Claims Evidence Reasoning: Spinning Coil Motor

Using Claims, Evidence Reasoning to answer a scientific question is a process we will be practicing throughout the year. This is the second opportunity for students to turn in a formal color coded paragraph using the process of  Claim, Evidence and Reasoning to provide a scientific explanation for something they observe in class. Students built a spinning coil motor on Friday, November 13th. They will use evidence from their investigations to provide a reasoned explanation to answer the question: Where does the kinetic energy in the spinning coil motor come from? The answer to this question will be their claim. The evidence to support the claim should focus on observations and results from lesson 4. The reasoning should describe the relationship between the evidence and claim using scientific vocabulary and principles learned in class. After completing the template/worksheet, students will convert their Claim, Evidence and Reasoning into a color coded paragraph using the pages app on the iPad and then turn it in as a PDF to Edmodo (saving it to the backpack first and then attaching it to the assignment.)

Movie of Motor 


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