September 23, 2019

By gaston_e  

Greetings everyone! 

Thank you for all your hard work this week, especially the late night with Open House. We heard so many great things from families who love our school and kids who were excited to introduce you all to to their families. Here’s this week’s update.

  • Staffing Update – As Peter shared earlier this week, we were given .8 for additional staffing. We will use it to lower class sizes for 8th grade core classes. We won’t be able to do that within our current staffing, so we will need to do some hiring. The staffing allocation came with some requirements around which particular classes they wanted to have smaller in size. We will keep you posted as we plan for this additional staffing. 
  • Fire Drill Reflection – We nearly met our goal of 8 minutes from initial alarm to the all clear. We did it in 8 minutes and 15 seconds! Many thanks to all of your for a successful first drill. I have a few ideas for some minor tweaks to make the system run a little more efficiently. I’ll share them with TLC and then with the whole staff. As a reminder for next time, students should be as silent as possible when exiting the building. This is for their safety so they can hear directions if their route needs to change. Best practice is to have a few traditional drills and then to have a few unannounced drills that include blocking particular exits or holding the drill during passing period so kids and staff experience what a true emergency may entail. We want kids to practice the way we would expect them to behave in a real situation. I am happy to work with classes that might need additional practice. Once kids are outside and away from the building, quiet talking is fine as long as they can still quickly be quieted to hear any important information. Our next drill is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22 at 10:30. Here is the link to the current schedule for the year. This may change as the preschool has asked to look over the schedule so we can avoid having drills during nap time 🙂 The document also includes links to teaching materials for the different types of drills.
  • iPads at Beginning and End of Day – I’ve had a few questions about beginning and end of day routines. Here’s what we’re going with for now. If you have any questions, please let me know:

    • Picking up iPads – Students are expected to get their iPads first thing in the morning after they’ve visited their lockers. Students should not be asking to get into the carts after Focus time has ended. Carts will be locked after the first few minutes of Focus. If a student is on time to school and needs someone to unlock the cart because they didn’t get their iPad when they should have, that is a tech violation. If you’re unable to stop and unlock the cart for them, I would suggest either requiring them to do an alternative assignment or sending them to the office to get the cart unlocked. You will need to document that on the infraction google sheet.
    • Late Arrivals and Early Pick Ups – Students who arrive late will be escorted to the carts by an office aide. They have a cart key and will get the student’s iPad for them. Kids who leave early can drop off their iPad in the office when they leave and an aide will put it away for them.
    • Putting iPads Away – Students should not be dismissed early to put iPads away unless you are there to unlock carts and supervise. Carts will be unlocked when the final dismissal bell rings. We have some students leaving their iPads on top of carts, expecting others to put them away. This creates a lot of work for our colleagues. Please tell students they must wait until the carts are open and may not just leave their iPads on the carts for someone else to deal with. Doing so will result in an infraction.
    • Missing iPads – Many thanks to those of you who are documenting iPads that are missing from the cart at the end of  the day. We have 17 kids who cannot yet use iPads because of missing tech agreements. Other than those students, all the rest of the iPads should be in the carts, plugged in at the end of the day. 
    • Cart Managers – I will meet with cart managers ASAP. Please let me know who your managers will be and I will pull them for a quick training. I will also need to know how your grade level is managing locking and unlocking the carts. If a student will do it, please let me know where the key will be kept. I have extra keys if you’d like one for cart managers that will be kept somewhere secure in a room.
  • River Walk – We are revamping the River Walk this year. Our goal is to focus on community by including Awbrey Park and Spring Creek in our walking loop. We are still working out the parade path, but we have firmed up some of the details.

    • Lunch: We will have a BBQ lunch on the Awbrey Park Elementary field. We have decided to skip visiting the actual Awbrey Park. We may have the Awbrey Park 5th graders join us for lunch.
    • Prize Structure: Students will earn raffle tickets for fundraising and behavior. Everyone will get a raffle ticket in their envelope on day 1. There is a tiered structure for earning more raffle tickets based on how much you bring in in donations. Students earn 1 raffle ticket for every $5 they raise. Additionally, they earn more raffle tickets for turning packets in on time and teachers can give out raffle tickets based on student behavior during the river walk. Our goal is to ensure everyone gets to participate in the raffle regardless of ability to fundraise.
    • Prizes: Peter is meeting with Jason’s AVID class this Tuesday to get their input on raffle items and school-wide incentives. This year we will purchase raffle items, but the goal will be to seek community donations next year. We want the kids to help determine what the school-wide incentives will be if we hit particular fundraising goals. Some of our ideas include an additional activity night and a DJ at lunch. Again the goal will be for maximum participation rather than passively watching others get to do something, unless the kids tell us they think something else will work.
    • Themes for Focus Classes – check in with your Climate team leader, but we would love each Focus class to choose a theme for the River Walk. The class can dress up, build a “float” (ie: decorate a wagon or some other rolling device), choose and play theme music, choreograph parade moves, etc. Anything to build community and a sense of fun for the day. We will have the 5th graders at each school vote on their favorite classroom theme. The winner(s) will receive a prize (either more raffle tickets or some other group reward). Each class will need a box or container with a lid to collect their votes!
    • Dates:
      • Thursday, Oct 3 – Kick Off Assembly at 9am
      • October 15 – Donation Turn in day one (5 extra tickets for turning in on this day)
      • October 17 – Donation Turn in day two (2 extra tickets for turning in on this day)
      • October 18 – River Walk all day, BBQ lunch at Awbrey Park elementary
  • iPad Resources
    • Approved Apps – Visit the Instructional Technology website, click on Instructional Technology, then Apps and Websites to see the list of approved apps. These apps are available to be added to iPads upon request. If you want an app that isn’t on the list, click the link to complete an App Request Form. Misty and/or Justin will review the app, its purpose, and the privacy policy to ensure it meets district privacy requirements. If approved, you will be notified and it can then be added.
    • Digital Literacy and Citizenship – the tech department has compiled a list of resources for teachers on digital literacy and citizenship. Some links will take you to Common Sense Media. You’ll have to log in to access some resources, but your google account will work.
    • Parent Resources – They have also compiled resources for parents including which apps kids should and should not be using, how to vet YouTube channels, etc. Right now those materials are only available if you’re on the 4j network, but they are working on moving it to the open 4j website for parents. 
    • Staff Resources – If you’re looking for a good starting spot on implementing tech in the classroom, check out the resources on the Staff Resource page. Some pieces are fully fleshed out while others are in process as we roll out 1:1 across the district. If you have something great you want to share, send it to Misty Jackson at Let her know if there’s something you’d really like to see on the page as well.
    • Apple Classroom – Just a reminder that teachers should be using Apple Classroom to monitor student behavior when iPads are in use. If you need help getting Apple Classroom going, please contact Erin or refer to this guide for more information.
  • Grading and PD Day, Oct. 10 – The Oct 10 Building PD and Grading Day has been switched to a Grading Day in the morning and district tech PD in the afternoon. The tech training will be at South Eugene HS. There will be a group session and then a break-out session. They are currently looking for presenters. If you have something you’d love to share with other teachers or a topic you are really desperate to learn about, please let me know!
  • CPR/First Aid Classes – We will pay for staff who want to get certified or re-certified in CPR and First Aid. Classes are held at Howard from 4-8pm. Class Dates for 2019-2020 Wednesday, September 25th; Wednesday, October 23rd; Wednesday, December 11th; Wednesday, February 26th; and Wednesday, April 29th. To sign up, please complete this form and give it to Mary. We are also working on getting a group together so we can have the training here. We need 12 staff members to hold our own training. Please let Mary know if you’d be interested.
  • Observance of Religious Holidays  – This information was included in the Back to School Memo, but please avoid scheduling tests, major projects, essays, special events, etc…during religious holidays and the surrounding dates. See this email or the Back to School Memo (linked in the item below) for the key Jewish Holy Days, Christian Holy Days, and Muslim Holy Days.
  • ORSA Spanish Night for Juniors, October 3rd – The Office of Equity would like to get the linked fliers in the hands of our Latinx families and students (English flyerSpanish flyer). October 3rd, 5pm-8pm, they will have seven colleges with Spanish speaking representatives as well as 1:1 supports for students with parents needing to fill out the ORSA/FAFSA for financial aid. This event is specifically for mixed status families needed Spanish supports and/or those who would like to speak to colleges directly in a smaller setting. Dinner and childcare will be provided. I will have a stack of fliers available in the office if you would like to send them home with Spanish speaking families.
  • EPD Community Awards – The North Region SRO, Nichoas Reich, send principals an email that this year he’s focusing on developing positive relationships with our students. One way he wants to do this is by introducing a student recognition program. Nick is kicking things off by presenting a Community Award Certificate to a deserving student at each North Region school on a bi-monthly basis. Each month we will ask staff to name two deserving students who exhibit courage, integrity, selfless acts of kindness, volunteerism, or any other characteristic we want to encourage. 

    • Video: Students give clothes to student they had bullied. A good conversation starter around acts of kindness. 
  • Duck Football Educator Appreciation  – The next home game at Autzen Stadium for the Oregon Ducks Football team is on October 5th and is their Educator Appreciation game! This 20% discounted ticket offer is for teachers, administrators, staff members, anyone with a passion for learning, and their respective family and friends. See this link for the offer.    
  • Repeat: District Mandatory Policy Review for all Staff – DUE 9/30 – Linked here is this year’s District Back-to-School Memo, which covers a variety of district rules, policies, and guidelines. All staff must review the memo and sign & return the Check List Acknowledgment Form by Monday, September 30 to signify you have read and understand the memo.  Let us know if you have any questions. 
  • Repeat: SELCO Creative Learning Grants DUE 9/30 – Don’t forget about SELCO Educator Mini Grants for up to $1,000 to bring creative classroom ideas to life. Applications are due September 30. Visit for details and to apply. 
  • Repeat: Talent Ed Self-Evaluation and Safe Schools Training – Just a reminder to complete your Talent Ed Self Evaluation and your Safe Schools Training. Talent Ed self reflection is due September 30.
  • “I Thought I Understood What School Was Like for My Students of Color – I Wasn’t Even Close.” – See this WeAreTeachers article for links to a variety of equity related articles that offer perspective for white educators.
  • Pop-up Emoji keyboard – Here’s a tip for Mac users: Control+Command+Space reveals an emoji keyboard. Essential for all your emoji needs 😃
  • Schedule of Upcoming Events:

September 22, (Su) Peter and Queenie’s Birthdays!

September 23 (M) 
     Banned Book Week
     2:15, Erin to AVID Coordinators’ Meeting (Downtown)

     3:45, Erin to Middle School AP Meeting (Downtown)     

September 24 (T) Nikki’s Birthday!
     7:30, TLC Meeting
     8:15-11:30, Erin covering Allan at Howard

September 25 (W) Arleigh’s Birthday!
     3:45, Climate Team Meeting
     7-8pm, Student Success Act Community Conversation (ATA) Spanish translation & childcare provided

September 26 (H) Jason’s Birthday!
     7:30, Justice League Meeting
     4:15-5:15, Student Success Act Community Conversation(North Eugene HS) Spanish translation and childcare provided
7-8pm, Spanish Student Success Act Community Conversation (North Eugene HS)

September 27 (F) 
     2:45, Early Release PD – Building Based PD
     3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings

September 30 (M)
     3:45, Peter to MS Principal’s Meeting

October 1 (T)
     Regular Day

October 2 (W)
7:45, Staff Meeting (Library)

     8:00, Peter out all day at Equity Academy

October 3 (H)
     9:00, River Walk Kick Off Assembly

October 4 (F)
2:45, Early Release PD – Building Based PD

     3:30, Grade Level Team Meetings


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