June 1, 2020

By gaston_e  

Seven more kid days to go!   

  • Staffing Updates –  We filled our 1.0 Health position with Maddy Simons! Maddy earned her teaching license this past December and has been teaching health at South this spring. She comes from a family of teachers and is excited to join the Madison team. 
  • Schedule for the Last Two Weeks Linked here is a slideshow to share with students during Focus on Monday about our schedule. These slides are meant only for you to present to kids, not to send them copies of it. The second to last slide is a list of the links students need this week if you need quick access to them. The last slide is information about the 8th grade promotion event, so only 8th grade Focus teachers need to share the last slide.
    • Please see the calendar at the bottom of this post or the handout linked below for details of what is happening each day as things have changed due to furlough days.
  • Sharable Schedule for Students Linked here is a one-page handout that CAN be shared with students. It details the schedule and events for the next two weeks. We will also share it with families. The link I’ve included is sharable and should be accessible to everyone. The PDF is in the Distance Learning folder if you’d like to access it that way.
  • Distance Learning Guidance for the final 2 weeks – There’s no official guidance, but our suggestion is to give students time this week to either finish up assignments from the past few weeks, or provide a lightened load of work as they’ll only have 3 days of access to you. It’s fine to focus on supplemental work that doesn’t need to be graded. This Thursday will not have office hours. We will have a mandatory staff meeting on Thursday at 10am and follow it up with breakout rooms in next year’s grade level teams to determine which team everyone will be on. We will also be inviting our new staff members to join us. Thursday would also be a good time to plan your last meeting with your current grade level teams. Please remember to send the links to Peter, Amy, Matt, and myself. Thanks!
  • 8th Grade Promotion Event – We will hold our 8th grade promotion event on Wednesday, June 10 from 5-7 pm. We will use the drop off loop and set up tables for each Focus teachers. Kids will be asked to come in a half hour window based on their last initial and pull up at their focus teacher’s table. They will receive their promotion certificate and a candy lei. If you’re able to join us to celebrate our 8th graders, please do! If you want to make signs or dress up, feel free. We want it to be as fun and celebratory as possible. We will be observing social distancing, so no hugs or high-fives will be permitted unfortunately. Our messaging will include a request that kids sit on the passenger side of their car for the full celebratory experience. *Kids may also drop off their iPads and charging cord at this time as well.
  • Furlough Days – This Friday and next Friday are now furlough days for certified and classroom instructional assistants. This means that the last day of school is now June 10 and the grading day will be June 11. The detailed schedule is at the bottom of this post.
  • Licensed End-of-Cycle Goals Reflection DUE – Teachers will be required to submit a goal reflection document in Talent Ed, but are not required to reflect on their original goal, which may not be possible now due to the statewide school closure. Teachers may: (a) provide a reflection on either their original goal or distance learning, or (b) state that “Due to the pandemic in 2020, the district did not require completion of the goal reflection.”
  • Licensed Staff Summative Evals – Rob Hess emailed teachers the agreement negotiated with EEA regarding summative evaluations for licensed staff. Probationary teachers will have their summative evaluations completed by the end of the school year based on the information principals have collected prior to March 16th. Contract teachers and principals can come to a mutual agreement if the summative evaluation will be completed before summer or by the end of September. I sent an email to all non-probationary staff who is owed a summative evaluation this year asking you to complete a quick survey to let us know your preference for when you’d like your evaluation completed.
  • Bitmoji Fun – If you haven’t yet, please consider adding your bitmoji to our “Where’s Waldo” slide. We have 16 staff members on it so far. We would like to have it ready to share with kids by a week from Monday. I was thinking it might be a fun activity for our last Focus. There are directions with the slide and I’m always happy to help if you need it. 
  • Schedule of Upcoming Events:

June 1 (M) 
     9:30am, Focus Class meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch 
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 1-3

June 2 (T) 
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 4-6

June 3 (W) 
     9:30, Focus Class Meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch

June 4 (H)
    No office hours today
    10:00 Mandatory Staff Meeting
    11-12:00, Student Lunch
    4:00, Attendance Due

June 5 (F) 
     Furlough day 

June 8 (M) 
     9:30am, Focus Class meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch 
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 1-3

June 9 (T) 
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 4-6

June 10 (W) 
     Last Day of School (no live classes today)
     10-4pm, Technology Drive Thru Drop Off
     4pm, Attendance due
     5-7pm, 8th grade promotion 

June 11 (H)
    Grading Day

June 12 (F) 
     Furlough Day

Hope you have a great week!


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