6/4-6/8 PBIS Activities

Cougar PRIDE Drive Activity Sign Up
For the teachers who’ll be here on the last day of school, please sign up for an activity HERE. You’re welcome to add an activity idea of your own and head up that station as you like.
6/5 Tuesday Slideshow:
This week we will focus on risk-taking and the teenage brain. Essential Question: What’s the evolutionary advantage to risk-taking, and what’s the difference between a good risk and a bad risk? You’ll can access the slideshow HERE
6/7 Article:
This week’s article is: Should everyone get a trophy? (3.21) 
Courtyard Cleanup
Mr. Klarr’s homeroom has kindly volunteered to clean the courtyard for the remainder of the year. Let me know if any other homerooms have been itching to do this and we can mix it up for next week. 
Golden Plunger:
To be announced

5/21-5/25 PBIS

I’m happy to report that Activity Night went swimmingly on Friday, and we received a nice assortment of books and other donations. The Cougar PRIDE Drive continues!
Breakfast of Champions is upon us!
Our final Breakfast of Champions will be held on Thursday, 5/31 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Greatest Growth – academically, behaviorally or otherwise. Please nominate students under the May tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7
5/22 Tuesday Slideshow:
This week we will focus on stress and the teenage brain, namely what stress is and ways to mitigate it. You’ll be able to access theslideshow here.
5/24 Article:
This week’s article is: Does rap music have a negative impact on youth (1.05). The rest of the year’s articles are on this page (updated).
Courtyard Cleanup
Mrs. Ivan’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup (we’re trying this again since last week’s schedule was unusual :)). If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.


As per Leslie’s email (Thank you, Leslie!):

If you were at the staff meeting this afternoon you got the updates about the new Cougar Pride Buck options. We are implementing increments of $5, $10, & $20 to not only make it easier to hand to a student who donates a book ($10) or iPad charger ($10), but to add some spice to the game. You will find master copies of the $5 & $10 Pride Bucks in your boxes and I will be making copies of the $20 master for you tomorrow. Here is a list of the colors for the bucks if you so choose to use them:

$1 – orange/salmon
$5 – pink
$10 – yellow
$20 – green

*Note – All students may turn in bucks to their HR teachers to earn the last day celebration.
– My Leadership students are also soliciting the local community for raffle prizes to be given out at some point and we can either draw names from those tickets or teachers can nominate names for those prizes. In an effort to save time during the Talent Show, we need to raffle the prizes for positive behavior in another way. I am open to your fun, creative ideas on how to do this.

PBIS 5/14-5/18

Thank you for your part in getting the word out about the Cougar PRIDE Drive. I’ve heard that teachers are receiving lots of donations and students are collecting tons of bucks – and that’s really cool. I’ll have more propaganda out this week. Anyway, here’s what’s going on in the world of PBIS. 
FINAL Breakfast of Champions!
Our final Breakfast of Champions will be held on Thursday, 5/31 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Greatest Growth – academically, behaviorally or otherwise. Please nominate students under the May tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7
5/15 Tuesday Slideshow:
This week we will look at the interplay of technology and the brain, specifically with regard to how we can strike a healthy balance in our lives (I’m skipping the lesson I had planned on learning styles for now). You’ll be able to access the slideshow here
5/17 Article:
This week’s article is: Does Title IX promote gender fairness in sports and education? Let me know what you think. The rest of the year’s articles are on this page (we’re going in order, not by date. It’s subject to change.).
Courtyard Cleanup
Mrs. Ivan’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.

PBIS 5/7-5/11

Here’s a look at the week ahead. Keep an eye out for a separate email I’ll be sending shortly about the Cougar PRIDE drive!
May Breakfast of Champions:
May’s Breakfast of Champions will be held on Thursday, 5/31 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Greatest Growth – academically, behaviorally or otherwise. Please nominate students under the May tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7.
5/8 Tuesday Slideshow:
For the rest of May, we’ll be focusing on the science and psychology of the teenage brain. This week we will discuss the importance of sleep. You’ll be able to access theslideshow here.
5/10 Article:
This week’s article is: Should schools have a vocational track. The rest of the year’s articles are on this page (we’re going in order – not by date).
Golden Plunger Winner:
Those pizzas will be ready to go Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Wade!
Courtyard Cleanup
Mrs. Hoke’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.
Enjoy your Sunday and let me know if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. 

PBIS 4/30-5/4

This Tuesday morning, Dana will provide materials for you to do forecasting with your students. This will be in place of the normal Behavior Expectations Review. And, by the way, a big thanks to Barb and her students for a super informative series of lessons over the last week and a half. 
May Breakfast of Champions:
May’s Breakfast of Champions will be held on Thursday, 5/31 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Greatest Growth – academically, behaviorally or otherwise. Please nominate students under the May tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7.
Golden Plunger Winner:
Mr. Wade’s 6th period classroom wins this month’s Golden Plunger! Please let me know when you’d like to have a pizza party and we’ll get that arranged.
Courtyard Cleanup
Mrs. Hohenemser’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.
5/3 Article:
This week’s article is: Should the Washington Redskins change their name? (see attached). Next week, we’ll read an article on sex education (2.03). Please review the article via the link on this page.

PBIS 4/23-4/27

Pride Week continues through this Friday, so please refer to Barb’s email from April 12th for an overview and lesson plans (documents also attached here). Below are a few other things going on 🙂
May Breakfast of Champions Theme:
I had the May theme slated as “Greatest Growth” (since eternal optimist was pushed back a month), but I’m wondering if this conflicts with the Turnaround Award? Should we change it or do both, nominating different students for each? The other option is the theme “Strong Finish”. I’m all ears.
Courtyard Cleanup
Ms. Harrison’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.
Cougar Pride Bucks Reminder:
To signal a new start and the changing seasons, we’re going with ORANGE for the remainder of the year. I’ve attached the master copy if you need it. We’ll accept blue and green bucks too until you run out. 

PBIS 4/16-4/20

Breakfast of Champions:
April’s Breakfast of Champions is this Friday4/20 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is Eternal Optimist. If you have yet to nominate a student, it might not be too late – for example, you could plug it if you have plans to meet with a parent Monday or Tuesday. More the merrier. Names go under the April tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7.
4/17 Behavior Expectations Review
Tuesday‘s slideshow is the works here: https://goo.gl/3wbn4v. This week focuses on the concept of equity. Please see the slide notes for details and let me know if you have any suggestions for improvement.
Pride Week Lessons
These start Thursday. See Barb’s email for info!
Courtyard Cleanup
Ms. Connor’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria.
Cougar Pride Bucks Reminder:
To signal a new start and the changing seasons, we’re going with ORANGE for the remainder of the year. I’ve attached the master copy if you need it. We’ll accept blue and green bucks too until you run out. 

Trimester 3 Homeroom BER Schedule

Here’s the tentative Tuesday schedule for the remainder of the year.

April – Diversity + Equality
GSA Presentation

May – Teenage Brain
Learning styles
Technology + the brain
Mental health Pt. 1 and Pt. 2

June – Reflect on year


Breakfast of Champions Nominations:
April’s Breakfast of Champions is coming up next week! We have it slated for 4/20 from 8:15-8:45am. The theme is a carryover from last month, Eternal Optimist. These are the students who always look on the bright side of things and bring positive energy into the classroom. Please nominate students under the April tab here: https://goo.gl/68t4B7
4/10 Behavior Expectations Review
Tuesday‘s slideshow is the works here: https://goo.gl/JLaSZF. This week focuses on the concept of equality using Title IX as a case study. The TED-Ed video is 4:34 and is worth watching all the way through, so please factor this in for the mini-lesson.
Courtyard Cleanup
Ms. Cockram’s homeroom is up next for courtyard cleanup. If needed, there are cleaning tools next to the drinking fountain in the cafeteria. 
4/12 Article:
This week’s article is: Asthma: more than a medical problem? (see attached). Hardcopies will be next to the boxes Monday afternoon. A list of Trimester 3’s articles can be found here