PSA#2 (Solo/Team Project) – Students build on their first PSA experience to make a Public Service Announcement using stills and video footage.  Students brainstorm topic ideas as a class to pick topics for their PSAs. Students work solo or in teams of 2-4 students. Students must develop the PSA with detailed documentation as follows, from start to finish. Content will be researched using a variety of proven sources, and images and video will be collected from various online and offline sources, and locations.

Students will use Adobe Photoshop to prepare images – size must be 800×600 pixels or 1026×768 pixels for optimal production using iMovie. Video footage will be edited using iMovie. Students are encouraged to use text screens to enhance their message, and an audio track must be included. PSAs are to be at one of the following lengths: 30 sec., 45 sec., or 60 sec. Longer length PSAs are OK with script approval.

Students will be graded on assignment posts and on the standard prescribed assignment posting format on their ePortfolios. Students will be given an individual grade and Team collaboration grade. (Posting format is on my instructional blog):

– Elevator Speech: Narrative paragraph(s) describing the PSA, intent/message, audience, and sources of content. (10 points)Elavator speech

– PSA Script & Images: Scene by scene set-up, and detailed description of content and flow. (20 points)PSA #2

– PSA Production – Rough Cut: Using iMovie, content is assembled and edited for presentation – streamed from Vimeo.

(30 points)PSA rough cut

– PSA Edits: Students take peer evaluation feedback and create an edits list that will be applied to their Final Cut (10 points)

– PSA Production – Final Cut: Students post edited final video on ePortfolio PSA#1 page –  streamed from Vimeo (30 points)PSA #2

Reflection: It took me almost 3 weeks to complete this psa,and I think that it turned out very well. i first did lots of papers for scripts and edits, My rough draft needed a lot of improvement but my final turned out very well, thanks to the people that helped me!

50 Total Points






animal abuse

drug usage










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