Exercise on Logo/Brand Awareness

Assignment #1: Exercise on Logo/Brand Awareness – Must be a PAGE under Branding and Log Design (See example in the link here) 15 Points

Students find and write commentary on three brands that resonate with them; product, design, impact meaning, etc. This should include use of space, typography, artwork, lines, shapes, color, etc. All the good C.R.A.P.


Hop Valley: Hop Valley is a brewing company and a restaurant that is local to Oregon.  Hop Valley was founded in 2009 in Springfield Oregon where they first started using the 15 barrel system to make their craft beers. I chose this logo because of how it is local and of how their logo is so clever. There is a hop on the logo which is an ingredient to make most beers, and then as most Hop Valleys are located in the Willamette valley, they have a river flowing through the hop to make it look like the hop is the mountains and the river is in the valley.

Image result for portland trailblazer logo meaning

Portland Trail Blazers: The Portland Trail Blazers are located in Portland Oregon, founded in 1970 by Harry Glickman. The trail blazers got their name after the long journey of the Oregon trial that ended in Oregon. I like this logo because of how the five red lines are five offensive players and the white lines as five defensive players coming together to play the game of basketball.

Image result for hoodoo ski logo

Hoodoo ski resort: Hoodoo skiing resort is located around the town of sisters, Oregon. They do skiing, snowboarding and more, they also hold ski teams and tournaments for teams. Hoodoo was founded in 1938 by a man named Ed Thurston. I like this logo because it is local to Oregon and also because it is very unique. the purple line below represents a person skiing down the mountain and in the H is a snowflake representing that it is in the snow.


Reflection: This to me turned out very well, liked all of these logos because of how they are all local and how I’ve been to all of them. 


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