Parent Letter

6th Grade Social Studies

Teacher: Stephanni Bahr


Room: 703


Contact Info: email:

                    phone: 541-790-6473


Dear Student and Parent/Guardian,


Welcome to sixth grade Social Studies. In this class, we will learn about world geography, current events, early humans, and the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece, and Rome. Along with traits of civilization like art and government, we will study beliefs and the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. These will be taught objectively in the context of history and the ancient cultures.


Resources: Our primary text is History Alive: The Ancient World. We will be supplementing this text with various other sources throughout the year.


IPAD/Internet/visual media: We will also be using several apps to enrich our readings that are related to the subject matter. Videos and audio may also be used. Students need to bring their charged iPad to class everyday and place it in one of the baskets in the back of the room upon entering.


Organized Binder: Students are required to have a language arts tab in their binder where they can keep nearly all handouts, classwork, and grammar notes. It is the student’s responsibility to bring their organized binder with them to class every day. There may be random binder checks throughout the year.


Grading/Homework: I do not assign daily homework and try to provide enough class time to complete assignments. However, sometimes students will need to complete some assignments at home, especially writing assignments and presentations. I write all assignments/due dates on the board in the classroom. I try to update grades weekly.


The grading scale is as follows:


90%-100% = A

80%-89% = B

70%-79% = C

60%-69% = D

59% and below = F



Late Work: Meeting due dates is a very important skill for high school, college, and life in general. Therefore, assignments are due on the due date, unless an extension is agreed upon by the teacher and the student, or extended time is an accommodation granted to the student. If assignments are not turned in on time, students will be provided extra time to complete their work after school at homework club.


Classroom Expectations: Each student should evaluate and monitor their own behavior by asking themselves the following questions:


  1. Does what I’m doing help or hinder my learning?
  2. Does what I’m doing help or hinder other students’ learning?
  3. Does what I’m doing help or hinder the teacher’s ability to teach?


In order to provide a safe environment so everyone may provide their input on a give topic, everyone is expected to follow these procedures:


  1. No name calling or belittling someone’s opinion.
  2. Raise your hand and be acknowledged by the moderator (usually the teacher) BEFORE expressing your opinion.
  3. Come to class with an open mind.


Required Materials: Along with their Agendas, students should come to class prepared, every day, with a well-organized binder, notebook paper, and pencils. Pens and colored pencils are also good to have for editing and artwork.


Nuts and Bolts: All expectations specified on pages 9-18 of the Agenda Planner are expected to be followed and will be enforced in our classroom. Please read over these and pay extra attention to cell phone use, proper IPAD use and care.



Ms. Bahr


Language Arts, Social Studies, Reading Intervention