June 18th, 2013

Caring For Kids

Here is a link the the Developmental Studies Center Website.

Here is the You Tube Channel for the Caring School Communities Program.

A high quality resource for meeting ideas and various ways to support curriculum can be found on the publisher’s website, The Responsive Classroom. They are the publisher of  the morning meeting book.

Proposed Expectations and Agreements about our CFK Program:

1. Daily Morning Meetings: Classroom teachers will run a morning meeting daily for 10-15 minutes.  All Title 1 and interventions will NOT pull out of morning meetings. The office will not interrupt morning meetings with announcements during morning meeting time.

2. All staff (classified and certified) will belong to a Caring Community. Non-classroom teachers will attempt to join a meeting at least twice a month.

3. Our school will integrate the Second Steps program three times a week in morning meeting and run regular morning meetings twice a week until all Second Steps Lessons have been covered. There will always be a greeting at the start of morning meetings.

4. Class Meetings: Teachers will run problem solving classroom meetings to cover certain topics throughout the year. The CFK Leadership team will make decisions in conjunction with PBIS about which lessons may be appropriate during certain times of the year. These will be set as needed but won’t exceed more than 60 minutes of classroom time per month.

5. Closing Meetings: The last 10 minutes of every day will be set aside for morning meetings. Teachers will attempt to meet for a closing most days.