November 5th, 2021

By barsotti_p  

Hi Madison Staff,

What are your victories last week? I know we are experiencing an indescribable amount of challenges and this fall I have tended to be a glass half-empty kind of person. It’s hard for me to recognize the victories because my brain hyper-focuses on the things I did wrong, the balls I dropped, or the problems I don’t yet have solutions for. I have to intentionally remind myself of the victories, even the smallest ones because those matter. I spent some time this weekend reminding myself of the incredible victories we’ve experienced this year as well. What are your victories?

Here are this week’s updates:

Mon, Nov 8 Tue, Nov 9 Wed, Nov 10 Thur, Nov 11 Fri, Nov 12
Regular Monday FOCUS – Mandatory Bus Video

Conferences 4:30 to 8pm

Climate Team – 7:45

Conferences 8 – noon

Off in the afternoon

Veterans Day – No School No Students – Planning day

Gina and Peter in meetings in AM


  • Focus: Slide
  • What do we talk about at conferences? Talk about the student’s strengths and what’s going well in class. Parents really like to hear things that let them know you see their student and recognize their specific strengths. I like to ask parents how they think school is going. It’s always interesting to hear their perspectives.  Some students may need to learn to ask for help when they need it or not give up so quickly. Others need to work on stretching themselves instead of doing the bare minimum. Be honest with parents. What things could their student work on to help them be successful in class? If there are behaviors getting in the way of learning, talk about them. Consider asking parents for the strategies they use when their student struggles at home. Finally, end with a chance for parents to share what their goals are for their student and answer any questions they have. This is a really great opportunity to create a positive partnership and open lines of communication.

  • EA Extravaganza Nov. 10: Linked here are the PD sessions that will be offered via Zoom from 8-12 on Wednesday, Nov 10 for all EAs. Please consider teaming up with your colleagues and zooming together to get the most out of the sessions. Sessions include how to lead small groups, ERI curriculum, using accessibility features, SIPPS Q&A, Science of Reading 101, and relationship building. Just a reminder that Wednesday and Friday are in-person work days for all classified staff. If you intend to use accumulated trade time, you must email me and let me know. Other activities for these days include completing projects for teachers, completing your TalentEd self-assessment, and finishing any SafeSchools modules

DISTRICT INFORMATION                            

  • Repeat: Conferences Update: 
    • Teleworking Allowed: Principals have been given the flexibility to allow teachers to work from home for conferences, so please make whatever plans work best for you. Just send me an email if you’re planning to work from home for all or part of conferences.
    • Staff Not at Conferences: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday are regular work days for all staff who are not part of conferences and should work your regular hours at school. However, if you have accumulated trade time or are planning to accumulate trade time to not work any of these dates, please email me your plan ahead of time.
  • Repeat: COVID Protocol Updates & Reminders: 
    • What symptoms mean staff or students should stay home? Please stay home if you are experiencing any primary COVID symptoms due to an unknown illness which are:
      • Fever of 100.4F or higher
      • Chills
      • Cough (non-persistent, dry coughs are okay, but congested coughs are not)
      • Shortness of breath
      • Difficulty breathing
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Diarrhea
      • Vomiting
    • Vaccine Booster Clinics: Boosters will now be available for those who are 6 months post their 2nd dose and meet other requirements such as persistent, institutional exposure to Covid or those at high risk of severe Covid-19.  To learn more and book an appointment if you’re interested, please visit this link


  • Short Breaks for Finding Calm: This article from Edutopia shares some strategies for taking quick breaks to improve mindfulness, self-regulation, and well-being. 
  • A Note About Thanksgiving: As Thanksgiving approaches, keep in mind that student conceptions about this holiday often come from classroom activities around the First Thanksgiving as this article from NPR highlights. These conceptions of Native Americans can be both inaccurate and potentially damaging if students are presented with misinformation or “white-washed” versions of history. Additionally, we have students who identify as Native American or Alaskan Native in our school. We owe it to all our students and families to be mindful, accurate, and inclusive when teaching about Thanksgiving. When planning activities, be aware that what most of us learning in school about the “Pilgrims” and “Squanto” and the First Thanksgiving is both history and myth. Thanksgiving activities should not reinforce historical myths and/or stereotypes. If you’re planning on teaching around the topic of Thanksgiving, please either shift the focus to age-appropriate and historically accurate information or to a more personal focus on what students can be thankful for. Some resources on what to avoid and what to teach can be found at the National Museum of the American Indian, Teaching Tolerance and Education World. This Google Doc links to a ton of read aloud stories, primary resources, sites, and other information about Native and Indigenous Peoples. Here is a good article with a Native American Perspective on Thanksgiving as well as one on The True Story of the First Thanksgiving. Also the 4J Natives Program is available for classroom presentations year-round and can offer an accurate picture of Native American culture. See the next item for more details on that. Note: When I share resources like this, please do not hesitate to let me know if they are outdated or do not meet our standards for equity and inclusion. I recognize that despite my best intentions, I may at times share things that need to be updated. Additionally, if you have resources to share, please let me know.

Next Week at a Glance:

Mon, Nov 15 Tue, Nov 16 Wed, Nov 17 Thur, Nov 18 Fri, Nov 19


TLC – 7:45   Justice League – 7:45  

This week is a 2-day week with students.

Gina and Peter

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