Les Devoirs le 16 décembre

By Angela Barley  

Français 2: Mots Croisés les professions

If you were not here to sign up for Edpuzzle please do so using the following directions and complete the two video “quizzes”.

  1. Go to the website: edpuzzle.com
  2. Click Sign up.
  3. Click Sign up as a student.
  4. Click Sign up with Google.
  5. Use your 4j email account to login.
  6. From here it will take you to the 4j log in page where you will use your 4j credentials (username & password for school internet, etc.) to log in.
  7. After that it will ask you for a class code. Enter:   alonela

 This should the class Français 2 and my name. Click on it to confirm.

  1. Click on the activities assigned and complete them.
  2. Merci!

Français 3: Cahier p 51 & 52

Cyrano #2 Toutes les questions,

Cyrano #3 Vocab

Writing Test

Examen Unité 4 jeudi


Français AP / BI: Mots Croisés 5.3

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Examen 5ème étape jeudi

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