March 26, 2020
Yesterday was boring again. I have been playing a lot of basketball with my little brother. Sometimes this gets hard because if people are walking we have to stop and make sure to keep a distance.
I had school work in the morning and it was kind of rough. My mom wants to make sure I don’t get behind because I am getting better grades. I understand because I do want to be better but not the work.
It is hard being around my family ALL the time. I miss personal space.
My mom got a message from her old real estate agent. I guess when my doctor died a long time ago, she wrote a letter to the family. She tells me that she did it because it was only a year after my dad died and she understood their lost. Anyways, the wife of my doctor, with everything that is going on, wants to contact my mom. Because my mom’s letter affected her.
It is nice to know we can be brought together during this.