PSA for courtyard clean up and school care

 Link for one video

Title for PSA: Cleaner school PSA 

This PSA is about how many students are in their school and how there is trash all over the place. They are giving a challenge to their students to pick up trash if they see it.

Three good things about PSA 

  • made the point 
  • gives factual info about the school
  • adresses the problem and gives challenge for school

Things to improve on

  • Slow down the transitions 
  • up the animation

Another link for video

Title for PSA: Keeping the High School clean PSA

This PSA is about how this school is trying spread the fact that their courtyard and cafeteria is being constantly trashed. they are wanting to have people pick up their own trash and not others.

Three good things about PSA 

  • goes to the problem mat hand and shows it
  • watches what is happening in cafeteria
  • shows other people cleaning up mess

Things that could be improved

  • does not say what students need to do to help
  • has some parts that is not needed

Last link for video

Title of PSA: Clean up cafeteria PSA

This PSA is about how many trash cans there are and how they are not being used. they want to tell their students to clean up for themselves and not have staff do it for them.

Three good things about PSA

  • shows how many options there are to throw away trash
  • gives info about the school and where to throw trash away
  • shows all the trash around their campus of school

Three things that could be improved on

  • could have been better filming
  • shows multiple shots of the same trash


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