On your iPad in the iBooks app: Open physical Science Concepts for Middle Schools

1.Read your assigned text. Use the tap and hold option to highlight important parts of the text.

Table 1: Democritus Idea of the Atom p. 640 (or 432 if held vertically)

Table 2 Dalton’s Atomic Model p. 654 (440 vertical)

Table 3 Thomson’s Atomic Model p, 665 (450 vertical)

Table 6 Rutherford’s Atomic model p. 676 (457 vertical)

Table 7 Bohr’s Atomic Model p. 690 (464)

Table 8 Electron Cloud Model Schrodinger p. 711 (479 vertical)

(People at tables 4 and 5 will be directed to other tables to work)

2. Take notes on your section to share with your group: these can be C-notes (AVID) but they don’t have to be. You will be taking notes on the whole timeline when people present.

3. As a group, Create a graphic/poster to share with the class: We will create a timeline out of these

Your Graphic/Poster should include the following:

  • Name of the scientist: spelled correctly
  • Where and when did the scientist live?
  • A labeled diagram of their model
  • A description of how the person developed their model (thought, the experiment, mathematics)
  • How has the model changed since the previous model?

4. Present your section of the timeline to the rest of the class. (If there are any parts that were unclear to you, read those sections of the text yourself)

Some other resources: Crash Course Video on atomic history (9 min)

Atomic History Song

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