Quiz on Lesson 9 Cellular Respiration 12/18

The Lesson 9 quiz is on Cellular Respiration.

You will be able to use your Big White Sheet on the quiz.

You will be asked to apply your knowledge of the reactants and products and energy transformations that take place during cellular respiration to a new situation. 

Big Ideas:

Cell Respiration is a chemical reaction that takes place in plant and animal cells all the time 24/7. Even in the dark for plants or while humans and animals are resting all cells require energy to survive. The energy required comes from the breakdown of glucose which stores chemical energy in its bonds. When glucose that we eat or plants make reacts with oxygen a chemical reaction takes place that produces water and carbon dioxide as products. This chemical energy can be converted to kinetic/thermal energy.

In class, we collected evidence for each molecule in the chemical reaction called cellular respiration (except water) using data from plant experiments or data provided in the science notebook for humans and animals. The big idea is that if a molecule is a reactant we should see the amounts decrease as the molecules break apart and rearrange during the chemical reaction. If a molecule is a product of cell respiration (or any chemical reaction) we will see the amount increase as it is produced

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