Quiz Scores/ Expectations

Dear Students,

The Density quiz scores have been posted. For most of you, the news is good… you have learned what you should have over the past 4 weeks and did quite well on the quiz. For some of you, you basically knew what you were doing, but lost points for math errors or failing to follow directions precisely and forgetting units and diagrams. For about 10-15 of you, the news is not as good.   If you scored 70% or below (14/20 = 70%)  you need to come in for at least one morning to go over the material. After that I will give you the opportunity to take a make up quiz. The goal is for all students to learn 8th grade science concepts and be able to demonstrate that learning on tests and quizzes. Attendance has been a factor in many of these cases. When you miss school, you must come in as soon as possible after an absence to get caught up on what you missed. The pace is fast and one day can get you behind. For some of you it may take several days of extra help to get caught up. Please make a plan with your family so that you can get to school for that extra help soon!


Ms Hohenemser

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