August 26th, 2012

Teaching and Learning

The purpose of this page is to share lots of resources that may help us in our goal to provide interactive, engaging instruction in our classrooms.

Periodically, I will add videos, photos, or other media of interest to our field of education in our current education climate.

Here is the Zip Train access point:

Zip Train

Follow these directions to access the Differentiation Series

1. Register using you 4j email adress.

2. Log In

3. Select “Courses”

Select” 4j Differentiated Instruction”

Select “Training”

Within the site you can access training on TAG, ELL Strategies, and use of Lexiles.  When thinking about differentiation for areas such as math, science, or social studies use the Seven Strategies Training for building a working understanding of differentiation across all areas. There are dozens of 4j documents on the site that relate to TAG, and differentiation.


Please complete: #1, #2 and #8.  This fulfills our requirement for the TAG mandate. Also, consider watching the other modules on differentiation and ELL’s. They are great reviews of differentiation and how to use formative assessment in your classrooms.

Differentiation Overview Powerpoint Presentation

Understanding ADA 504 Law and the Students at Awbrey Park

Do you work with students who appear to have special needs?  Have you checked with the 504 coordinator to see if that student has a condition covered under the ADA Federal Law Section 504?  The powerpoint below should answer most of your questions. If you are an EA, Specialist, or Classroom teacher, this presentation will act as a good primer on what is required by law and might answer some questions about what you need to do to accomodate a child in the classroom. If you still have questions you can always contact Joel about any specific questions you have.

Click on the image below to watch the presentation:


A Math Lesson Makeover TED Talk- Tell me what you think.
