CER and Quiz this week 1/25-1/29

CER on the Nylon Spacer in the Density Column: This will the third opportunity for students to turn in a formal color coded paragraph using the process of  Claim, Evidence and Reasoning to provide a scientific explanation for something they observe in class. Students built a density column made out of corn syrup, water and oil. They added a copper cylinder and nylon spacer to the layers that formed in the graduated cylinder. They will use evidence from their investigations in lesson 2 & 3 to provide a reasoned explanation to answer the question: Why does the nylon spacer go to a specific place in the density column? The answer to this question will be their claim. The evidence to support the claim should focus on observations and results from lesson 2 and 3. The reasoning should describe the relationship between the evidence and claim using scientific vocabulary and principles learned in class. After completing the template/worksheet, students will convert their Claim, Evidence and Reasoning into a color coded paragraph using the pages app on the iPad and then turn it in as a PDF to Edmodo (saving it to the backpack first and then attaching it to the assignment.)

Density Quiz on Wednesday 1/27: Students will have some time in class to complete the review sheet for the density quiz which will be given on Edmodo on Wednesday in class. I will be available for extra help before school on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.

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