Enhanced drawing

Use pens and oil pastels to create a Drawing on paper. You will scan your drawing and use Photoshop to Colorize and alter it using Photoshop. Use filters, text tools, opacity, etc. Use your own creative eye to make different versions of your piece of artwork. You will turn in a copy of your original scanned drawing and at least one version of your drawing after you have used the computer to enhance it!





Reflection: This project was fun to do because I love to use photoshop. I am not the most talented artist but I thought that I did a pretty good job with drawing the cloud.  My idea of this was that there was some person looking sad with an umbrella and the cloud was throwing up all over the umbrella. I wanted this to be funny because clouds usually rain down water and not throw it up. The tools that I used were the photoshop app, the scanner, my drawing and the internet. I hope to do more photoshops assignments even though the trimester is coming to an end.

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