Horses photoshop

Assignment #7 – Photoshop Horses Makeover

Students are to demonstrate their knowledge of using Photoshop tools including masking tools, image resizing and filters. They must use the horses background image and then bring in a minimum of 4 images from the web to create a fantasy composite image that tells a story. Composition, masking, detail, perspective and other basic design technique will be included in the grading. Files must be saved as native .psd and also as a .jpg. Students will upload their final piece as a .jpg to their ePortfolios on their Tech Lit page or as a page/kid to Tech Lit page (their choice but stick with one method for all assignments) with the assignment order number, and with a detailed assignment description (can be copied and pasted from here) and reflection restating what they did, how they did it, and how they feel about their work.


Reflection: This is my horses project that started out with just a field and some horses and now its a meerkat city. I first took some pictures off the internet and put and shaped them on the photoshop application.

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