About 5th Grade

schoolclip15The 5th Grade Experience!

We have a very active and fun filled year planned for 2015-16. Our class will be reading terrific books, creating works of art, writing  fun reports, and solving challenging math problems. Most importantly,  we will be working together to create a classroom community that deeply values and respects each other.

We will be reading many awesome books this year. I love reading and believe that it is one of the most important skills a young person can have in life. I try my best to select engaging books that are full of adventure, suspense, and rich information. Former students and parents often help me select outstanding books to read with our literature groups.

Writing is a big part of our day in 5th grade. We analyze and read exemplary writing and learn how to use the traits of good writing  in our own pieces. Our classroom loves to share our work. We share in class, reading aloud, and we plan to post our work on this site throughout the year.

In addition to reading, writing and math activities, our 5th grade classes will rotate in the afternoon for what we call S.S.H. (science, social studies, & health). I teach the science portion of our curriculum & Miss Olsen teaches social studies. In science class, we will be making observations, conducting experiments and sharing and analyzing our findings with our classmates. Some of the units we will study are: magnets and motors, measuring time & space, rocks and minerals, ecosystems, and plants.