April 27, 2020

By gaston_e  

Week 2 down! In case no one has told you lately, you’re doing a great job!

  • Universal Design for Learning VideoThis is a must watch video. It’s about 6 minutes long and explains the principles of Universal Design. The intention is to provide content in ways that are accessible for a majority of our students (audio available for reading passages, voiced directions, etc) and to allow students flexible ways of demonstrating their understanding so all students can engage. More info on UDL, including planning templates, can be found here. Additionally, here is the link to the 4J Distance Learning for All website. You do need to be in your 4J Google account to access the site. It has prioritized standards or skills, ideas for lessons, and lots of links to resources. From what I could see, the math page in particular is chock full of “grab n go” lessons and slide decks for many of the math skills.
  • ACE Award Nominations Due April 30 – ACE award nominations were extended through the end of this month. If you’d like to support any staff member or volunteer with a nomination, please follow this link
  • Paper Packets Clarification – Our goal is to keep families connected to online learning. If a student is struggling to engage, please involve Peter, Anne, or myself to connect with the family about their options. If paper packets seem like the best route, we will work with the family to make it happen. It’s actually a rather involved process to move a student to paper packets including assigning an EA to work with them twice a week and a classroom teacher to work with them once a week and providing feedback on the work they’re doing. 
  • Resetting Student iPads – For parents experiencing issues with borrowed iPads (connectivity, apps not working properly, etc), the best solution the tech dept has found is to have the parent or student reset/erase the device. After they do this, the apps re-install and work correctly. Attempts to “re-push” the app have not worked. Linked here is an iPad Reset Quicksheet describing the reset procedures that can be shared with families. Note that this will remove any data stored on the device, but content housed in Google apps won’t be affected. We had to do this with Caitlin’s school iPad this week and the directions were easy to follow. If families need help, let me know and I’m happy to call and walk them through the process. 
  • ODE Update: Supporting Students in Grades K-8 – If you’re curious about the latest guidance the state sent to districts this past week, linked here is the latest ODE Superintendent Update. The biggest info in it details the grading policy of Pass/Incomplete (or district equivalent).
  • Progress Report Day Moved to May 15 – This Friday was slated to be our progress report day for the third trimester. It’s been moved to May 15 so we have a little time to get settled into distance learning. We don’t yet have district guidance for what the reports will look like. Please feel free to use this Friday as a “catch up day” for kids to get in any work they haven’t yet turned in.
  • Repeat: Schedule – We settled on this as our final schedule for the remainder of the year. 
    • IEPs/504s: 8-9am and 3-4pm
    • Building and District Meetings: 10-11am
    • Student Lunches: 11-12pm 
    • Focus = Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:30-10am
    • Monday
      • Focus Class = 9:30-10am
      • Period 1 = 1-1:25pm
      • Period 2 = 1:40-2:05pm
      • Period 3 = 2:20-2:45pm
      • This time counts as your office hours for the day.
    • Tuesday
      • Period 4 = 1-1:25pm
      • Period 5 = 1:40-2:05pm
      • Period 6 = 2:20-2:45pm
      • This time counts as your office hours for the day.
    • Wednesday
      • Focus Class = 9:30-10am
      • Please set your office hours and publish them to your students. This is not a time to wait on Zoom, but instead a time to be available to answer questions, respond to parent emails, or make phone calls to families.
      • The following times are open for office hours: 9am-10am and 12pm-3pm. You may also choose to do office hours in the late afternoon or evening, but it is not required.
    • Thursday
      • Please set your office hours and publish them to your students. This is not a time to wait on Zoom, but instead a time to be available to answer questions, respond to parent emails, or make phone calls to families.
      • The following times are open for office hours: 9-10am and 12-3pm. You may also choose to do office hours in the late afternoon or evening, but it is not required.
    • Friday
      • Focus Class = 9:30-10am
      • No office hours required today. Please use this time to take and enter attendance and engage in any PD of your choice. Attendance is due by 4pm.     
  • Repeat: Chunking Assignments – When you assign work for the week, please consider offering a breakdown of how much time kids should spend each day on the task. For example, if students are asked to research a topic and create a slide show, breaking it down with tasks to complete each day that take about 20ish minutes each will help kids prioritize their time, hopefully take a breath and not try to do it all in one day, and help map out the task for them in a series of small, manageable pieces. I spent the past week writing lessons for elementary school and mapping out each part of the task also helped me realize when I’d overassigned and what I thought would be a shorter assignment would take the average student longer than I originally thought.
  • Repeat: Updated Attendance – Starting this week, we will need to keep track of students’ engagement online. By Friday at noon (starting April 24), students need to engage in at least one two-way connection with you to be counted as “present” for the week. A two-way connection includes joining a Zoom call, submitting an assignment, or sending you an email. If a student fails to do one of those things by Friday at noon, they are considered absent for the week.
    • Attendance runs from Friday at 12:01pm to Friday at noon, so any two way correspondence in that time counts for the week. Please communicate this with students so they understand when and how they need to engage to be considered present for each class. Attendance for this week runs from last Friday afternoon to this Friday at noon. 
    • New: Linked here is the updated guidance. It also includes a few recommendations for how to track attendance, although Tyler’s idea of marking everyone absent, and then changing them to present might be the simplest solution.
    • Attendance should be submitted by 4pm on Fridays.
    • We will also be keeping track of these students so Anne, Peter, or I can continue to reach out to those who aren’t engaging. 


  • Who Do I Contact?
    • Usernames and passwords = Rechelle
    • Kids can’t get into email or Google Classroom = Erin
    • Technology (staff) = 4jdesktop@4j.lane.edu
    • Technology (parent/kids) = sts@4j.lane.edu or student_techsupport@4j.lane.edu or call (541) 790-7770
    • Para obtener asistencia técnica en dispositivos propiedad de 4J, llamaré al 541-790-7731 o enviaré un correo electrónico a student_techsupport@4j.lane.edu
    • Tech Trainings = Visit the new 4J Tech Google Site for tutorials and guides for online tools including Google Classroom, Flipgrid, and digital assessments.
  • Repeat: 4J Wraparound Resources – Anne, Peter, and I are your contact for families in need. The 4J Wraparound Team email included a link to their Wraparound Resources for Staff Doc, which can help you locate what families need and continues to be updated daily. Please know we’ve heard from families who have no food because they are scared to leave their homes. Peter and Anne have been delivering food boxes to families either based on their request or simply because we know they could likely use the help. 

Some highlights added this week:

    • More food sites and a food box locator. Casa de Luz is one site open this Saturday where Spanish is spoken and they offer foods that are more familiar for many Latino families.
    • Info for families who receive SNAP benefits – increased emergency benefits and ability to order delivery from Amazon or Wal-Mart
    • Easier ways to apply for OHP
    • Links to tech support for parents in English and Spanish, including videos.

And linked here are the following flyers:

  • Schedule of Upcoming Events:

April 27 (M) 
     9:30am, Focus Class meeting
     10:00am, Peter, Anne, and Erin Attendance Meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch 
    1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 1-3

April 28 (T) 
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 4-6
     4-6:30pm, Student Locker Pick Up
     4-7pm, Peter on Job Expo Zoom Interviews

April 29 (W) 
     9:30, Focus Class Meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch

April 30 (H)
     11-12:00, Student Lunch

May 1 (F) 
     10:00am, Staff Meeting (optional)
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
     4pm, Attendance due

May 4 (M) 
     Teacher Appreciation Week
     9:30am, Focus Class meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch 
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 1-3

May 5 (T) 
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
     1-2:45pm, Office Hours on Zoom with periods 4-6

May 6 (W) 
     9:30, Focus Class Meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch

May 7 (H)
     11-12:00, Student Lunch

May 8 (F) 
     10:00am, Staff Meeting
     11-12:00, Student Lunch
      4pm, Attendance Due

Six and a half weeks left!

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