Entry #38


My daily schedule

7:30 – Wake up slowly and go downstairs for breakfast

7:40 – Make my own breakfast (usually something with eggs) then help clean up afterwards. 

8:00-  Go to my room and get ready for the day

8:40- Come downstairs and sit at the counter beginning to get everything ready to start online school.

9:00- Put my music in and start completing the daily assignments.

11:30- Go on a walk around my neighborhood with my family, sometimes our family friends join us.

12:30- Eat lunch and help clean up the mess.

1:00- Sit down at the counter and complete any assignments that I have not finished.

2:00- Watch Netflix

4:00- Eat a refreshing snack of fresh fruit.

4:20- Practice piano and search for new songs I want to learn on the piano.

4:50- Go play outside with my siblings. We usually ride bikes and compete in races.

5:30- Enjoy a yummy dinner.

6:15- Help with dinner clean up

7:00- Spend time together watching t.v. Shows (usually comedy shows ;).

8:30- Get ready for bed and brush my teeth.

9:00- Hang out with my mom, talk with her and we watch The Great British Baking show.

10:00- Go to my bedroom and try to fall asleep.

10:30- I usually fall asleep.


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