February 25, 2022

Hi Madison Staff,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Feb 28 Tue, Mar 1 Wed, Mar 2 Thur, Mar 3 Fri, Mar 4
  7:45 – Climate Team


Peter in Alaska -Kellen helping with Admin.

8 – GLT

Peter in Alaska -Kellen helping with admin. Peter in Alaska

No Sub, Anne T out

Staff Meeting – 2:45

BSU – 3rd Period

NSU – 6th Period


  • Focus Slides:
    • This week kids will be hearing about track. Please make sure to share this information.
  • Staffing Plan: We are set to get our staffing next week. I am interested in hearing about your interests for next year. Please complete the survey linked here by Friday March 4th. This is for all staff regardless of your current employment status. I received our staffing last week and need to start making plans.
  • Momma Barsotti Update: My mom met with the bone marrow transplant team on Thursday.  She left feeling very optimistic.  It sounds like there is a three month wait after they find a match.  The doctors told her to live her life until a match is found.  

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Contact Tracing Returns: Beginning this week, we will return to contact tracing during unmasked times: breakfast, lunch, snack, and in rooms where students are not consistently masked due to an IEP accommodation. Students are identified as a close contact if they spend a cumulative 15+ minutes within 6 feet of the positive person while unmasked.
  • Staffing Timeline: Here’s the rundown of how staffing will run this year.
    • February 23 – Building principals receive staffing allocations
    • Early March – Early Hire Pool Interviews begin
    • March 15 – Deadline for teachers currently on leave to indicate if they are returning
    • March 16 – Staffing plans due to HR
    • April 1 – Deadline for licensed staff to notify HR of retirement
    • April 12-28 – Job Expo Window (Elementary interviews on Thursdays)
    • April 18 – Classified staff receive initial notice of assignment


  • Studying Skillful Teaching Module 1: If you haven’t experienced any training around The Skillful Teacher, I highly recommend it. Module 1: The Knowledge Base of Teaching is offered through Lane ESD in April. Visit this link to learn more and register if you’re interested. After completing module 1, teachers can sign up for additional modules on topics like  making student thinking visible and lesson design. Sessions fill up quickly, so sign up soon if you’re interested.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, March 7 Tue, Mar 8 Wed, Mar 9 Thur, Mar 10 Fri, Mar 11
Anne T out Anne T out

TLC – 7:45


HS Transitions Activities in 8th grade SS   LSU – 2nd Period

GSA – 6th Period

I hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina

February 18th, 2022

Hi Madison Family,

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Feb 21 Tue, Feb 22 Wed, Feb 23 Thur, Feb 24 Fri, Feb 25
No School  

11:10 – Earthquake Drill

Content/Department Team Time – 8am

High School Transition in SS

Justice League – 7:45 LSU – 2nd period

GSA – 3rd Period

Staff Meeting – 2:45


  • Focus Lessons and Slides:
    • Tuesday : Academic Check-in and Missing Assignments Activity
    • Wednesday : Anti-racism Work
  • Peter Update: I do not love sharing news this way, but I wanted to let you know if I do not seem like my normal self.  I would tell you in a staff meeting but I would be crying too much and not be able to get any words out. Last week, my mom was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia.  I am a huge mommas boy and this hit me hard.  She was supposed to live into her 90s like her mom and she is only 71 years old. Sometimes when I sit down (especially driving), I just start crying.  She met with a new doctor yesterday and the doctor is cautiously optimistic that a bone marrow transplant could extend her life.  As you could probably guess, I signed up to be on the bone marrow donor registry last night.  Some staff already know and have asked if they can do anything, that is very nice, but we are good. We are a very blessed and privileged family and do not need anything except grace, positive thoughts and prayer.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • SEAL: Summer Enrichment & Academic Learning Program: Our traditional summer school program is undergoing an overhaul this year. It will blend academics with enrichment, include 5 weeks of additional schooling with a longer school day. Linked here is a quick sheet on some of the features and the timeline. If you’re interested, jobs should be posted in early March.
  • Covid Masking Update: As you may have heard, OHA has announced that the mask mandate for indoor spaces will be lifted no later than March 31 provided case counts continue to drop. Each district will determine if they will continue the mandate after March 31. Should a district choose to make masks optional, rules+ about Covid exposures and testing policies will change. Schools wouldn’t be able to use the “Test to Stay” program for kids exposed to Covid at school. We would have to contact trace every positive case and put kids out on quarantines more often as well. We don’t know yet what the district will decide. For now all the usual requirements are in place.
  • Contact Tracing Update: Beginning on Tuesday, we will resume contact tracing students who test positive. However, we will ONLY be contact tracing during meals eaten indoors.


  • Get Ridiculous: From Ian Byrd’s blog Birdseed:I used to aim for “real world” problems when planning lessons. But this was often a pathway to the mundane. I mean, how many times did I ask students to calculate how much paint they’d need for a wall? Real world? Yes. Interesting? Not even close. Our brains are drawn to the unusual and the unexpected. Let’s take advantage of that and purposefully seek out weird outliers, oddball examples, and unexpected constraints. Let’s get ridiculous!Get ridiculous with Math:If you’re writing a fraction problem, PLEASE don’t make it about pizza! No one uses fractions when eating pizza. But if your question has to be about a pizza, then make that pizza unbelievably huge. Make it the size of a football stadium. Or have Tiny Tim eat just 2/999 of the pizza. Make the numbers weird!Get ridiculous with Language Arts:Rather than pushing kids to write 500 word stories, we’d practice very very very short stories. Or ask students to rewrite sentences or paragraphs without using a particular letter.See the full Byrdseed Article for more ideas on how to get ridiculous and grab kids’ interest. If you’re intrigued by this, you can subscribe to the Brydseed Newsletter.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Feb 28 Tue, March 1 Wed, March 2 Thur, March 3 Fri, March 4
  High School Transitions in SS

Climate Team – 7:45

Peter in Alaska Heli-Skiing 🙂


Peter in Alaska Heli-Skiing 🙂 Peter in Alaska Heli-Skiing 🙂

BSU – 3rd Period

NSU – 6th Period

I hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina

February 11, 2022

Hi Monarchs,

Thank you all for the wonderful work that you’ve done during this block of 5 day weeks, to keep kids learning and motivated! We appreciate you all every day! This week, we have all of the fun, excitement and drama that accompanies Valentine’s Day in a middle school. Let’s have a good time and make sure that kids feel included in any festivities. Please let the office know if a particular challenge pops up.

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Feb 14 Tue, Feb 15 Wed, Feb 16 Thur, Feb 17 Fri, Feb 18
Valentine Lillipop Sale

EasyCBM Make-ups during Focus

4:00 P&G to all admin zoom

7:45 Climate Team 8:00 GLT – Finish up Early Warning Data


HS Transition Activity in 8th Grade SS BSU 3rd Period

NSU 6th Period

2:45 ACT Aligned PD



  • Focus Slide – Monday is pretty polished and ready to go, the rest of the days are going to get a little more love.  Please check back on Monday.
  • EasyCBM Make-ups – On Monday during Focus, please send any kids from your Focus class that’s on this make-up list as a priority 1 or 2 only to the cafeteria with their iPad. Whichever kids we can capture, we will. Beyond that, we’re not going to stress about it.
  • AM/PM Supervision: Teachers have all been assigned to assist with specific days and time blocks for hallway and outside supervision before and after school. Please open up the Supervision calendar links in the Madison staff calendar to see which one is your invite and accept the invitation. This will ensure that you receive the reminder alerts when it’s your turn. You also should have received an email with the invitation if that’s easier for you to find it. If you’re new to navigating the calendar, ask a friend or come on down to the office.


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Feb 21 Tue, Feb 22 Wed, Feb 23 Thur, Feb 24 Fri, Feb 25
No School – Presidents Day


Grade Guardian Activity in Focus

7:45 TLC


HS Transition Activity in 8th Grade SS

8:00 Content Teams


7:45 Justice League


LSU 2nd Period

GSA 6th Period


We hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina

February 4th, 2022

Hi Madison Staff,

We’re officially over halfway through the school year! It seems to have gone so quickly and slowly all at the same time. Info is short and sweet this week.

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Feb 7 Tue, Feb 8 Wed, Feb 9 Thur, Feb 10 Fri, Feb 11
  TLC – 7:45am GLT – 8am – Early Warning Data JL – 7:45 LSU and GSA

2:45 – Building PD

MADISON INFORMATION (Replace Staff Meeting)

  • FOCUS Slides
    • In the Focus survey, many commented that they’d like a more uniform way to check in with students on Monday. We’re including an assignment grid that you can use to document what students are working on that week. As you discuss with them what’s happening for the week, you can fill it in on a digital copy of the slide, print out your own copy and fill it out under the doc camera, or create your own grid on your board. Students may not know everything they’re working on on Monday; you can revisit the grid throughout the week to fill in important info. You’ll see a prompt to revisit the grid on Thursday.
      We’re starting a new art activity next week – stop motion animation. The activity will be introduced on Wednesday, then students will have a chance to use a storyboard on Thursday to do some planning for their animation, which they’ll begin to film the following week. In the survey, some teachers commented that there wasn’t enough time for the previous art activity; we’ll add a little more time for this one!
  • Staffing Update:  We are very lucky that our second night custodian should be starting on Monday.  We have been without one since before the pandemic started.  His name is Jason Hilliker.  When you see him, please introduce yourself and welcome him to Madison.
  • AVID Summer Institute is back! In order to revitalize our AVID program, following CDL, we are excited to be able to send a team of 6 to sunny San Diego June 26th-29th to continue building knowledge and excitement around moving toward school-wide AVID best practices. If you are interested in joining the Madison Site Team, please let Gina know right away! She needs to get names to the district coordinator. Flights, a shared hotel room, and a per diem for meals will be paid be the district. 
  • Sub Plans: Canvas has been a good tool that most of us are using when we are going to be out building (both scheduled and unplanned).  We are running into a people problem with the tool.  Subs do not know the students who have behavior plans, IEPs or go by different names than in synergy.  The office will still include the synergy attendance reports with the student’s legal names but tell the sub to use the seating charts for attendance.
    • In your sub folder, please include:
      • Seating chart with preferred names and legal last names
      • Students with IEPs
      • Students with Behavior Plans
  • DeadNaming: Do you know what this is? I did not 36 hours ago.  I had to google it because it is happening at our school.  The quick version of the definition is that students are using birth names and gender to be mean.  One reason this is happening more is because subs  are calling out legal names when doing attendance – hence the need for seating charts with preferred names.  We are going to start making announcements about this and there will be a Focus lesson in the coming weeks.  I am mentioning it because I want you aware and to interrupt it and if needed get admin involved.
  • Tardies: I am having a hard time motivating students to get to class (especially after lunch).  Remember that you can (and I encourage you) to give minor referral for tardies for any student who has been late three or more times to your class.
  • Supervision: The supervision schedule has been updated in the Zimbra calendar.  Please check it and be out in the halls supporting the students.  Also, if you are out of the building on the day you have supervision – please put supervision in your sub plans.  Think back many moons ago, your commons met and established a schedule for supervising the commons during passing periods.  Please revisit that document and update any new teachers to the plan.
  • Distraction Challenge: Our students rocked round 1, I think we have been to everyone’s first periods.  In a couple of classes, it was harder for the teacher to stay focused than the students.  You know you are 🙂 Now it is time to keep elevating the distractions.  Our plan is to continue the challenge the rest of the year.  We have had some requests for certain periods and we will work to honor those requests.

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Administrator Staffing News: Here are some updates from downtown.
    • Morgan Christenson, Title IX Administrator: Morgan Christensen, principal of Kennedy Middle School and Chinese Immersion, has been temporarily reassigned through Spring Break to help resolve the backlog of Title IX and Sexual Harassment investigations. This is usually Dawn Strong’s role, but she has been overseeing Covid safety. Morley Hegstrom, a retired administrator, will step in to help support Kennedy.
    • Brooke Wagner, Asst Superintendent of Instruction: Brooke Wagner has been named the new Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, replacing Dr. Jose Salgado, who left the role earlier this year. Brooke had been serving as the Temporary Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services this year and was an elementary school director the past 5 years.
    • Melissa Goff, Temporary Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Services: Melissa Goff, who was most recently the former superintendent of the Greater Albany School District, will serve as the temporary assistant superintendent of administrative services. Previously, this was Superintendent Vandercar’s role before she was named Interim Superintendent and it is held as temporary during her interim appointment. 
  • TAG Newsletter – Here’s some information and resources for supporting TAG students (and all students) in classrooms. February’s newletter focus is on Mental Health


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Feb 14 Tue, Feb 15 Wed, Feb 16 Thur, Feb 17 Fri, Feb 18
Valentine Lollipops on sale Climate Team – 7:45 GLT – 8am NEHS Activities in 8th grade SS – All Day BSU and NSU


I hope you have a great week!

Peter and Gina

January 28, 2022

Hi Madison Staff,

Thank you for continuing to hang in there. You are so appreciated!

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 31 Tue, Feb 1 Wed, Feb 2 Thur, Feb 3 Fri, Feb 4
EasyCBM in Focus EasyCBM in Focus

7:45 Safety Team

EasyCBM in Focus

8:00 GLT

EasyCBM in Focus BSU 3rd period

NSU 6th Period


  • Focus Slides this week are just to intro easyCBM testing. For additional details, please see Gina’s email sent on Thursday.
  • ‘Rona Updates: A few updates on all things Coronavirus

    • KN95 Masks Available: Downtown is giving all schools KN95 masks and is ordering more. One mask is good for 5 days and can last longer if cleaned and disinfected. Please come by the office if you’d like one. Tip: If the mask is uncomfortable, consider cutting the straps and placing inside your cloth mask.
    • Staff Notifications: As you saw last week, you’ll get a notification if a staff member tested positive AND was in school during their infectious period. Teachers will also receive an email about students who were in their class during their infectious period. 
    • Temporary Paid Leave: If staff test positive for COVID, you will qualify for TPL. Staff would enter sick leave in AESOP and a district contact tracer will change it after they’ve spoken to you. 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                                      

  • Repeat: EEF Grants Due Feb. 4 – EEF is now accepting grants for round two of the school year. See the EEF Email or EEF Website for details. Unlike in the past, staff may directly submit grants without first going through Site Council. This year, after the Feb. 2 deadline, all submitted grants will then go to Site Council for rank ordering.   


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Feb 7 Tue, Feb 8 Wed, Feb 9 Thur, Feb 10 Fri, Feb 11
P&G to admin zoom 7:45 TLC 8:00 GLT 7:45 Justice League LSU 2nd Period

GSA 6th Period

Wishing you a peaceful week,

Gina and Peter

January 21, 2022

Hi Madison Staff,

I hope everyone enjoyed their 3 day week with students.  

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 24 Tue, Jan 25 Wed, Jan 26 Thur, Jan 27 Fri, Jan 28
  7:45 TLC

Ignoring Disruptions Challenge Begins

    No School – PD and Progress Reporting

PD  8:30-12:00 on Zoom


  • (This is us begging…) Please Stay Home If You’re Sick: We love you guys. We so appreciate your dedication and how much you don’t want to leave your colleagues in a lurch, but if you’re unwell, PLEASE STAY HOME! That sore throat, suddenly runny nose, blistering headache are all currently COVID symptoms. If you’re feeling unwell while on site, come by and talk with Gina or Donna. We’ll get you tested. But please stay home if you’re sick. Pretty please with a cherry on top.
  • Focus Slides: Please make sure to hit Monday’s slides on Monday, this week. They introduce our school-wide ignoring disruptions challenge, and the challenge will only work if all kids know about it and know how to respond when adults come in to create silly (or not so silly) distractions.
  • Major Referrals: When students receive a level 3 (major) referral, it helps to note on the referral form if the teacher has already or plans to contact the parent. The section at the bottom of the referral only requires my signature – it doesn’t require me to take action if you already have. If you’ve managed the consequences of the referral and the parent contact, please fill out that section and just leave the signature line for me.  

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

    • Get Boosted to Avoid a Quarantine: Anyone 6 months past their 2nd dose who haven’t yet received a booster shot is now not considered up to date on Covid vaccines by the CDC and the district. Without your booster shot, if you are identified as a close contact exposure to covid, you will need to quarantine at home for 5 days. Please let Gina know if you’ve been within 6 ft of someone who’s tested positive for 15 minutes within a 24 hour period. She will help to determine any needed quarantine period and next steps.

  • Jan. 28 EA Extravaganza: Downtown is putting together a list of professional development opportunities for EAs for the morning of January 28. Due to limited in-person capacities and to provide flexibility, many of the sessions will be asynchronous.
  • EEF Grants Due Feb. 4 – EEF is now accepting grants for round two of the school year. See the EEF Email or EEF Website for details. Unlike in the past, staff may directly submit grants without first going through Site Council. 

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Jan 31 Tue, Feb 1 Wed, Feb 2 Thur, Jan 3 Fri, Jan 4
  • easycbm testing


  • easycbm testing
  • 7:45 Safety Team
  • easycbm testing
  • easycbm testing

It’s a 4 day week with kids! Have a good one!


January 14th, 2022

Hi Monarchs,

What a week! We appreciate every one of you who has stepped in to support your colleagues and students in so many ways this week. The family we have built here never ceases to amaze us. Thank you.

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 17 Tue, Jan 18 Wed, Jan 19 Thur, Jan 20 Fri, Jan 21

No School – MLK Day





8:00 Grade Level Teams


10:15, Fire Drill




No School – Work Day




DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Updated Quarantine Guidelines: Lane County Public Health as well as 4J adopted the CDC’s new recommendations for quarantine and isolation this week. The new guidelines significantly shorten the amount of time people are out for both having or being exposed to Covid.
    • Unvaccinated Covid Exposure: New guidelines require a 5 day isolation followed by 5 days of consistent masking. The day of the exposure is day 0 and the five days are counted after that. 
    • Vaccinated Covid Exposure: The guidance here hasn’t changed. If you’re fully vaccinated, students included, you do not need to quarantine if exposed to Covid, even if that person lives in your household. However I highly recommend (especially if you aren’t boosted and are 6 months past your 2nd dose) that if you’ve been exposed to mask with more vigilance and to consider increasing safety precautions such as consistently maintaining 6 feet of distance from students. 
    • Covid Positive: The isolation period is now as short as 5 days, but works on a case-by case basis. If you test positive and are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms that improve rapidly, you’ll only need to be out 5 days followed by 5 days of consistent masking, even when outside. However anyone experiencing more severe symptoms should stay home until symptoms are greatly improved. 
    • Booster Shots: Anyone 6 months past their 2nd dose who haven’t yet received a booster shot is now not considered up to date on Covid vaccines by the CDC. Boosters are not required, but if you’re open to it, there are many options available to receive your booster. Linked here are some of the options in Lane County including a walk-in clinic at Riverbend. I highly recommend going on a Friday night or arranging for a sub for the day after your booster just in case. Some people haven’t had any side effects while others (including myself) report experiencing side effects that require a day of rest.
  • EasyCBM Winter Benchmarking: The easyCBM testing window for Madison will be from January 31 – February 3 during Focus. Please plan on administering these assessments during that week. Watch for a more detailed email from either Gina or Dorothy next week.


Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Jan 24 Tue, Jan 25 Wed, Jan 26 Thur, Jan 27 Fri, Jan 28


7:45, Climate Team








No School – Grading Day



Looking forward to two shortened weeks for kids! Enjoy the time, and take good care of yourselves and of each other!

Peter and Gina


January 7th, 2022

Hi Madison Staff,

I hope you all had a good first week back with the students!

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Jan 10 Tue, Jan 11 Wed, Jan 12 Thur, Jan 13 Fri, Jan 14
  Climate Team – 7:45 TLC – 7:45 Justice League – 7:45 PD or GLT – 2:45


  • Returning to School: This is my friendly PSA about returning to work healthy. Weekly COVID cases rose over 25% this week and are expected to continue to climb as this new variant appears to be more contagious than previous ones. Vaccination status doesn’t seem to offer protection from becoming infected, but instead reduces the likelihood of becoming seriously ill. If you don’t feel well, please stay home until you are feeling better. The CDC has put out new guidelines around isolating and quarantining, but we haven’t adopted those as a district yet, so we are continuing with the old protocols for now.
  • Focus Slide: Star Wars themed slides 

DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • PD/PLC Time Returning: January brings with it the return of some of our PD and PLC time. The time has been reduced to 1 hour per week and will be on Fridays from 1:30-2:25 to ensure teachers get their golden hour of planning as well. I’ll share more about our plan during our January 3rd meeting. There are only two Fridays in January so we’ll get a nice slow start.
  • EasyCBM Winter Benchmarking: The easyCBM testing window for winter will be from January 4 – February 18. TLC will talk about our next steps for EasyCBM.
  • COVID Updates:

    • Test to Stay: We are implementing a test to stay protocol ONLY for students who are unvaccinated and a close contact due to a COVID exposure at school. Students will still be required to quarantine if they are an unvaccinated close contact due to an exposure outside of school. 
    • COVID Testing for Symptomatic Individuals: We are able to offer Binax Now rapid tests for students who appear to be symptomatic while at school. We cannot offer this as “come in and see if you have COVID”, but instead as an additional layer when kids are sent to the office displaying COVID symptoms such as a fever. Robin, Kim R, and myself are the coordinators for this testing. Kim, Robin, or I will communicate with families around testing should a student be symptomatic.
  • January No School Dates: January has quite a few no school dates…
    • Monday, January 17 – Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday
    • Friday, January 28 – Progress Reports
  • Winter Weather: We may have a few more late starts and possibly some snow days in our future. The district announces these events by 6:30am. They communicate via text to families as well as posting on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Additionally, they post to the district website. I will also implement a phone tree to communicate late starts and snow days. I will text licensed staff members who will then communicate with the EAs with whom they work. If there’s no news, assume school is happening as planned.
    • 2 Hour Delay: This means school is postponed by 2 hours and our doors open at 9:45 instead of 7:45. Full time licensed staff would report by 9:30. Classified staff who start before 9:30, would also report by 9:30. If your start time is after 9:30, you would report at your regular start time. Please reach out if you have questions.
    • Snow Day: School is canceled and the vast majority of staff are not expected to report to work on these days.
    • Use of Leave: If you’re unable to report to work on a 2 hour delay day, you will need to use leave time. Please connect with me or Lori if you need to use leave on a 2 hour delay day.


  • Creative Ways to Teach Breathing to Young Learners: This article from Edutopia provides ways to “Make Breathing Visible” for kids. From belly stones to art about breath, these strategies can help students learn to use breathing as a calming and centering technique.
  • EEA Seminar Brochure: Linked here is the EEA 2022 Professional Development Seminar Series. Along with helpful PD, licensed staff can also earn credits to bump columns on the pay scale.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Jan 17 Tue, Jan 17 Wed, Jan 19 Thur, Jan 20 Fri, Jan 21
No School – MLK        

May your students be kind and your patience be plentiful.

Peter and Gina

December 10th, 2021

Hi Monarchs,

Last week felt like three weeks for many of us. We’re seeing the typical ramping up of behaviors before winter break, but much sooner than usual. It’s always a good idea, when things start feeling like they’re bordering on the edge of being out of control, to stop and slow down. Re-establish your expectations and make them visual (“It’s hard to argue with a poster” is one of my favorite Randy Sprick quotes when talking about putting your expectations in writing.), preteach and reteach even if you think they should already know, and tighten things up again if students are showing they need more structure. 5 more school days! We can do this!

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Dec 13 Tue, Dec 14 Wed, Dec 15 Thur, Dec 16 Fri, Dec 17
4:00 P&G to All Admin mtg. 8:20 – Earthquake and Fire Drill

3:00 – 8th grade celebrate students

3:30 – Gina to OSAS Training

6:30 – Pirates of Penzance


3:00 – 7th grade celebrate students


3:00 – 6th grade celebrate students

6:30 – Band Concert




  • Staffing Update: We are working on classified hires for our CLC program and some behavioral support. Thank you to everyone who has been working hard as a team to be supporting students while we’re a bit short-staffed.                             


  • FOCUS Slides:    Don’t forget to do the training for the earthquake drill on Tuesday morning. The drill will begin between 8:20 and 8:25.


Next Week at a Glance: WINTER BREAK!!!





We’re nearly there!

Peter and Gina

December 3rd, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

I hope you all were able to get some good rest and downtime in this weekend. You definitely deserve it!


Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Dec 6 Tue, Dec 7 Wed, Dec 8 Thur, Dec 9 Fri, Dec 10
No School – Grading Day

Grades due by 4pm

No School

10am new student orientation

  JL at 7:45am GLT @ 8am


DISTRICT INFORMATION                               

  • Calendar Changes: Last Tuesday, the school board approved the following calendar changes:
    • Dec. 6 – No school for elementary students, work day for elementary staff (This is also a grading day for middle and high school.)
    • Dec. 7 – School is in session for elementary, no school for middle/high school (work day for middle/high school staff)
    • Jan. 21 – No school for students. This is now elementary school’s grading day.
    • Jan. 28 – This was grading day. It’s now a teacher work day to prep for any transitions related to online school.
    • April 15 – The PD/Planning day for March 18 is now a teacher work day. April 15 will be a PD/Planning day for staff instead.
  • ODE and OHA Updates: Oregon Health Authority has removed the mandate that requires mask in crowded outdoor spaces. ODE has said it will be up to local districts to determine if they will still require students, staff, and visitors to wear masks outdoors. For now we are maintaining status quo until we hear otherwise. Additionally, ODE is implementing a new “Test to Stay” protocol. This means students exposed to Covid at school (this does not apply to students exposed at home, sports, etc) have the option to agree to rapid testing and stay in school. They would test on the day we learn about their exposure and then again a few days later. If they remain negative, they can stay at school. You can learn more here. I don’t have any district level updates about these two issues, so we will continue on as usual for now.


  • Got any great resources to share? Send them my way!

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Dec 13 Tue, Dec 14 Wed, Dec 15 Thur, Dec 16 Fri, Dec 17
No meetings 🙂        

8 more school days for the year!

Peter and Gina