Great Thanksgiving Listen

Jake talks with my grandfather Craig about life in Hyde Park, New York !


Photo Credit: Framemaker 2014 Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo taken by Howard Rann photography.

Summary: I did this interview with my grandpa Craig Jorgensen at my house in Eugene Oregon on December 2nd, 2019. I selected my grandpa to do this with me because he is willing to talk to me about his past, he also wants to make sure that i get good grades in school so he wanted to help me with that. My interview lasted around 5 minutes long which I thought was good time. He shared what his life was like in New York and his school life in high school and college in New York. 


Reflection: I thought that this interview turned out very well. My grandfather was very exited to be able to do this with me and he was proud that I was so organized with it. I learned from my grandfather that my ancestors came along on the mayflower and that one of them fell off the boat and survived. I also learned that I am a double mayflower. I now know that I can go to my grandpa if I need help with anything and that he is more than willing to do so. I just want to say thank you to my grandpa for supporting me with this interview!

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