January 20, 2020

By gaston_e  

While we didn’t get the snow I had hoped for, having two 4-day weeks in a row isn’t too terrible.

  • New Fillable Major Referral – Rechelle updated the major referral to better match the information that needs to get entered in Synergy. I’ve updated the form on the “Behavior” tab on the blog. The document is also linked here. 
  • Winter Testing Window – Technically the winter testing window is open. It runs from Jan 1 through Feb 10. As a pilot school, we will test in February. If you are a math or ELA teacher, please plan 2 days toward the end of the month for the FastBridge assessment. For ELA, there are a series of assessments that will automatically load after the initial assessment. Students should take those as well. The system will tell them when they’re done. I’ll send out some more info about this soon. Additionally, we will create a plan to catch kids who were absent so we don’t miss assessing them.
  • Repeat: Tier 3 Academic Conferences – The Justice League Executive Team (Peter, Anne, Erin, and Rachael) are going to try conducting Tier 3 academic conferences with a few 8th graders who have established a pattern of failing 3 or more classes. The goal is to get student and parent perspective on what’s going on, help the student develop a plan to improve, and work with them to help them implement the plan. We will reach out to 8th grade team when each student’s plan is created. We are starting small and each taking on one student. Our hope is that this conference will become something we can scale to help more students.
  • Repeat: Fire Drill, Jan. 24 @ 10:10 – This Friday, we will have a fire drill during 2nd period. Please review your new red emergency folder for your line up spot. Also, to recap our staff meeting, bring your red folder to the field. Take attendance and raise your red (pink) sign if you need help and your green one if you have all your kids. If you have anyone extra or are missing people, please use your “Missing and Extra Persons” form. Please DO NOT send a runner to the person in the middle of the field unless you need to report an extra or missing person. After this fire drill, we’ll check in about how the new system worked. 
  • District Admin Updates – Three district admin updates. One, Lavinia Page, who is currently the assistant principal at Corridor/YG and Holt will be the principal of Corridor Elementary next year as they relocate to North Eugene High School. Two, Tom Piowaty, current principal of Corridor and Yujin Gakuen, will next year continue as principal of YG as they transition to their new location at Kelly MS. And third, Londa Rochholz, principal of McCornack Elementary, has decided to retire, leaving a vacancy at that building.
  • Admin Subs – On a semi-related note, the district has created a system for administrators to get subs when they’re out of the building and provide a way for those in admin programs to get practicum hours. In the past, teachers in an admin program had to take personal time to satisfy some of the required practicum hours. Now, when a building principal knows they will be out, an assistant principal will be asked to cover for them. Then, admin practicum students can cover for the assistant principal. There is a fund for this so admin practicum students don’t have to use their personal time to gain experience. If you, or someone you know, is in an admin program let me know and I’ll get them connected to take advantage of this offer.
  • Title IX and SB 155 – If you were unable to attend Friday’s meeting, please stop by and see Erin to learn more about Title IX and SB 155. The biggest takeaway is that if you see or suspect abuse or sexual harassment between students or between an adult and student, please say something to an administrator. The district, and state and federal law, have created a clear expectation that as mandatory reporters we are responsible to reporting any known or suspected incidences of abuse. Additionally, SB 155 lays out an expectation that school staff may not assist a colleague who was or is the subject of an investigation in obtaining a new position elsewhere by writing letters of recommendation, participating in reference checks without mentioning the investigation, etc. We recognize this a heavy topic – if you have any questions, please ask Peter and/or Erin. 
  • Motivating Students Who Don’t Care This article from ASCD details some reasons why students “don’t care” about school – which has little to do with how much they like their teacher – and how educators can take small steps toward motivating these students. One idea is instilling a sense of hope in students who have previously been disengaged. Overcoming the huge gap in the work and learning they didn’t participate in can make coming to class seem pointless. Offering those students hope by showing them how one responsible step can lead to positive change can help them get engaged. This is a practice Anne and I are using with some of our kiddos who aren’t regularly attending class or who are failing multiple classes. We’re asking those students to focus on one class to catch up in, with the support of a trusted adult, so they can experience success and use it as a motivating factor to keep going. 
  • Schedule of Upcoming Events:

January 20 (M)
     NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday

January 21 (T)
     8:30, Erin to Formal Observation Pre-Meeting    
     9:30, Erin meeting ISLA U of O Team
    12:45, Erin to Formal Observation and Debrief
    3:45, Peter and Erin to meeting

January 22 (W)
     3:45, Climate Team Meeting

January 23 (H)
     7:30, Justice League (Anne’s office)
     10:00, Peter and Erin meeting with Rob Hess

January 24 (F)
     10:10, Fire Drill
     2:45, Building-based PD – PLCs
     3:30, Grade Level Team meetings

January 27 (M) 
     7:30-11:30, Erin covering at Spring Creek
     2:15, Erin to AVID Secondary Meeting (downtown)
     3:45, Peter and Erin to MS Admin Meeting (downtown)

January 28 (T) 
     7:45, TLC Meeting (conference room)
     7:30-11:30, Erin covering at Howard
     1:45, Erin to Formal Observation

January 29 (W) 
     12:45, Erin to Formal Observation

January 30 (H)
    9:45, Erin and Anne to truancy meeting

January 31 (F) 
     No School – Grading Day (schedule TBA)
     K-8 EA Extravaganza 

Have a great week, y’all!


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