Wednesday, October 2nd

October 2, 2013

9th Grade (section 13)

In class we looked at a rubric in detail for our essays. Focusing in on the “Sentence Fluency” section- we completed two activities: sentence combining and fragments/run-ons. If you missed class make sure to get the white handout. After reviewing our work, we applied these techniques to our essays

Homework: Final Essay is due tomorrow, Thursday the 3rd. Also a reminder: Please bring in a paper grocery bag for our Art project next week.

11th Grade LOTA (all classes)

We began class with a look at language in “A House and a Yard”. Reviewing what a chronological plot summary looks like we quickly discussed the narrative form used throughout this narrative essay. Students then broke off into groups and created a chart detailing: plot, characters, setting, and authorial choices. We did not get to finish this discussion but will next class. If you were out come and pick up a 1/2 pink sheet (for chart assignment) and 1/2 purple sheet (Portfolio #6).

HOMEWORK: Complete Portfolio #6- for next class: bring ALL of your portfolio assignments to class for an in class review and writer’s workshop.

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