Monthly Archives: February 2013

Batteries Explained in a Song   Thanks to Mr. Doug Edmonds who never ceases to amaze me with his ability to fit simple and complex science concepts into recognizable songs! Nhkgkhkh

Battery Information

Ba­tteries are all over the place — in our cars, our PCs, laptops, portable MP3 players and cell phones. A battery is essentially a can full of chemicals that produce electrons. Chemical reactions that produce electrons are called electrochemical reactions. If you look at any battery, you’ll notice that it has two terminals.  One terminal is marked […]

Good Online Resource

I recently  watched a TED talk by a teacher named Tyler DeWitt. He is in favor of explaining advanced science topics to students using stories they can relate to. In his free time he makes videos for You Tube to teach about various science topics. He is currently working on getting a PhD at MIT, […]

Answers to POM Final Test Review sheet

Here are the answers to the final test review sheet. I am available before school Friday if you need clarification/help on anything.

Creating Charts/Graphs for work sample

Open Excel Make column A be independent variable, type in types in A,1 A,2 etc Make column 2 be the dependent variable Type in scores/measurements in B,1 B,2 Highlight all data Go to Insert and choose Chart Select an appropriate chart. (The independent variable should be on the x axis.) Click on the Toolbox icon […]

Rust Work Sample & Server Connections

Over the next week, we will be working on a state required science work sample. The general topics include, What factors make rusting of steel nails worse? or What can be done to steel nails to reduce rusting? Students will write a specific question that can be addressed by a scientific investigation. As their teacher […]