January 22, 2021

Hi Madison Staff,

My favorite thing about last week’s check in was the two staff shout-outs. I will shared them down below. If you have a shout-out, please use the weekly check in to help us recognize and celebrate one another.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, January 25


Tue, January 26


Wed, January 27


Thur, January 28


Fri, January 29

No School

TLC – 8am GLT – Only one of the week

10:45 – Book Study

Climate Team – 8am   Building PD 8:30-Noon

Progress Reports Time

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Please complete the Collaboration Log each week.  Last week only 6 teachers filled out the log and the week before only 9 and we have almost 20 teachers.  Please make this a priority   
  • Focus Lesson for Week 5
    • Monday: Weekly Self-Check and MLK Flipgrid activity
    • Tuesday: National News Literacy Week Activity – Bias in Social Media Quiz
    • Wednesday: Mid-Week Academic Check-In
    • Thursday: Student Engagement Video – Please do this one!!
  • MLK Flipgrid – Teachers, I put this lesson back into our Focus lessons this week because only one student did a video.  Please take time to do one for yourself and then share with your students one day next week.  It would be great for all of our students to be talking about MLK.

Madison INFORMATION                

  • Staffing Update: Jeremy’s EA position just got posted and closes next Wednesday.  Hopefully we will have a replacement soon.
  • Admin Office Hours: Beginning this week, Peter and Gina are hosting daily office hours on t for any students or family members that would like to attend. 
  • Friday PD:
    • Licensed/Classified: This Friday morning, from 8:30-12:00, we will break down the video of a British Researcher call the The Classroom Experiment. I think it is a cool video with some concrete strategies to help with distance learning and beyond. 
    • Classified: Classified staff also have additional PD opportunities in the afternoon through the EA Extravaganza!
  • LIPI Students: Madison LIPI (Limited In Person Instruction) is set to start on February 1st, unless a district-level change alters that plan.  We have group of 6th and 7th graders coming on A – days and a group of 8th graders coming on B-Days.  
  • Weekly Check In: The weekly check in will continue to include a section to celebrate one another. I’ll be sharing these out in our blog and maybe staff meetings. Let us know who we should celebrate and why!  I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week: 

    • I would like to celebrate all of our support staff! They work behind the scenes for our staff, but they’re always on the front lines when it comes to our families! They work tirelessly, and yet address staff concerns with positivity and professionalism. We are SO LUCKY to have all of them, and I miss seeing them in person to say so!
    • Karen Backman – for her openness and continuing the conversation with me when I reached out to my book group because I had to miss the first meeting where everyone shared one hope and fear.


  • Repeat: Vaccination Interest and Child Care Needs: This week’s update from the superintendent to 4J staff included a link to a vaccine interest form. The form also gathers information about staff’s childcare needs if/when we return to hybrid. Please complete it as soon as possible because it helps inform how they will plan for vaccine distribution and meeting staff’s child care needs.
  • January SSD Newsletter: If you’re interested, linked here is the January SSD Newsletter. Please note the section on LIPI is more geared toward secondary. Elementary, according to Brooke, is pausing LIPI to focus on hybrid planning. If hybrid doesn’t seem imminent, then LIPI conversations will likely take precedence. 
  • Annually the Oregon UOTeach teacher licensure program collaborates with national scholars of educational equity in teaching and learning to provide ongoing professional development on culturally responsive and culturally sustaining pedagogies. UO faculty, UOTeach pre-service teacher candidates, and k-12 teachers are invited to attend the workshops to explore and expand their knowledge of anti-oppressive curriculum and instruction. For registration information and to register for a session please go to https://teachin.uoregon.edu/registration/

What’s Coming Next Week: Start of six weeks in a row of having a flex Wednesday

Mon, February 1


Tue, February 2


Wed, February 3

Flex Day

Thur, February 4


Fri, February 5


Start of LIPI: 9-11 GLT – Only one of the week

10:45 – Book Study

GLT – 9am

Staff Meeting and PD 10am -noon


I hope you get some rest this weekend. 

Peter and Gina

January 15th

Hi Madison Staff,

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, January 18 Tue, January 19


Wed, January 20


Thur, January 21


Fri, January 22


No School, Martin Luther King, Jr Day GLT

10:45 Book Study


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

Madison Information

  • Wednesday PD: I


  • Focus Slides for Week 4 – January 19th-22nd
    • Please feel free to make a copy and edit the slide deck to fit your needs.
    • In the next couple of weeks, we’ll be pushing out a very quick survey, asking for feedback and input on the slides. Thank you to everyone who has given them a try.
    • Tuesday: Announcements + mindfulness +Canvas Self check 
    • Thursday: SEL lesson (Finding Balance in a Digital World)
    • Wednesday: One minute mindfulness + FLEX + Journal
    • Friday: Team Building + Reflection 
  • easyCBM Update: Here’s the information we received from downtown about Winter Testing:
    • Students to Test: We don’t need to test everyone, especially if they scored out of risk areas in the fall. We do need to test students with IEP goals that require them to test in EasyCBM, and students in interventions that call for repeated testing.
    • Can I test other students? Teachers are welcome to test anyone they’d like.
    • Which tests will be administered? The guidance from downtown says the typical measures for the grade should be given whenever possible.
    • Testing Window: The winter benchmark testing window closes February 11.
  • Feedback from Jan. 4th PD:
    • Feedback was positive for both of last week’s sessions, with staff particularly appreciative of the opportunity to begin a conversation about how best to support students during CDL and as we transition kids back to in-person learning.
    • Teachers would like to continue checking in about various engagement strategies, both from a tech side and in terms of grouping strategies, etc. Teachers appreciate the opportunity to spend time hearing tips and tricks from each other, whenever possible.


  • Weekly Check In: New! The weekly check in will now include a section to celebrate one another. I’ll be sharing these out in staff meetings and in our blog. Let us know who we should celebrate and why! Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.


  • Vaccination Interest and Child Care Needs: This week’s update from the superintendent to 4J staff included a link to a vaccine interest form. The form also gathers information about staff’s childcare needs if/when we return to hybrid. Please complete it as soon as possible because it helps inform how they will plan for vaccine distribution and meeting staff’s child care needs.
  • Safety Drills: Once students being returning to the building, we will be required to implement our monthly safety drills. They have to be done for all students, so we’ll need to conduct multiple drills per month. 


  • Essay from a Superintendent: We came across this on facebook and thought it would be worth sharing. This essay, from a superintendent in New York, discusses how to frame our thinking when students are able to return in person. She reminds us that while some students may not have been engaged fully in learning, their brains were likely still fully engaged with processing all kinds of other information like hunger, loss, grief, uncertainty, and strife. She recommends looking for ways to allow students to express themselves with less of an emphasis on making up for lost time and more of a determined focus on nurturing their resilience and helping them adjust.
  • Grading During the Pandemic, A Conversation: This Q&A conversation between two grading reform advocates provides a structure and questions to consider when assigning grades during this time. We want to echo and amplify a few key points in the article:
    • Focus on essential content and be explicit: Hone in on what is essential (ie:  priority standards), be flexible about how students can demonstrate what they know (UDL strategies), and let students know what the learning goal is and how they can show you they’ve learned it. 
    • Grades reflect current understanding, not an average of scores:  Grades should indicate the student’s current level of knowledge, not an average of their scores over time. This also means students should have more than one opportunity to demonstrate their understanding after receiving feedback or more instruction. Additionally, equitable grading practices also shouldn’t include how many assignments were turned in or missed. (Ex: “He seems to understand it, but he only did 2 out of the 12 assignments, so I’m going to give him a 2.”) Equitable practices require us to only focus on students’ mastery of learning targets. 
    • Maintain high expectations: “Providing students sympathy or diminished expectations doesn’t answer the challenges of inequity. Providing them engagement, rigorous work, and support during the school day does.” The grades on this report card should accurately reflect mastery of grade level standards. They’re not a judgement of students’ current situations or ability to engage. They’re instead a factual accounting of what a student has demonstrated they know. Being accurate provides information about where to focus time and energy next term and will better help next year’s teacher plan and prepare for addressing learning gaps.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, January 25


Tue, January 26
Wed, January 27


Thur, January 28


Fri, January 29

10:45 Book Study

Climate Team


  NoSchool: Progress Reports and PD

Have a great week with kids! 

Peter and Gina

January 8th

Hi Madison Family,

This was a long and challenging week. Many of us are dealing with significant emotional struggles, whether it be related to national news, local tragedy, or personal trauma. Please know that you are all so close to our hearts and so very much appreciated.

As our district continues to consider plans to begin slowly bringing students back into our buildings, we’re encouraged by the news that, beginning next week, some key 4J employees will be offered the new co-vid vaccine. Please continue to take good care of yourselves, as we cruise into 2021, and let us know if there’s ever anything that we can do to support the wonderful work that you’re doing with kids!

Funny Back to School memes that kids and parents can all relate to : theCHIVE

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, January 11 


Tue, January 12 


Wed, January 13 

Flex Day

Thur, January 14 


Fri, January 15 


8am – TLC 

4:00-5:00, Peter and Gina to District All Admin Mtg

 10:45 – Book Group 

11:15 – GLT

8am – Climate Team 

9 – GLT

9:45 Staff Social Time

10:15 Staff Meeting and PD

6pm – Madison Virtual School Choice Tour   9:30 – Madison Virtual School Choice Tour 

10:45 – Madison DreamBox Check-In

Quick Link: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the log if you’re starting a new unit or would like to communicate concerns for specific students this week.    

Madison Information:          

  • Focus Slide Deck: Week 3
    • Monday’s slides introduce a fun flipgrid activity that Peter put together. Spend a couple of minutes checking it out before previewing it with kids.
    • Tuesday – Introduce the ‘pre-lesson’ and assign kids to preview the text before engagement in the conversation in class during the week of the 18th.
    • Thursday – today’s slides have a diversity focus and contain two videos: a 7 minute video designed for younger, less experienced audiences and a 4 minute video introducing more mature topics. Please preview both videos and use the one (or both) that you feel most appropriate for your students. Peter, Gina and Anne are also always happy to help guide discussions if that’d be helpful.
    • Friday – Lead kids in a 10 minute reflection on the week. A doc to guide the discussion is linked in the slides.
  • Wednesday’s PD Time: Student Engagement continued
  • School Choice Info: School Choice season begins this month. Madison will hold two Zoom sessions parents can participate in.  Peter be working on our slideshow this week if you have any pictures you want to include, please send them to me. Our dates and times are January 14 at 6:00pm and January 15 at 9:30am.The deadline for school choice applications is January 31st. I don’t yet have any information on how many slots we’ll have available for kids not in our catchment area. Here is the district School Choice page for more information.      
  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.    

4J Information:

  • Winter EasyCBM – This year, the district is honoring teachers’ desire to do less assessing and focus more on teaching; especially given the many limitations of CDL. So, for winter benchmarking, we are only going to be asked to assess 20-30% of, rather than the entire student body. District data gurus are currently working on outlining the final plan, so watch for more details coming out next week. No action required at this time.

What’s Coming Next Week:

Mon,   January 18  Tue, January 19  Wed,  January 20  Thur, January 21  Fri,    January 22 
MLK Day – No School A Day

10:45 – Book Group 

11:15 – GLT

B Day A Day B Day

Everyday Heroes: Newberg woman is inspiring hope one sign at a time | KATU

Click here to link to an inspirational story, from several years before co-vid, of a family who wanted to spread hope and love throughout their community by putting up signs for their neighbors and loved ones. 

Thinking of you. Grateful for all that you do. Have a wonderful week with kids!

Gina and Peter

January 4th

Hi Madison Family,

I hope you were able to rest, relax, and recharge over the break. Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, January 4 Tue, January 5


Wed, January 6


Thur, January 7


Fri, January 8


No School, PD Day 

8-9am, Mindfulness Webinar

9:10-12pm, Building based PD – Engagement Strategies

12:30-2, Trauma Informed Instruction with Spencer Butte

2-4pm, Planning time

 GLT – Business and student


  Justice League





Quick Link: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

Madison Information             

  • Monday’s PD and Planning Time: Monday is slated as 5.5 hours of PD and 2 hours of planning.  Please see my email or Zimbra for the schedule.
  • Staffing Update: I am super excited to announce that we were able to hire Jeremy Flores as our Building Behavioral Assistant.  Jeremy will continue supporting 6th grade team during distance learning but on a more full time basis.  He also will have sometime to support other grades when his replacement is hired for the Learning Center.  I will let you know what that happens. 
  • School Choice Info: School Choice season begins this month. Madison will hold two Zoom sessions parents can participate in.  Peter be working on our slideshow this week if you have any pictures you want to include, please send them to me. Our dates and times are January 14 at 6:00 and January 15 at 9:30am.The deadline for school choice applications is January 31st. I don’t yet have any information on how many slots we’ll have available for kids not in our catchment area. Here is the district School Choice page for more information.
  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.


  • Good Teaching Is Not Just About the Right Practices: In a series of interviews with master teachers, a reporter finds that certain intangible qualities matter more than the best tactics. At its core, this article from Edutopia reaffirms that taking time to build relationships leads to better academic outcomes. Other key intangibles are taking time to reflect on practice and learning from colleagues.

What’s Coming Next Week:


Mon, January 11


Tue, January 12


Wed, January 13

Flex Day

Thur, January 14


Fri, January 15


8am – TLC

4:00-5:00, Peter and Gina to District All Admin Mtg

 10:45 – Book Group

11:15 – GLT

8am – Climate Team

9 – GLT

10 Stafff Meeting

11 PD

6pm – Madison Virtual Open Hours   9:30 – Madison Virtual Open Hour

10:45 – Madison DreamBox Check-In

See you tomorrow!

Gina and Peter

December 11, 2020

Hi Madison Staff,

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Dec 14
A – Day
Tue, Dec 15
B – Day
Wed, Dec 16
Flex Day
Thur, Dec 17
A – Day
Fri, Dec 18
B – Day
  GLT – Talk about Student 9am: GLT – Business

9:45: Optional Staff Social

10:15: Staff Meeting

10:30: Building PD

11:15: Winter Fun Game

  Last Day of School for 2020!!!!

Madison Information    

  • Meetings & PD Plan: Wednesday is going to be our first Optional Staff Social before our staff meeting at PD.  It will start at 9:45
  • FOG (Front Office Group): The FOG plus some EAs are going to be doing some targeted attendance interventions for students that are showing up about 70%-80%.  Please see FOG notes for more details.
  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.


  • School Choice: January usually kicks off school choice season in 4J. The timeline for school choice will remain the same this year, but in-person tours and the school choice fair have been cancelled. 
  • Hybrid Learning Survey: Families were asked to declare their intentions for the remainder of the school year. Their choices were hybrid learning, remaining at their school but staying in CDL, and shifting to EOA. Families that did not respond were automatically assigned to hybrid. This week we were told that families will not necessarily have the option to change their minds as changes affect staffing. Additionally, new students will be assigned to hybrid learning. Please note that the metrics (change it to Lane County if using the link) currently indicate we will likely not be returning in-person anytime soon as case counts are steadily increasing. We are at 291 positive cases per 100,000 residents and we must be below 100 to return in-person. Here are our families’ responses:
(response + no response)
Remain Online All Year Shift to EOA NA Total
85 18 2 26 131
7th 92 24 2 30 148
8th 76 18 1 23 118
  • Regional Subs: As you know the district is exploring multiple strategies to support you and your building as we all navigate distance learning.  One strategy we are using is to assign two “Regional Permanent Subs” to each region.  One to support elementary schools in that region and another to support the secondary schools in that region. 
    The District is happy to inform you all that Annie Whitted has been assigned in Absence Management as our regional permanent sub.  Annie will be set up in the system and automatically assigned to the first absence/vacancy in your region. If Annie already has an assignment for the day, Absence Management will send the job out to the sub pool just like we are used to. You can still assign a prearranged sub to an absence or vacancy if needed.  The system will automatically assign Annie (assuming they are available) but then you will see the option to “reassign sub to this position”.  If you click this green button it will remove the resident sub and you can assign the prearranged sub.  If Annie does not have an assignment on any given day they are going to contact the sub desk.  We will then assign them to one of your buildings so they can shadow and learn more about your school and how they can help the next time they have an assignment at your school.  In preparation of them shadowing at your school please think of what they can do to help and be productive.  Some good examples include running small groups, helping with breakout rooms, co-teaching, reaching out to students and families, and providing Zoom support.


  • Repeat – Hour of Code: This week brings The Hour of Code. Many of our classrooms typically engage in coding activities during this week. Visit code.org for lesson and activity ideas. They’ve also added Code Bytes which are live video mini-lessons  happening all next week. Other activities can be found at Hour of Code, Khan Academy (more advanced), and Tynker. I recommend testing these activities on your iPad to make sure they’re accessible for kids. Also, it’s always a good idea to start these lessons with a little growth mindset refresher so kids can expect to be challenged, fail often, and have to problem solve. 
  • Decentralizing Christmas: This was new learning for me and I wanted to share it with staff. In December we often turn our focus to the impending holiday season. With the influx of ads on TV, shopping events, and holiday decorations all over, it’s no wonder the December holiday season often gets a lot of attention. However, we generally do this because Christmas is one of the major Christian holidays and historically federal and school calendars centralize those holidays. Winter Break happens when it does because it used to be called Christmas Break. Spring Break used to coincide with the Easter holiday. However, for many other religions, their major holidays occur outside of December and do not receive the same attention the December holidays receive. As we step into our equity work, one of the things we will begin to address is if we are intentionally or unintentionally centralizing majority culture and what that means for representation and inclusion for all students. Linked here are some resources from Teaching Tolerance around December holidays and considerations for teaching about holidays

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, January 4
No Student Day
Tue, January 5
Wed, January 6
Thur, January 7
Fri, January 8
8am – Mindfulness

9am – Building PD around Student Engagment

12:30 – Trauma Informed Instruction

GLT – Student

Peter to District AVID meeting


Winter Break: December 21 – January 1
January 4: Professional Development Day (5.5 hrs PD + 2.5 hrs Planning)
January 18: Martin Luther King, Jr Day
January 24: No School – Progress Reports

One week! One week! One week!

Gina and Peter

December 4, 2020

Hi Madison Staff,

Only two more weeks! Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Dec 7 Tue, Dec 8 Wed, Dec 9 Thur, Dec 10 Fri, Dec 11
12:30-3:30  P&G to Admin Meeting GLT Meetings 8:00 Climate Team 9:00-10:00 P&G to Security Camera Refresher Training No School – Grading Day

9:00 Gina to Physical Distancing Coordinators Mtg. 

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • Zoom Links for Staff Use
  • Zoom Links Master Document – As you’re building your tri 2 Canvas courses, please consider changing your Zoom links to improve security. New links should be added to the Master List, linked above.
  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit. Complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.    


  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. We’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.  
  • TalentED News:  Peter and I have enjoyed popping into classes, just for fun, during Tri 1, and we’re both incredibly impressed by the work that you all are doing with kids. Beginning soon, we’ll be starting to capture some of the great things you’re doing into informal observations in TalentEd. In the coming weeks, we’ll also be reaching out to schedule formal evaluations for all probationary teachers and contract teachers on a summative cycle. 
  • Work in Progress for Tri 2 Supports: The items below are things that Peter and Gina have been processing ideas with teams, and we’re working on  getting in place to support kids and teachers:
    • A weekly slide deck to hand Focus teachers that will provide a structure for Focus time.
    • A weekly student self-canvas check to be completed by students that is designed to help them reflect, prioritize their work, and plan any needed support.
    • A brief weekly Wednesday admin-led Zoom assembly
    • New incentives to motivate kids and build engagement.
  • Trimester 1 Grades: As you all prepare for the grading process here are a few things to think about. 
    • Use Highly Proficient, Proficient, Nearly Proficient, Not Proficient as ways of presenting your grades for students showing up and submitting work.
    • Use Insufficient Evidence (IE) for a grade if the student did not attend or turn in assignments. If you feel that you can not clearly say the student does not know the materials covered because they did not turn in assignments, using IE fits the purpose.
    • Use No Basis (NB) for new students to your class (usually less than 2 week)
    I hope this helps as you prepare to enter grades. The window for posting final grades for Tri 1 will be open Monday morning.


  • Hour of Code 12/7-12/13: Next week brings The Hour of Code. If coding is an area of interest for you, here are some ideas that could make for a great Wednesday enrichment session. Visit code.org for lesson and activity ideas. They’ve also added Code Bytes which are live video mini-lessons  happening all next week. Other activities can be found at Hour of Code, Khan Academy (more advanced), and Tynker. I recommend testing these activities on your iPad to make sure they’re accessible for kids. Also, it’s always a good idea to start these lessons with a little growth mindset refresher so kids can expect to be challenged, fail often, and have to problem solve. 

Have a super weekend!

November 25, 2020

Hi Madison Staff,

It’s Thanksgiving Weekend! Enjoy this time, stay safe, and get some rest!

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Nov 30
A – Day
Tue, Dec 1
B – day
Wed, Dec 2
Flex Day
Thur, Dec 3
A – Day
Fri, Dec 4
B – Day
8:00 TLC Student-Focused GLT No meetings – work on Tri 2 Canvas    


Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each new unit.    
  • Update to Weekly Collaboration Log: SSD heard teachers’ feedback about the collaboration log. SSD met with EEA members to make revisions and improvements to the log. Here’s a rundown of the changes:
    • AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH UNIT: Teachers now complete the full set of questions ONLY when you are beginning a new unit of study. Ideally, you’d fill this out BEFORE beginning the unit, to help you think about ways to incorporate UDL elements.
    • WEEKLY: Complete the last two questions about students who aren’t engaging or may need additional supports. If everyone being served with an IEP is engaged and succeeding, there’s no need to fill out the form that week.    
  • Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. I’ve also learned fascinating things about our staff. Here are a few highlights about some of our staff:
    • Favorite songs as a kid: ABBA was very popular with our group!    


  • Lifetouch: Parents may have received an email from Lifetouch about taking their own photos at home and sending them in. The district is looking at options for doing photos if/when we return in person. No word yet on how that would work for families that choose 100% at home.  


What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, Nov 7
A – Day
Tue, Dec 8
B – Day
Wed, Dec 9
A – Day
Thur, Dec 10
B – Day
Fri, Dec 11

P & G to Admin Meeting


Climate Team

  Grading Day – No School

Wishing everyone a good Thanksgiving. Four more weeks until winter break!

Gina and Peter

November 20, 2020

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Nov 23
A – Day
Tue, Nov 24
B- Day
Wed, Nov 25
Flex Day
Thur, Nov 26 Fri, Nov 27
  GLT – Student Focused

1pm – 5pm Thanksgiving Food Box Distribution

8am – Climate Team

9am – GLT

10am – Staff Meeting/PD

11am – NearPod Training

No School No School

Hi Madison Staff,

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Please remember that all gen-ed teachers need to be completing this form weekly for each individual prep in which you have Students served on an IEP or a 504 plan. Many thanks to Amy for creating and sharing that template each week!   


  • Staffing Update: New position at all 4j middle schools. See job posting.   
  • December Materials Distribution: Our next distribution will be on Thursday, December 3. That’s only 3 weeks away! As much as you can plan ahead and send things to print shop, please do! Also, unless color copying and/or laminating is absolutely essential, please avoid using those features. Costs add up quickly.   
  • Optional Weekly Check In: Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. We’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it. Thank you!    


  • Updates to COVID Protocols: Along with Governor Brown’s two-week restrictions that begin on Wednesday, there are new guidelines from ODE and 4J around COVID protocols. Please read the following updates and changes carefully. There is new information that shifts our current practice. District messaging is coming about these changes, but I wanted to give everyone a heads up before they take full effect.
    • Work From Home If Possible: The governor’s new guidelines go into effect on Wednesday and include asking staff to work from home if possible. If you have a teleworking agreement and are able to work from home, please consider doing so. If you do not have a teleworking agreement and would like to begin working from home, please let me know. The school remains open to staff. If you work in a shared space and plan to work from school, please let me know so I can find other spaces for staff to use so everyone is working alone in their spaces.    
    • Masks & Face Coverings Now Required More Often: Per the new ODE protocols, all staff working on-site MUST wear a mask at all times with only two exceptions: when working in any sized space completely alone or working outside completely alone where the public would not have access to you. To be clear, the 6′ apart rule no longer applies for people sharing rooms or spaces. Masks/face coverings are required when working in the same room as another person even if you are 6 feet apart or more, when moving around the building and there are other people in the building, or when popping your head in to someone else’s private space. If you need an accommodation around face coverings, please contact HR to access the ADA process.  
    • Allowable Face Coverings Updated:
      • Gaiters and face coverings with valves are no longer allowable at 4J work sites. We have face coverings in the office if you need one.
      • Face shields without hoods are not allowed to be the only face covering used. A face shield with a mask is allowable, but if the mask comes off, the face shield is no longer an allowable covering.
      • However, “beekeeper” face shields with an over-the-head hood are allowed. Masks should still be worn underneath and pulled down when students need to see the shape of their mouths for instruction.   
    • Returning Materials: Any materials being returned to the building need to be quarantined for 72 hours before they can be processed and returned to our circulation. This includes iPads, cords, library books, and gifts. Regardless, please be sure to wear PPE to clean the items.    
    • No Direct Hand Off from Person to Person: Use tables to hand out materials or boxes to collect materials so people are not directly in contact with one another. Any materials coming in must be quarantined for 72 hours as explained above.    
    • Meal Time & Breaks: I don’t think this is an issue for most, but staff can no longer eat in the same room together or in an openly shared space. It turns out eating in a restaurant is one of the biggest risks for contracting COVID. Please contact me if you need help finding a space to eat lunch or a snack. Staff are encouraged to stay hydrated and can sip beverages in a shared space. Using the sides of your mask, lower or raise it just enough to take a drink, then immediately replace it.     
    • Metrics Website: If you’re interested, this is the link I use to track the weekly metrics for the COVID reports I have to turn into the state. It defaults to Marion County, so change it to Lane County. It will show you which part of the Return to In-Person Learning we qualify for based on current metrics. Linked here is the metrics explainer from ODE if you’re curious about how our data fits in the with new metrics..    


  • A Note about Thanksgiving:  As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When we share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let us know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. We recognize that despite our best intentions, we may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let us know.       
  • 4J NATIVES Program Learning Hub: The 4J NATIVES Program Learning Hub is now up and contains all the recorded presentations, all powerpoint Loom presentations, Powerpoints, stories, book and resource supports, the 4J land acknowledgement, all the SB13 curriculum by grade (4th, 8th, and 10th), the ODE supports for Distance Learning/Teaching and all the curriculum from 8 of the 9 federally recognized tribes of Oregon (The Burns Paiute has not yet provided materials). A general site for Oregon Indians is included, but they are still collecting items to put in that tab. They also have a tab for media and music, but are working on compiling things to put in those tabs. Brenda Brainard who oversees the NATIVES program will join our staff meeting this week to share more about how the program can support students this year.   
  • Google Slides Templates: If you’re looking for great pre-made slides templates, check out slidesgo or slidesmania. Slidego has some pretty great education templates including morning meeting slides and choice boards. 

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, Nov 30
A – Day
Tue, Dec 1
B – Day
Wed, Dec 2
Flex Day
Thur, Dec 3
A – Day
Fri, Dec 4
B – Day
 8am – TLC        

I hope everyone had a good weekend. Five more weeks until winter break!

Gina and Peter

November 13, 2020

Hi Monarchs,

Below are the updates for the coming week. This week is mostly reminders and little updates about things we’ve got in process.

Next Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Nov 16
A- Day
Tue, Nov 17
Wed, Nov 18
Flex Day
Thur, Nov 19
Fri, Nov 20
8:00 TLC

3-5pm, Peter and Gina to Admin Meeting

Student-focused GLT Meetings: send FLEX day invites GLT – business, Staff Mtg/PD (watch for more info) 8:30-4:30, Team to Threat Assessment Training 



8:00 Justice League


  • Celebration:
    Happy National School Psychology week to our amazing School Psychologist, Rachael Krause! For years, Madison has had the honor of hosting the BEST of the school psych interns. Rachael was an incredible intern last year, but unlike her predecessors, she decided to stay in 4j and was officially hired as a School Psychologist. Now we’ll fight anyone who wants to suggest that she work somewhere other than Madison (and Kelly – did you know that School Psychologists work at multiple sites?!). 
    When you work with Rachael, her strengths shine through immediately. She is incredibly smart, funny, flexible and organized. When families contact her because they are concerned about their student, they leave the conversation feeling heard, supported and assured of what steps Rachael and Madison staff will take to support their student. Rachael provides an important voice and perspective on Justice League, where she is often called upon to think creatively about how to serve kids at the tippy top of our triangle. And though it’s invisible to many of us, Rachael is constantly working to maintain IEPs, meet with families, support students who need testing and collaborate with teachers to make sure kids are getting what they need. And she does all of this at TWO schools!! 
    Thank you Rachael – we’re so glad you’re part of the Madison family!


  • EasyCBM Update: Thank you to everyone who has helped out with easyCBM testing over the past several weeks. At this time, we still have 30-40 kids at each grade level who haven’t completed their easycbm. I’ll be emailing parents of impacted students on Monday to schedule their kids for a morning make-up session, later in the week, in an effort to catch as many kids as we can. Having said that, Peter and I also recognize that, this year in particular, these assessments are not going to yield tremendously helpful data, so we want to make sure that teachers are not stressing about missing some kids. We’ll do the best we can, but we want the priority to be the time and energy that kids are spending with you, learning core standards. If you have any particular questions or concerns around fall assessment, please feel free to email Gina.



  • Zoom Recording: Teachers now have permission to record lessons on Zoom to post for student review or for lessons.  
  • Updated ODE guidance and 4J safety plan regarding social distancing – Please watch for a district communication, likely mid-week, that will share some updates to guidelines around masks and social distancing when on-site. For now, please continue to follow current guidelines.
  • Guest Teachers: If you have names of subs who are capable of doing CDL work, please let me know. The district will pay them to be trained up in how we do CDL. They’ll get to shadow a few teachers in our building so they’re ready to help out as needed.
    • FYI – There is a new agreement that if teachers are going to be out for a max of two days in a row, you can plan and provide asynchronous learning for up to two days in a row. Families need to know ahead of time and kids need to be prepped so they know what to do so they’re ready to go. However, if you’d prefer a sub, you’re welcome to have a sub as well. If you take two days without a sub and provide asynchronous learning and end up needing a third day, a sub will need to come in and provide synchronous instruction.
    • Another option a few teams have landed on is that one colleague will take the other colleague’s class for the day so kids still get their synchronous time with someone who understands the system and the material. A sub could join in to help supervise or provide supports, but isn’t required. This is completely optional and up to grade level colleagues to determine if it will work for them.
  • 504 Reminder: Section 504 protection is civil rights law protecting students who have a physical or mental impairment, which substantially limits one or more major life activities. There is a two step process in which students are first identified as having a disability that qualifies for 504 protection and then it is determined whether or not students need a 504 plan because their disability does not limit their ability to access education. New learning for me this week is that a student with 504 protection isn’t automatically owed a 504 plan. The 504 plan should only be initiated if the student’s impairment is impacting their ability to access their education. There is now a district-centralized process for 504 plans. If a parent indicates they are interested in a 504 plan, please refer to this document or connect the parent with Anne. To qualify for 504 protection and a plan or renew a plan, a team including the counselor, parent, teacher, and administrator must consider:
    • Multiple pieces of data – diagnosis of condition PLUS impact on school setting. Look at discipline, class data, attendance, etc to demonstrate a need. Cannot require families to provide medical documentation. If families can provide it, it’s great, but we can’t ask them to go and get the paperwork. “If you have any medical documentation, we would love to have that.” If we require it, we are legally responsible for the medical bill.
    • Being eligible for 504 protection DOES NOT guarantee the student gets a 504 plan! The data has to indicate there’s an impact on the 
    • Students can qualify and then, when re-evaluated, may no longer need a 504.
    • If a student doesn’t qualify for an IEP, a 504 plan isn’t a consolation prize. They must still go through the 504 identification process.
  • SSD Newsletter: If you’re interested, linked here is this month’s SSD Newsletter. 
  • PLC Update: PLC’s were initially slated to begin in January, but are being postponed given the need to plan for the possibility of returning to hybrid learning. They aren’t disappearing – just pushed back.


  • What the Pandemic is Illuminating about Implicit Bias and Racism in Schools: In this opinion piece from the New York Times, families of children of color reflect on how distance learning has highlighted things they don’t miss about in-person learning, specifically racism, micro-aggressions, and bias. While not every student of color is thriving at home, “for some of those for whom virtual school is viable, the current disruption has opened up a new world: education without daily anxiety about racism.”  Given that our schools should be the safest, most welcoming place for every single student and family member, climate team will be taking a look at this article at an upcoming meeting and then sharing out with teams. We owe it to our students and it’s simply the right thing to do. The work isn’t easy – it’s uncomfortable to examine our practices and unintended consequences, but the work is too important. 


What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, Nov 23 Tue, Nov 24 Wed, Nov 25 Thur, Nov 26 Fri, Nov 27
1:30-3:30, P&G to MS Admin Meeting  Student-focused GLT Meetings:  Nearpod PD  Happy Thanksgiving

No School


No School

Wishing everyone a rejuvenating weekend.

Gina and Peter

November 6th, 2020

Hi Monarchs,

Next week is SPIRIT WEEK! Let’s take this opportunity to get kids pumped up and excited about a fun social event!

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, Nov 9
Tue, Nov 10
Wed, Nov 11 Thur, Nov 12
Fri, Nov 13
Fun Virtual Background Day

1:30-3:30, Peter/Gina to Admin Meeting 


Rainbow Day


No School – Veteran’s Day  

School Picture Day

6:30pm – MS Parents’ Tech Training


Dress Like A Teacher Day 




  • EEF Grants: It’s time for schools to apply for EEF grants. Madison’s TLC is seeking ideas for proposals that will support kids, learning, and our building-wide goals. We’ll be reviewing proposals on 11/16 and 11/30. If you have an idea, please email a brief proposal to your TLC rep/team, including a few sentences regarding:
    • project description, including the number of students served by the grant
    • rough budget
    • how does the project support building and district goals
    • what metrics will be used to determine project success




  • Feedback Loop for CDL: Thank you to everyone who took time, last Friday, to provide to district leadership regarding the CDL experience and outstanding needs for  students, families, and staff. The district is seeking input on how prepared you felt for the start of the school year, what continues to be challenging, and how we can support your growth and well being in this new way of teaching throughout the year. If you haven’t already done so, please use this link to our CDL feedback form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/4jcdlfeedback
  • Return to Learning Update from Kate Brown and Cyd Vandercar: On Friday the governor held a press conference announcing new metrics for returning students to in-person learning. While they have loosened the requirements for students returning in person, 4J does not intend to bring students back any sooner than January 4 and even then, students will not return until the metrics allow. Linked here is the email from Cyd about last week’s announcements and the district’s plans. If you have questions, please let us know. 

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, Nov 16 Tue, Nov 17 Wed, Nov 18 Thur, Nov 19 Fri, Nov 20
8:00 TLC

4:00 P&G to All Admin Mtg.

GLT – Student Focused GLT – Business 8:30-4:30 Peter, Gina, Anne, and Rachel to Threat Assessment Zoom Training


8:00 Justice League

Wishing everyone a restful weekend.

Peter and Gina