You’ll work with other high school students from Lane County to tackle real community challenges. Don’t have experience? No problem! You can compete in coding or marketing, focusing on coding, website design, graphic design, game development, marketing, branding, and business. Teams will have 48 hours to create their solution and present it to a panel of judges on Sunday for a chance to win prizes! You can sign up as a team (up to five) or individually and be matched with other participants. The event is FREE and in person at Spark at Booth-Kelly in Springfield. Find out more and register here. Registration deadline is Monday, November 25th, 12:00 PM.
Upcoming Events & Experiences
BIPOC Blueprint
A space for BIPOC youth to connect, build resilience, and foster cultural pride. Open to youth in grades 8-12. Register today! Next event: December 19 from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Spark on 7th.
Wonder Wednesday
Learn about applying, registering, and attending Lane Community College. Join virtually or in person, either in Springfield or Cottage Grove. Open to youth ages 14-24. Register today! Next event: November 27 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm with pizza in person at 4:00 pm!
Community Tours
Parents/Guardians, are you curious about what Connected Lane County has to offer? Join us for our free community tours, guided by our Development Coordinator, Shannon Pocan. Open to all ages. Register today! Next event: December 12 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm at Spark at Booth-Kelly.
Useful resources to help you find information about different careers.
- Naviance – https://student.naviance.com/chs
- Explore Careers and Career Clusters
- Roadtrip Nation
- Churchill Library – http://blogs.4j.lane.edu/levy_d/ (Use your 4J username and password to log in)
- State of Oregon Employment Department
- Career Explorer – Quality Info Career Explorer
- Wages – Quality Info Wages & Information
- US Bureau Labor Statistics – Student Resources
- Career Exploration, videos, charts, tables, and maps
- Naviance – https://student.naviance.com/chs
2023-2024 Career Exploration Opportunities
marketingJAM is an annual three-day marketing competition hosted each January for teams of up to five youths. Students who sign up as an individual will be matched with a team. Participation is free and open to all Lane County high school-aged youth and Lane Community College students interested in marketing, branding, design, and business.
2024 marketingJAM takes place: Friday, January 26th (on Zoom), Saturday, January 27th (in person), and Sunday, January 28th (in person). Churchill Seniors using this program as a LEAP must complete the entire event, plus the LEAP packet. Register here: go.connectedlane.org/marketingJAM24 (closes Monday, Jan. 8th) What to expect: On Friday the 26th, we will release the four marketing challenge options to youth teams via email. Teams will choose a marketing prompt to work on over the course of the weekend. youth will have until 12pm on Sunday to work together to create the requested marketing materials for the prompt that they chose. On Sunday at 12pm, we will have a youth showcase where youth will present their project to a panel of local marketing professionals, who will score their projects & provide feedback. Winning teams will walk away with prizes.
Friday, 26th: Challenges released at noon + Meet your mentor + Half work day (virtual)
Saturday, 27th: Full work day (in person at Spark at Booth Kelly (303 S 5th St STE 150, Springfield, OR 97477).
Sunday, 28th: Half work day + Presentation Prep + Showcase at 12pm (virtual)
Design Arts Apprenticeship
The Design Arts Apprenticeship program at Lane Arts Council offers Lane County middle and high school students opportunities in graphic, digital, and physical design. It pairs students with professional designers for hands-on learning and creating, including exploring business aspects of creative careers. This program, involving 25 after-school hours over 10 weeks, includes workshops and talks with international designers, preparing students for college and career readiness in any field. Applications are due by December 29th. Churchill Seniors using this program as a LEAP must complete the entire event, plus the LEAP packet. Apply here https://lanearts.org/arts-apprenticeships/
RTEC 101 – Gateway to College and Careers
RTEC 101 at Lane Community College is a free class for high school students and recent graduates. It prepares students for college with an emphasis on degrees, financial aid, communication, and time management. The program offers various schedules, including online and on-campus options, tailored to support transitioning students. Churchill Seniors using this program as a LEAP must complete the entire course with a passing grade, plus complete the LEAP packet. Registration ends on January 14th. You can reserve your spot now at:
ASVAB Career Exploration
The ASVAB Career Exploration Test is coming to Churchill on Thursday, February 1st, from 8:30-11:30 am. Students can sign up for the test and the Career Exploration program here: here Program aids high school students in planning their post-graduation paths, offering tools to explore careers and educational options, including college, work-based learning, and military opportunities. It emphasizes the importance of hands-on experiences, realistic goal setting, and understanding various career and educational paths. Test preparation materials can be accessed at this link, or in the counseling hallway, or on the table outside the School-to-Career office in the STEM building. Questions? Contact Mary Beth Hepp-Elam in the CHS School-to-Career office, or email her at elam_m@4j.lane.edu, or call her at 541-790-5262. Seniors, if you’re interested in how you can complete your LEAP with a military experience, contact Mary Beth in the School-to-Career office.
Associated Oregon Loggers Scholarship Program
The Associated Oregon Loggers Scholarship Program supports students pursuing forestry-related careers, offering financial aid for education at technical schools, colleges, and through apprenticeships. Open to both members and non-members, it covers tuition and books, with special scholarships for children of members, focusing on practical training and industry readiness. Award amounts up to $1500 per year for up to 4 years! You can learn more and apply at:
Fall Job Shadow Application Now Closed!
Here is a really good opportunity to explore a career you might be interested.
Connected Lane County is an organization that sets up career exploration opportunities for Lane County high school students. You can get matched with a professional in an industry of your choice to learn about their job.
Please note the following details:
- Mandatory Zoom Orientation: Thursday, October 5 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. via Zoom.
- Job Shadow Dates: Friday, October 13th, 20th, or 27th
- Submit your application by October 2nd to be considered!
To apply, click here
¡Únase a nosotros para Fall 2023 Job Shadows!
¡Connected Lane County se complace en ofrecer observación laboral para jóvenes en edad de escuela secundaria!
Póngase en contacto con un profesional en una industria de su elección para conocer su trabajo.
Tenga en cuenta los siguientes detalles:
- Orientación Virtual Obligatoria: Jueves Octubre 5 de 4:00 pm a 5:00 pm vía Zoom.
- Fechas de observación de trabajos: Viernes, Octubre 13, 20 y 27
- ¡Envíe su solicitud antes del 2 de Octubre para ser considerada!
Para aplicar, haga clic aquí https://clc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4HFryi9vKVih5nE
Para recibir asistencia en Español, envíe un mensaje a Mónica Reynoso a monica@connectedlane.org.
Spring – Summer 2023 Opportunities
Eugene Science Center – Summer Volunteer Shifts are an opportunity for high school students to learn about futures in the science field. To start volunteering, visit this link to learn more or Email mpadilla@eugenesciencecenter.org.
University of Oregon 2023 Summer SAIL program: Free week long summer programs, providing high school students with the opportunity to experience college firsthand and explore program options at the University of Oregon.
Week 1: August 7th-11th: Art, Architecture & Design, Environmental Science and Public Policy & Management, Sociology, Biology, Journalism & Communications, World Cultures, Business, Education, Physics and Human Physiology.
Week 2: August 14th-18th: Chemistry, Geography, LatinX Studies, Computer Science, English & writing, Psychology, Economics & the power of math, Performing arts, Spanish, Italian & French Languages. Visit link: https://sail.uoregon.edu/
MedSplash: A health science summer camp for students interested in a career in health professions and are currently enrolled in the 9th, 10th or 11th grade . Meet and Talk with real health professionals, explore high wage & high demand careers. tour state of the art medical facilities, complete AHA Heart Saver training, discover Health Professions offered at Lane CC and learn how you can attend college now.
When: July 17th-21 & July 24-28, 9am-4pm; Where: Lane Community College. Visit this Link to apply
Habitat for America: Learn to build affordable housing with Bend-Redmond habitat as an Americorps construction crew leader, learn valuable professional and life skills. Habitat Americorps is an avenue for developing the next generation of leaders and lifelong advocates for safe affordable housing. Full time job position for 10.5 months on residential construction site, provided living allowance, subsidized housing an educational award and access to health care.
Visit link to apply: https://bendredmondhabitat.org/americorps/
Career Summit: A summer career workshop that helps explore careers; build credibility, learn workplace culture and collaboration; and establish connections. Find your professional purpose and figure out what you’re meant to do with your career. When: June 29th- July 2nd, 2023 Where: University of Oregon.
Link to apply: https://www.upliftleadership.org/career-summit
Winter – Summer 2023 Opportunities … Are Here!
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) will be given to interested high school students who are at least 16 years old. The test is at no cost to the student and is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15th, 2022 from 1:00 – 3:30 pm, in the STEM conference room. Registered students will be excused from class with a permission slip. Students will need to bring their student computer to take the test. It is recommended that students taking the test have taken math at least through Algebra II, but it is not required. Test preparation materials can be accessed at this link, or in the counseling hallway, or on the table outside the School-to-Career office in the STEM building. Questions? Contact Mary Beth Hepp-Elam in the CHS School-to-Career office, or email her at elam_m@4j.lane.edu, or call her at 541-790-5262. To sign up go to https://forms.gle/cha2oDpSWeQmyX879
Register NOW for the third annual marketingJAM the weekend of January 20-22, 2023! This event is FREE and open to youth interested in marketing, branding, design, and business. Register in teams of up to five or as an individual to be paired with a group. Each team will have a professional mentor for the weekend. Don’t delay! Registration closes January 11th. This would make an excellent LEAP project for a senior! Read more here https://go.connectedlane.org/mj23
Winter Job Shadows!
The registration window is open now through January 23rd. Job shadows will take place in February. This is a great, short-term opportunity for all high school students to explore new careers. Find out more here https://connectedlane.org/elevate/#student-resources
Summer Internships
Spend time this summer gaining valuable PAID experience working with local companies. High school juniors and seniors can apply for a 200-hour summer internship in the career area of their interest. The application window is from February 20th – March 30th. It is a 6-Week paid internship at a local company for High School students in 11th & 12th grade. This makes a super LEAP project for current juniors. Registration information and link will be coming in February.
More career related opportunities through Elevate/Connected Lane County.org can be found here https://mail.4j.lane.edu/service/home/~/?auth=co&loc=en_US&id=363093&part=2
Fall 2022 Opportunities … Are Here!
Hurry! This one is on this Sunday, October 23rd!
Great opportunity for young women to find out about building careers

You can also click this link to register for the LCC Women in Trades event: https://ae4x0wfgmys.typeform.com/to/dQmiaMT4
Sooo many opportunities for high schoolers!
UO SAIL Program sails all year
The University of Oregon Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) offers year-round, pre-college programs for middle and high school students. To discover all of their programs, click https://sail.uoregon.edu/.
Summer Opportunities 2022
Lane Community College tuition-free summer course
This opportunity is for rising Seniors and recent high school graduates. LCC is offering the Class of 2023 the opportunity to take a tuition-free college course of their choice. Courses are available for Summer term. Save money, earn college credit, and explore LCC. Register for Summer term now. Learn more here lanecc.edu/tuitionfreecourse.
WW Welding School
WW Welding School applications are open to graduating seniors. This program includes both lab/hands-on learning and lectures about blueprints, safety, and more. It is a 12-week program that focuses on class projects and practicing different welding techniques. Leave with the skills to enter the workforce! Click here https://weldcerts.com/ for more information.
Northwest Youth Corps
The Northwest Youth Corps Programs are taking applications. Spots are available in the Youth (non-residential) Community and Youth Camping (residential) programs. Join youth crews doing vital conservation and community work in the Pacific Northwest and get high school credit. Learn more about this opportunity at https://nwyouthcorps.workbrightats.com/pages/youthcrews/.
Student Opportunities Fair 2022
Hear from Eugene-area professionals
Careers In … features a playlist of more than 20 videos from industry experts within one of six Oregon career areas. These panels were recorded live with Churchill staff and students. Click on the link below to view videos.
The University of Oregon Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) offers year-round, pre-college programs for middle and high school students. To discover all of their programs, click https://sail.uoregon.edu/summer-2021/.
Careers in the Construction Trades
Are you interested in completing an apprenticeship in one of the construction trades? Does the idea of working mainly outside (but not always) with your hands sound fun? Would you like to be a part of something big (literally) and create something you can show off to your family and friends? Then check out the information on this website: https://oregonapprenticeship.org/. You can also explore all 30 of the different trade careers available in Oregon. Find out how much an apprentice makes and who to contact to start your on-the-job learning at:
Want to be an engineer?
OSU’s “Rooted in Community,” women engineers speak about their experiences and how they are guiding the next generation.
Military Careers
This opportunity is for juniors and seniors to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). If you’re interested in a military career or interested in finding out about your skill level and career interest areas, please use the link below to find out more.
You can learn more about the program here https://www.asvabprogram.com.