that students will get a lot out of it. If you have any questions and concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me. Email is my preferred means of communication, but you may also call and leave a message on my classroom phone. hohenemser@4j.lane.edu or 541-790-6458.


Solar Car Group Keynote

You will create a keynote on your iPad as a group about your Solar Car. It must contain at least 7  slides, including the following: (after the 7th slide you may add anything you want.)

  1. A  photo of the top view without the solar panel. If you know how, label the photo as much as you can (not required) In the text explain some of the choices you made e.g. motor placement, gear ratio, wheel choice, etc.
  2. A photo of the side view with the solar panel: In the text for this slide explain why you chose the solar panel angle that you did.
  3. A photo of the bottom view of your car: (label if you can) text should include information about how you made adjustments to the axles and bushings to make it roll and drive straight with the least amount of friction.
  4. A photo of the moving car: should include speeds with units (m/s) on the 9 m track and 20m track without the solar panel and the 20 meter with the solar panel.
  5. Any remaining information about choices and adjustments you made to get your car to run straight and fast. (photo of your choice or no photo) using engineering terms is a plus, constraints, trade-offs, criteria
  6. List any changes you would make if you were going to build a new car. (doesn’t need a photo, but can include a photo of a sketch or just a sketch)
  7. In the final slide there should be a photo of your group holding the car. Text should be a reflection on how your group has worked together as a team. Was everyone involved, did one person take a leadership role? Did the balance of power change throughout the process? Next time you work in a group, will you change anything about your own behavior?

When your keynote is completed you will turn it into Edmodo. It is due June 10th which is the last day you will have iPads. Save it to Edmodo and share it with each other via air drop.


Roll Down Test Video

Here is a roll down test Video. You should set up the ramp on the end of the red stripe of tiles. Each tile is 30 cm by 30 cm. Get the pink Roll down sheet to calculate your score. A score over 20 is good!


Science Oaks Test May 24th and 25th

On May 24th and 25th we will take a break from Solar cars to take the Oaks test in science. This test will cover material from 6th, 7th and 8th grades!  In preparation for the test our 6th and 7th grade teachers have prepared some review sheets with links that will direct you to an information page about the topic. Please complete the 7th grade review sheet by Wednesday, May 18th. Complete the 6th grade review by Monday May 23rd. We will use class time on May 23rd to answer any questions you might have. I will also post the answers to the review sheet here on the weekend of May 21 and 22. You will be turning in the review sheets for credit.

Watch this 2 minute Video on Climate Change

Oaks.Earth.Science. Review Power Point 2016

Oaks Earth Science Review Sheet pdf and Earth science Word Doc (links work better)

Answers to the Earth Science Review Sheet 

Oaks.Life.Science.Review. Sheet.16 with url links. This is a word document. Here are the answers to the Life Science Review Sheet

Oaks Physical Science Review Sheet: Not required… nothing to fill out, just something to review and study


Ms Hohenemser hohenemser@4j.lane.edu


Login for Sample Science Tests: 


EWEB Solar Challenge 2016

Mark your calendars! On Saturday, June 4, 2016, one team from each of the six science classes will be invited to attend the annual EWEB Solar Challenge held at Cal Young Middle School. Registration begins at 9:30 am and the first race begins at 11:00. Room 210 will be open (via the back door) starting at 9:00 am that morning for last minute adjustments. (a bit of a home court advantage).

Students will start designing solar cars this week.  One view of the solar car drawings must be completed by each member of the group before building can begin. Each drawing must be actual size and have everything labeled as indicated on the drawing scoring guide click here.  Information about the schedule for building the cars is in the Solar Car day by day Instructions and other tips for planning can be found on this fact sheet.  We will review some Engineering Terms that relate to the solar car project and will be covered on the OAKS science test (May 24th and 25th).

Here’s a link to the solar challenge website. When you are  not needed for physically building your car please explore this website.

In the middle photo is our last winning car in 2014! Lets find a photo to replace it:) The photo on the right shows the hallway tests and the photo on the left shows another stellar team from 2014. (I can’t find any photos from 2015, but I have car samples in the classroom to show you.

IMG_0366 IMG_0365 IMG_0358


Link to EMM book

Link to Energy Machines and Motion textbook: You can download it and open it in iBooks on your iPad For Spanish version, go to the bottom of the page on this link


Advisory Games

Click on this link for a list of advisory games. Choose a game that your group will teach to the rest of the class. Practice it in your small groups so you are ready to explain it.



Element Songs



POM Test on 3/29 & 3/30

There will be a POM test on lessons 11-18 on March 29th and 30th. The hands on test will be on Tuesday March 29th and the Edmodo test will be on Wednesday March 30. Students will have time to complete the Review Sheet on Monday March 28, but can also get started over spring break.