February 12th, 2021

By barsotti_p  

Hi Madison Staff,

While there’s hope on the horizon with vaccines and the possibility of getting students back in the classroom, there’s no doubt there’s also stress, exhaustion, and the daily challenges of teaching and working online. We want to remind everyone that taking a mental health day is strongly encouraged.  Please know I fully support you using your personal days to take care of yourself. Teachers can take up to two asynchronous days in a row without a planning for a sub. Classified staff can also take asynchronous days. You are all incredibly valuable members of this team and caring for yourself may mean stepping away from everything at times to recharge and just be.

Here’s what’s happening this week:

This Week’s Schedule:

Mon, February 15
A – Day
Tue, February 16
B – Day
Wed, February 17
Flex Day
Thur, February 18
A – Day
Fri, February 19
B – Day

11:15 Book Study (Chapter 4)


Staff PD Canceled 

8:00 Justice League  

Quick Links: Please make sure you’re signed into your 4J Google Account to access many of these links.

  • SPED/Gen Ed Collaboration Log – Complete the full log at the beginning of each unit and only complete the last 2 questions weekly for students on IEPs who are not engaging or are not on track.
  • Week 8 Focus Slides  
    • Monday – Class Video (Need to check out Mr. E’s video)
    • Tuesday – Music Meditation and Journal
    • Wednesday – Flex Day
    • Thursday – SEL Lesson around Effort
    • Friday – Guess the emoji phrase Game

Madison INFORMATION      

  • Wednesday PD: This week’s district PD is scheduled to be a staff lesson on anti-racism work to support buildings who haven’t been able to move this work forward independently. In honor of the fact that you all have been doing this work on a weekly basis all term, we are canceling Wednesday’s PD and extending that time to staff to use as they best see fit. Thank you all for continuing to make anti-racism an ongoing priority rather than a one-time sit and get. 
  • COVID Protocol Suggestion Box: The district’s safety protocols have been in place since August and are updated every time the state guidelines change. Joyce Johnson and Dawn Strong, the district admin responsible for all COVID related protocols, are putting together a video presentation for all staff to explain all the safety protocols that will be in place when students return to school. There will also be a pathway to ask clarifying questions. Additionally, building principals were asked to create a COVID protocol suggestion box. We’ve placed a gold physical box in the office, and I’ve also created a Virtual Suggestion Box, linked here. Please feel free to let me know of any issues or suggestions you have. I’ll plan to check suggestions weekly.
  • Draft Staffing Timeline: HR shared a tentative staffing timeline last week. 
         February 23: Staffing allocations shared with principals
         March 18: Staffing plans due by 11:59pm
         By March 19: Principals must provide a verbal notification to any staff who were displaced in the staffing plan submitted to HR
         April 13 & 27: Job Expo for Secondary
         April 15 & 29: Job Expo for Elementary 
  • SYWTAR Book Group: For our meeting on Tuesday, the 16th, please make sure that you’ve read Chapter 4: Why am I always being told to “check my privilege”? 
  • Weekly Check InThe weekly check in will now include a section to celebrate one another. I’ll be sharing these out in staff meetings and in our blog. Let us know who we should celebrate and why! Linked here is the staff weekly check-in. I’d like to know how you’re doing and be able to offer support for those who need it.
    Here are the shout-outs from last week: 
    • Jessica, Kellen, and Maddy for replying to my requests for help technology emails:).
    • Maddy is a lot of fun in a breakout room!  
    • Audrey is amazing. She is a huge support in the office, totally engaged with getting to know and helping our kids, and always rising to the occasion to help out no matter what the task is.
    • Anne and M.E. for making those fun videos and organizing time together.
  • Ophelia’s Place:

Many of you know that Ophelia’s Place is a local non-profit that supports students in 4J schools with lessons for students and small group counseling/educational outreach.  For more information about their organization, please follow this link.. http://opheliasplace.net/

Here’s some information about a way you can support their organization by participating in a local virtual 5k, if interested.  I assume the more we support this organization, the more services they will be able to provide the children in our community.
A link to sign up for the virtual 5k (a donation of $30 to Ophelia’s Place) is here…   There is also information related to FAQS, a booth for picture taking, etc. at the website.


  • Vaccinations: Our understanding is that all of our staff members should have received an invitation to be vaccinated. If you haven’t received your invitation to be vaccinated, please let me know. The invitation would have come in an email from HR Benefits with the title COVID Vaccine: Schedule Your Appointment Today.


  • Dr. Ibram X. Kendi: Here are a few resources around Dr. Kendi’s work on anti-racism.
     – The Importance of Instilling Anti-Racist Values in ChildrenIn this clip from his interview on The View, Dr. Kendi’s discusses what anti-racism means and the importance for children to learn about the history of all people. In the wake of a Utah school allowing students to opt out of Black History Month lessons this month, the need for black history, indigenous history, and the history of all traditionally marginalized people to be taught authentically and examined deeply for inherent biases is incredibly important. Dr. Kendi also shares about some of his current projects, including a children’s show. His newest book is called 400 Souls.
    OSU Provost Lecture Series: Dr. Kendi will be giving a talk via Zoom on April 14 at 5pm. Registration is free for this event which is sponsored by the OSU Foundation.

What’s Coming Next Week: 

Mon, February 22
A – Day
Tue, February 23
B – Day
Wed, February 24
Flex Day
Thur, February 25
A – Day
Fri, February 26
B – Day

11:15 Book Study

8:00 Climate Team

9:00 GLT

9:45 Not Required Committee

10:15 Staff Meeting

11:00 Staff PD


We hope you have a wonderful week!

Gina and Peter

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