Entry #39

April 20, 2020

Along with pretty much everyone else, my daily routine has changed a lot. I am the type of person that needs to have some sort of routine in their day, so having to figure out a whole new routine has been hard. It is still not entirely perfect, of course, but I have a pretty good routine down so far. Here is my daily weekday routine during self-isolation:

7:00 am: Wake up to my puppy running into my room and trying to get on my bed. After that, I try to fall back asleep for a little while; I usually don’t, though.

Around 8:00 am: Get up and get breakfast, make my bed, and get my stuff ready for school. 

Around 9:00 am: Start school.

9:00-11:30 am: Do work on Google Classroom.

11:30 am-12:30 pm: Eat lunch and finish getting ready for the day.

12:30-3:00 pm: Do Zoom calls

3:00-7:00 pm: During this time, my family and I usually go on a walk, eat dinner, and do things around the house (chores).

Around 7:00 pm: Around this time, we all start doing our own thing around the house. I typically watch a show or read. 

Around 9:20 pm: My little brother goes to bed, and I get ready for bed, but I stay up for quite a while longer.

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