About Mr. McIlrath

What is your first name? Patrick

Where did you grown up? I was born in Billings, Montana and moved to Oregon when I was 7. We moved 7 times when I was a kid and I lived in Montana, Oregon, Washington, Colorado and France.

When is your birthday? October 20, 1969

How many siblings do you have? I have four brothers and no sisters. I am the second oldest.

IMG_8602 Do you have any pets? Yes! In my family, we have a dog named Willow.


What do you do in the summer? I like to draw trees, go backpacking, garden, nap, play with my daughters and fix up the house.

Here I am lifting a pumice boulder during a backpacking trip near South Sister.

Why do you ride  your bike instead of driving to school? The exercise keeps my happy and healthy, it is good for the planet and I see more from the bike seat than the car.

Where did you learn to juggle? My cousin Rick taught me when I was eight years old.

Why did you become a teacher? I tried out for the circus, but they wouldn’t take me.

One of my past teaching assignments!

3rd Grade at Willagillespie Elementary