Robotics Adv. tech

LEGO Mindstorms EV3 – Coming Soon

Students will work individually and in teams to construct and program robots using LEGO Mindstroms and Swift Playgrounds coding appson their iPads. We currently have 8 EV3 Intelligent bricks and 16 complete LEGO Robotics parts kits that include build parts, sensors (touch, sound, light, and motion), and motors.

Students will use the Mindstorm Programmer and Programming apps to program actions for the robots they build. Programming is done with a drag and drop build from 4 different programming modules.

LEGO Mindstorm: Build a Robot link

LEGO Mindstorm: Learn to Program link

Students will also apply the Swift Playground coding skills learned in the Swift Learn to Code 1 series of lessons. They will be using the Mindstroms/Playground module “Animal Rescue” to complete a series of coding lessons that results in a robot with actions coded with the Swift programming language. Students need to download the Animal Rescue module into their Swift Playgrounds app – link is in the app.

Robot pictures:

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